New Campaign: Invasion of Eliador

Discussion and development of scenarios and campaigns for the game.

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New Campaign: Invasion of Eliador

Post by genosuke »

I just started working on a campaign, tentatively titled "Invasion of Eliador", about a mother, Ardella, who must warn her neighbors about a fleet of galleons approaching their peaceful island. She and her children must bring as many neighbors as possible to their territory before the enemies arrive.

So far, only two neighbor-recruitment scenarios are completed. To get to them, just move Ardella to the end of a completed path (the paths that don't end with a cave wall).

I didn't want to post the campaign at such an early stage, but I need some scenario ideas. The recruitment scenarios should be challenging but not too dangerous. They should also involve the two unarmed children.
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Post by Tux2B »

Nice, but, some drawings aren't done yet, and the scenario objectives aren't clear enough. What do you have to do in the second scenario?
"There are two kind of campaign strategies : the good and the bad ones. The good ones almost always fail because of unforeseen consequences that make the bad ones succeed." -- Napoleon
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Post by genosuke »

What drawings are you referring to? I hope the kid units are showing up because you can't solve the cave scenario without them. You're right about the scenario objectives. The objective of the Elf scenario is to visit as many villages as you can before the end of turns. The objective of the cave scenario is to get the kids close (within two hexes) to the monster units. They must still avoid being attacked by them.
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Post by Tux2B »

I can't see the kid's graphic
"There are two kind of campaign strategies : the good and the bad ones. The good ones almost always fail because of unforeseen consequences that make the bad ones succeed." -- Napoleon
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Post by genosuke »

Did you try restarting Wesnoth after downloading the campaign? The two kids are showing up for me.
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Post by genosuke »

I've added 4 more scenarios to the campaign. Two of them are probably too easy, but one of the easy ones requires that you complete a difficult scenario first.
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Post by Tux2B »

Yes, now I can see them (ver. 0.9.2)
"There are two kind of campaign strategies : the good and the bad ones. The good ones almost always fail because of unforeseen consequences that make the bad ones succeed." -- Napoleon
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Post by genosuke »

There's a new version on the campaign server. I'd appreciate some feedback (preferably negative) from anyone who's played the campaign. Are there any bugs? Which scenarios are too easy/hard/boring? Any ideas on how to improve the scenarios?

The next version will probably be complete. I just have two scenarios (including the invasion) to finish. I also have to make adjustments for different difficulty levels (only "easy" is coded).
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Post by ott »

The puzzles are quite interesting.

The initial map could perhaps work better if it was smaller (you could have a smaller map to start with, then switch to a large map later).

Haven't played your latest treasure map yet, but the previous version was pretty impossible -- those sharks would kill my units in one hit, and I ran out of sharkbait before I could even approach the chest.

If you are trying to encourage the scenarios to be solved in a particular order (eg. the elves in the villages needing a unit to get to the top of the mountain), perhaps these hints could be put somewhere in the main scenario. Once you enter a scenario that's it, no chance to go back and do another one first.

Right now I can't get past the bats in the "get the creatures from the caves" map, on Hard. The poor footpad infant keeps getting bitten to death. Will try another strategy, feinting to the west with the mother.
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typo: elves

Post by Ave »

Visits villages until turns run out

Also: if you did not visit a minimum of villages, it could be a loss condition, hmm?
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Post by genosuke »

The initial map could perhaps work better if it was smaller (you could have a smaller map to start with, then switch to a large map later).
Good idea. I'll shrink the map before I release the next version.
If you are trying to encourage the scenarios to be solved in a particular order (eg. the elves in the villages needing a unit to get to the top of the mountain), perhaps these hints could be put somewhere in the main scenario. Once you enter a scenario that's it, no chance to go back and do another one first.
Some scenarios are much easier if you have certain units. For example, the Yeti stands a good chance of killing at least one shark in the treasure scenario; and if you beat the dark sorcerer at reversi (next version), he'll help you defeat Randalf in the "statue" scenario.

I don't want to include too many hints about the order in which scenarios should be played. Maybe I should implement a "retreat" feature so that you can leave a scenario and try it again later.

Thanks for the suggestions.
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typo: human peasant village (southwest)

Post by Ave »

Greetings, Ardella
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Post by Ave »

Ok, how can i bring the kids close to the monsters without being attacked :)
They will surely reach me from 2 hexes away.

Ok, i see now, the bats don't play :)
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Post by genosuke »

Also: if you did not visit a minimum of villages, it could be a loss condition, hmm?
I'm not too fond of that map. There should be some sort of obstacle that prevents you from reaching the villages. When I redo the map, I might include the loss condition you suggested.
Visits villages until turns run out
Greetings, Ardella
Thanks :)
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Post by Ave »

Ok, a shark which can gobble up a dragon with a single bite is just too weird.
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