1.12 SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

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1.12 SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by SkyOne »


This is the bug report, discussion, and development thread of a single player User-Made Drake Campaign, Brave Wings, totaling 15 scenarios, including an epilogue.
The feedback thread is also here on Add-On Feedback Forum.

The campaign is supposed to be an intermediate level; however, some scenarios are possible to be harder than it, especially on HARD difficulty (although playing with drakes is generally harder than playing with the most of the other races).

Through a Drake story, this campaign includes the post story of Fate of a Princess campaign, during the Golden Age of Wesnoth.
On BfW 1.10.x - current Brave Wings version: 0.10.2 (no-longer developing)
Required BfW version: 1.10.x (probably playable on 1.9.12 and after)

The known issue on 1.10.x:
- some unit names do not show on the unit-profiles at "advances_to" (although they advance correctly) --> fixed on version 0.9.4

On BfW 1.11.x and 1.12.x: - current Brave Wings version: 1.1.6 (updated on Apr, 12th 2016)
Required BfW version: (1.11.15 - 1.11.16, and) 1.11.18 or later

The known issue on 1.12.x:
- ...

---<original post>---
Last edited by SkyOne on April 12th, 2016, 3:09 pm, edited 102 times in total.
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
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Re: 1.6.x SP drake campaign, Brave Wings

Post by Zamael »

Drakes need more love and I'm definitely going to check this out.
This is a shameless ad. It contains my campaign. Please enjoy it. All comments and feedback much appreciated.
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by blue »

Its nice to see a drake campaign

I played the first 2 scenarios on normal difficulty they seemed balanced and fun. Didnt noticed any bugs or anything. The "suprise" at the second scenario is nice :)

Only thing i noticed is that the dialogues have many grammar or syntax mistakes. I can rewrite them and post them here so u can put them in the scenarios if u like (i will not change the meaning of the dialogues i ll just correct them)
Last edited by blue on September 13th, 2009, 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by Zarel »

blue wrote:Only thing i noticed is that the dialogues have many grammar mistakes. I can rewrite them and post them here so u can put them in the scenarios if u like (i will not change the meaning of the dialogues i ll just correct them)
Someone who uses "u" as a pronoun has found grammar mistakes? This campaign must really have horrible grammar. ;)
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by blue »

Zarel wrote: Someone who uses "u" as a pronoun has found grammar mistakes? This campaign must really have horrible grammar. ;)
Ah come on now if u want to troll a thread u ll have to do better than that :D
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by SkyOne »

blue wrote:Its nice to see a drake campaign

I played the first 2 scenarios on normal difficulty they seemed balanced and fun. Didnt noticed any bugs or anything. The "suprise" at the second scenario is nice
Thanks a lot. I am glad to hear it. Actually, the first scenario is kind of fake.:smile: Hopefully, the bug-free continues until the end, but I do not think so.
blue wrote:Only thing i noticed is that the dialogues have many grammar or syntax mistakes. I can rewrite them and post them here so u can put them in the scenarios if u like (i will not change the meaning of the dialogues i ll just correct them)
Yeah, yeah! I have already found some mistakes myself. Helping English grammar and structure in the dialogue will be great! My credit list still has a lot of space in this campaign (you can PM me in that case because it will be too much.) although I will keep correcting it myself, too. English grammar is like WML for me. It just does not make scenarios unworkable even I write wrong.


Edit as notice:
The version 0.1.1 has been released.
The most of changes at this time are to correct English Grammar as reported in the dialogue. (passive sentence-->active sentence) I believe that there are some more mistakes, but they are less now.

A bug on the scenario 7 has been fixed. It was only one chance to end up the scenario, but it is supposed to work correctly, now.
The bug was reported by my Foap co-designer, mich.
Thanks, mich as usual.:smile:
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by docrock »

i must admit you did a lot of very careful balancing on this. i arrived in "Hidden Cave" on turn 40 of 45 at the last leader and thought to myself "how should i do this?". then i remembered "ooooh, i got two armageddon drakes, and well, i am going to use them", very nice, very tough, and very tight scenario. grats.
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by SkyOne »

Ooo, docrock. I am very glad to see you again.
docrock wrote:i must admit you did a lot of very careful balancing on this. i arrived in "Hidden Cave" on turn 40 of 45 at the last leader and thought to myself "how should i do this?". then i remembered "ooooh, i got two armageddon drakes, and well, i am going to use them",
Really? I actually did not balance it myself much, yet. It is balanced accidentally. To be honest with you, that scenario/map is written for another campaign, Fate of a Princess, as the part-3. I just switched it to this drake campaign. (the same thing to scenario 6 and 7) I should probably add a few turns each for that scenario because you are such a pretty good skilled player.

And two Armageddon drakes? So all Inferno drakes advance to Armageddon drakes in this campaign? Wow! It was planed at the first time, but I thought that code did not work, then removed on version 0.1.1. It is supposed to be only one in the entire campaign. I have to check it carefully. (see it is accidentally balanced.:smile:)
docrock wrote: very nice, very tough, and very tight scenario. grats.
Thanks so much. I wish I drink with you on some day and at somewhere although I prefer Led Zeppelin more than Jimi Hendrix.:smile: I could say that I am the same generation as you are. (a bit older though)
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by docrock »

Ooo, docrock. I am very glad to see you again.
thx. lots of campaigns to play, and i was ill for weeks, very.
And two Armageddon drakes?
hahaha. yerrr, meanwhile it's four of them, harrr. overkillish.
although I prefer Led Zeppelin more than Jimi Hendrix.
hah, the Zeps are also great, i just think of Pictures of a Matchstick Man, Stairway to Heaven and all of that era, maybe we could agree on something in-between, like, say, the Eagles (which, actually, have a wonderful live act of Hotel California on YouTube)?

besides that, if you did that "by accident" i'd have to grat you even more. really, this was one of those scenarios where you think you can't do it. and then, in a sudden all-out-no-weapons-barred assault everything cleans up. within (i still can't believe how effecient these drakes are) three turns.
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by SkyOne »

docrock wrote:thx. lots of campaigns to play, and i was ill for weeks, very.
Ooow. You'd better be careful. A bad flu is currently all over the would, and you are the precious user here.
docrock wrote:hahaha. yerrr, meanwhile it's four of them, harrr. overkillish.
Four of them? It makes the rest of campaign so easy for you. You might get 7~8 of them at the end.:smile:
How is their XP? Could you tell me it is 150 or 220? It is supposed to be 220.
docrock wrote:hah, the Zeps are also great, i just think of Pictures of a Matchstick Man, Stairway to Heaven and all of that era, maybe we could agree on something in-between, like, say, the Eagles (which, actually, have a wonderful live act of Hotel California on YouTube)?
Hehe.. sure! Eagles is great! I used to play a lot of their music when I was young, so did Doobie Brothers. I just saw Zeppelin's concert at Madison Square Garden 73' on TV last night. Even I have seen it before, it still impressed me a lot. That is why I mentioned. You know, they were so good because all of them are outstanding to play for each part, and their chemistry each other.
I'll check on YouTube anyway.:wink:
docrock wrote:besides that, if you did that "by accident" i'd have to grat you even more. really, this was one of those scenarios where you think you can't do it. and then, in a sudden all-out-no-weapons-barred assault everything cleans up. within (i still can't believe how effecient these drakes are) three turns.
Thanks a lot. I am glad to hear it. I was confused a little bit that I should use level=1 dwarf-bandits or level=2 for enemy's recruitment. Your comment makes me clear about it because I am creating games to be enjoyed, not to be frustrated.:smile:

Were all pickable items clear for you on that scenario? I mean which one is for what unit. They are possibly confusing.

thanks for playing.
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by docrock »

A bad flu is currently all over the would, and you are the precious user here.
thx again, it's good to hear that all the stuff i do and all the time i spend in playing beta campaigns is not wasted. i'd just wished it would have been a (however bad) flu. five weeks of Noro, Rota, Neurodermitis (type 3) and Neuromyosis made me think i would never leave that bed (yikes, and that toilet) again. i am still having trouble walking and typing, lost 15kg of weight and can hardly roll myself a cigarette but it's getting better, hell, it'll never friggin get me that easily.

so, no more whining, back to the point. i attached a savegame for you to check out for the special items, which actually were no prob sorting them to the right chars and the hp/xp of the various chars. i thought this to be more convenient than listing a crapload of units here.
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by SkyOne »

docrock wrote:thx again, it's good to hear that all the stuff i do and all the time i spend in playing beta campaigns is not wasted.
You're welcome. In fact, there are many many players and a lot of creators in Wesnoth, but not many users who play UMCs at random, then feedback them, like you do.
docrock wrote: i'd just wished it would have been a (however bad) flu. five weeks of Noro, Rota, Neurodermitis (type 3) and Neuromyosis made me think i would never leave that bed (yikes, and that toilet) again. i am still having trouble walking and typing, lost 15kg of weight and can hardly roll myself a cigarette but it's getting better, hell, it'll never friggin get me that easily.
Oh, my goodness! That bad? I have never lost 15kg in the entire my life even when I got appendix surgery. You must feel terrible. Sorry to hear that, and I hope that you will recover from them shortly.
docrock wrote:so, no more whining, back to the point. i attached a savegame for you to check out for the special items, which actually were no prob sorting them to the right chars and the hp/xp of the various chars. i thought this to be more convenient than listing a crapload of units here.
Thanks so much. The comment and the attachment are very helpful. It has actually made me so surprise how much level=3 (or 4) units you have at that point. Even Sergeant Tyngel has been Halberdier already. I will probably recall back to make all Inferno Drakes advance to Armageddon Drakes on the next edition because they look good on the map, and it makes the game more enjoyable, then add Angiddon as a custom unit.

I really appreciate you and your task.:smile:
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by docrock »

It has actually made me so surprise how much level=3 (or 4) units you have at that point.
(*smiles*) don't take this too serious, i'd consider myself a pretty experienced player. and i know how to level stuff (which, of coz is the key to anything). i just wanted to show that the items do work and you did very well in balancing and all that. actually, i am not even using my best units but the lvl1s. for upkeep. as you can see from the save. (ah well, a few of them really made it to lvl2 or lvl3 meanwhile. expensive.)
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by mich »

Hi SkyOne.
There is a problem after scenario 09_Tomahawk. It says unknow scenario 10_Dark_Ocean. Probably you have added scenario 10_Orcish_Newport later.
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Re: 1.6.x SP Drake Campaign, Brave Wings

Post by SkyOne »

mich wrote:Hi SkyOne.
There is a problem after scenario 09_Tomahawk. It says unknow scenario 10_Dark_Ocean. Probably you have added scenario 10_Orcish_Newport later.
Oh, yes, yes! You know everything what I tried to do.

This is the temporary solution. This is the scenario supposed to be. Nobody is able to finish it without this scenario. I will upload the fixed whole campaign soon.

Sorry, the players, and I appreciate the reporting a bug, mich.:smile:
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Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
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