(W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14/1.16/1.18

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(W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14/1.16/1.18

Post by Ptitboul »

Feedback topic for BloodLust until it is complete.

Welcome to a world ruled with god-like living weapons!
Our hero will learn the existence of these weapons, and make an alliance with one of the most powerful of them, to start an adventure that will lead to many surprises.

Current status
This campaign is work in progress. Current version is 0.6.5.
All five scenarios of Part I are available. It is intended to be playable multiple times, with different choices leading to different evolutions of the hero and his team.
Part II will start where Part I finishes, with a possible choice of starting units taken from actual replays of Part I.

There are no dependencies, and there is original WML stuff.
Tested on 1.12.6, 1.14.16, 1.16.0 and 1.18.1, any feedback on what does not work with other versions is welcome.
Also working on iOS (iPad or iPhone) and Android.

Balancing the scenarios has been complex, because knowledge of what will happen next can make the player decide completely different strategies.
I welcome feedback on how you reacted the first time, and how you chose to play the next times.
This campaign takes its inspiration from the Bloodlust RPG from Croc, which takes some inspiration from Stormbringer from Moorcock.
Some of the mechanisms for managing the living weapons bear similarities with the brilliant campaign from Dugi, Legends of the Invicibles, but don't expect everything to work the same.
Updates of this campaigns are not anymore easily available for 1.12, because the add-on server has been disabled (viewtopic.php?t=55096). You can install BloodLust for 1.12 by downloading the addon for a more recent version of Wesnoth, and copying it to where 1.12 stores the add-ons. I will make sure that the campaign stays compatible with 1.12, because this (old) version has the advantage of being less cpu-intensive than the more recent ones.
Last edited by Ptitboul on August 6th, 2024, 10:06 pm, edited 13 times in total.
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by Ptitboul »

I got a few bug reports by PM. Thanks!

I am also in the process of making scenario 3, and it is likely that some units will achieve AMLA during this scenario.
Currently, I did not implement any AMLA mechanism. I don't want it to rely on unit types, and the work described in https://wesnoth.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47970 seems to do exactly what I want, but I don't see it published. Does anyone have news from hyper_cubed?
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by vghetto »


I don't know about hyper_cubed method, but you can have a look at my extra amla mod for ideas on how a generic type independent amla mechanism can be implemented.
https://github.com/virtualghetto/Heal_H ... n.cfg#L911

Have a look at Quickie_Fight/generator/scene.cfg for an example on how it is implemented from within a campaign.

I'm sure there are other maybe better examples out there.
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by Ptitboul »

Thank you vghetto. But I don't think that it will work for Wesnoth 1.12.
And what I wanted to do is that when a unit has a weapon (a specific [object]) then its AMLA are changed.
Apparently, according to https://wesnoth.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39432 "to make an amla system without custom unit .cfgs (...) isn't possible."

(edit) It seems to be possible with the trick described by Dugi, with only one custom unit_type: copy the unit into this custom unit_type that has all AMLA, have the player choose the AMLA with this other type, and then copy back the unit to its original type. It seems that I can add custom AMLA to all existing unit types. I need to test it on 1.14 too...

I have uploaded a new version 0.1.4. Very few changes, mainly the correction of some small bugs.
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by Ptitboul »

Version 0.2.0 is now uploaded.

It contains the third scenario.
Like the previous ones, this scenario can be played using many different strategies. But it is more complex than the first two scenarios.
You can look into the source code to find how I played the scenarios, but I think that it is more interesting to create one own's strategy.

(edit) Some additional comments on the third scenario: it is intended to be about 100 turns long. I know that this is a lot, I am not sure that all players will like this. That's why I am planning to include a way to leave this map (to do other things) and then come back. Nevertheless, as it is now, it can be played.

Any feedback is welcome. Feedback on the choices you made playing these scenarios, feedback on the weapon system, feedback on the AMLA system.
Last edited by Ptitboul on May 27th, 2021, 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by ydcl »

Hi, sorry for my noob question, but I'm interested to try this, but I don't know how to find this. Can somebosy explain how I can do to me plz ? Thanks in advance.
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by Ptitboul »

I am not sure that I understand the question.
If it is how to find where this campaign is, you should be able to connect to the add-on server from the initial screen of Wesnoth, and then you can browse through the list to find BloodLust, or type the name in the search bar.
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by ydcl »

What the hell ! I must be an idiot, but the only "b" I can find in the add-on server is "Bad Moon Rising" ! Help !
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by Ptitboul »

Indeed, I tested it with 1.15 but did not upload it to the 1.15 add-on server. Sorry.
Now version 0.2.1 is uploaded, on 1.15 too.
And I will update the title of this thread to mention 1.15.
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14/1.15

Post by ydcl »

ok, thanks
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14

Post by Yellowsilver »

Super campaign! Super concpet! Love it! Keep up the good work!

Though it is indeed not very balanced. I initially recruited quite a few peasants, which were all massacred. I gave Stormbringer to Elric, then recruited nobody else because I didn't feel I needed it, Elric is just invicible with Stormbringer.
Then I recruited on other unit to give it Sting. Though I believe I should recruit more units, it goes faster (btw., scenario 2 is not long enough IMO, I feel like I would have needed double the turns).
Also, many items don't work. Stormbringer and Sting work, but I coudn't equip any other. My WML skills are far from good enough to understand how the weapons work, so I'm not understanding either why some things don't work.
At some point in the second scenario I picked up Draupnir with a unit, but nothing happened. In the third scenario, I try to pick up Anaklusmos, but nothing happens again. See the save I attached, Anaklusmos is at the bottom of the map, you can take it with the other unit next to Elric.

Also find my replays attached.
BloodLust-Looking for more-Auto-Save13.gz
Save with Anaklusmos not working.
(139.81 KiB) Downloaded 197 times
BloodLust-Orc Camp replay.gz
(35.3 KiB) Downloaded 198 times
BloodLust-First Battle of Ogira replay.gz
(38.92 KiB) Downloaded 204 times
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14/1.15

Post by Ptitboul »

Hello Yellowsilver. Thank you for your feedback.

For the first scenario, indeed, the peasant are too weak. That's expected. They are not to be used to fight the orcs, but rather to have them move to the right locations. As I mentioned, each scenario is intended to be played many times.
In your replay, I see that you had a peasant in Ogira, which lured a wolf there, and then the city guards reverse the balance of the fights. Nevertheless Garath has been killed. I invite you to find a way to save him. It is possible, even on HARD difficulty. That's the use of the peasants that you recruit...
Note also that Elric is not invincible with Stormbringer. If you take too many risks, he will be killed by orcish archers.

I could not look at your replay after turn 10. BfW tells about an error "found side initialization in replay expecting a user choice" then it opens the "Info" menu, and then the software crashes.
It is around line 23110 of the replay, in case someone want to debug BfW.

For the second scenario, the replay becomes desynchronized around turn 17. I see that you have found Salmator, but not the elves. The number of turns seems to be sufficient, you finished one turn early. There are less turns in HARD difficulty, but it is doable too.
I don't see that you pick Draupnir in this replay. It is probably in another play of this scenario.
What makes you say that it is not working? What was the behaviour? If you tried to have the same unit wield many weapons, then the messages should explain why it is a bad idea.

For the third scenario, it seems that you were not careful enough, the wielder of Sting has been killed...
And you discovered a bug: the reason why you cannot take Anaklusmos is because there are two weapons located at the same place, and in that case the item picking events don't work.
I will correct this bug.
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14/1.15

Post by Ptitboul »

On the third scenario, I have looked into your savefile.

I have an hypothesis: did you play the first two scenarios with some version 0.1.x of the campaign, where scenario 3 did not exist, and then continue with the newer version of BloodLust? It seems that not all living weapons of scenario 3 are defined in your savefile.

The problem here is that I define all living weapons during scenario 1, and therefore if I add new weapons for future scenarios, one needs to restart the campaign from the beginning.
I know how to correct this. It will be corrected in a future version.
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14/1.15

Post by Ptitboul »

New version 0.2.2, where the most visible change is that with "shift-h" you can now see a "scenario help" with some spoiler on how I planned that this scenario can be played.

Also, for information, here are replays of the first scenarios at NORMAL difficulty level, with BfW 1.14, where you can see the choices I make when I want a quick and efficient victory.
BloodLust-Orc Camp revoir la partie.gz
(53.71 KiB) Downloaded 220 times
BloodLust-First Battle of Ogira revoir la partie.gz
(48.15 KiB) Downloaded 214 times
My campaign, Bloodlust, is is need of feedback!
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Re: (W.I.P.) BloodLust - SP campaign, with living weapons 1.12/1.14/1.15

Post by ydcl »

Hi, interesting campaign so far. Some questions : Why you can't equiped ring+weapon ? Because is not the same place. And can you give more infos, about the PJ who are geared ? For ex. The I don't know how works the "soul eater" capacity, and the different rings. I have to try a lot of saves, to see if I put the ring in the bagpack or if I use it right away.
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