Default Rats aka Rajovites Faction

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Default Rats aka Rajovites Faction

Post by Atreides »

I can find no posts about this so I may as well start one.

The rats are quite interesting, 5 unit types, 4 are rats, 1 is a lev0 peasant that can grow into a rat. The berserker and the bat max at level 2 but are probably overpowered. The berserkers can kill almost anything and the bats are impossible to dislodge off a village where they get 70/90 defense, can fight back with poison both melee and ranged. The other 2 rats have very long advancement chains, I have not even got to the level 5 ones in my large map game.

Every unit regenerates which is probably overkill.

Some units are lacking combat sound effects, graphics are OK. Descriptions are short and mostly identical as are the portrait pics.

Some units have a very odd trait in that once they reach max level they gain no xp at all anymore. Bug or design? Don't know.

All the units lack traits, again not sure if that is by design or an oversight.
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Re: Default Rats aka Rajovites Faction

Post by Atreides »

I've ported and uploaded it as version 0.7. Over the years of playing with this I've cleaned up the code a bit and fixed a few small bugs there were and that's all included. Oh and of course I fixed the few nitpicks I mentioned above.

My review above is accurate but fails to mention that these guys are FUN to play with. Somewhat overpowered I estimate which is why they are fun... That and you get to lead an army of hard to kill plague rats!

Have fun!
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