Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
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Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
Hi everyone!
This is the reference topic for the single player campaign: Xalzar Quest
It's a short campaign with only four scenarios and only two level of difficulty (I becoming increasingly lazy);
It was made in windows but should also work in unix; need the 1.14 version of BfW; there's the italian translation too.
The campaign narrates the adventures that, after the destruction of Saurgrath by the elves, brought the surviving saurians to find a new home.
The campaign has some special features:
- A day of 12 periods
- The only enlisted unit during the entire campaign is the Juvenile Saurian, a level 0 unit.
- When a Juvenile Saurian goes up in level there are 2 out of 3 chances that it becomes a Saurian Skirmisher, and 1 in 3 chance that it becomes a Saurian Augur
every feedback is welcome; have fun!
This is the reference topic for the single player campaign: Xalzar Quest
It's a short campaign with only four scenarios and only two level of difficulty (I becoming increasingly lazy);
It was made in windows but should also work in unix; need the 1.14 version of BfW; there's the italian translation too.
The campaign narrates the adventures that, after the destruction of Saurgrath by the elves, brought the surviving saurians to find a new home.
The campaign has some special features:
- A day of 12 periods
- The only enlisted unit during the entire campaign is the Juvenile Saurian, a level 0 unit.
- When a Juvenile Saurian goes up in level there are 2 out of 3 chances that it becomes a Saurian Skirmisher, and 1 in 3 chance that it becomes a Saurian Augur
every feedback is welcome; have fun!
- Posts: 1456
- Joined: August 26th, 2018, 11:46 pm
- Location: A country place, far outside the Wire
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
Generally, I like campaigns where you have a leader or two and a healer or two and, at least at first, you only can only recruit level 0. But not when they have next to zero chance to level up. I started playing this on normal, and it's just way too difficult for me.
The unit description for the Spells Master says in the text that it cures, but according to the abilities it loses cure when promoted from Icecaster.
Speak softly, and carry Doombringer.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: December 8th, 2012, 1:20 pm
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
On the first scenario the wolves aren't loading, does it require a specific unit package? It doesn't say it does in the install page.
“Those who rely on certainties are certain to be disappointed” - Drizzt Do'Urden
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
This is very strange;

Wolves are the same used in the mainline campaigns and coded in the folder data/core/units/monsters, and no special package is required to play this campaign.
Try to check if you have the wolves' cfg files in the directory.
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
The Departure
And I don't see any wolves. (The mainline lvl 3 wolf is called 'Direwolf'. Not 'Dire Wolf'.)
And your Saurian Tribalist demands upkeep.
You might want to consider using sprites from 'Reign of the Lords' for your saurian heroes, because those look better. More in line with the look of the mainline saurians.
Code: Select all
<Lua Error> game_error: unknown unit type: Dire Wolf
stack traceback:
[C]: in local 'cmd'
lua/wml-utils.lua:145: in field 'handle_event_commands'
lua/wml-flow.lua:6: in function <lua/wml-flow.lua:5>
And your Saurian Tribalist demands upkeep.
You might want to consider using sprites from 'Reign of the Lords' for your saurian heroes, because those look better. More in line with the look of the mainline saurians.
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
fixedKonrad2 wrote: ↑March 24th, 2019, 12:24 am The DepartureAnd I don't see any wolves. (The mainline lvl 3 wolf is called 'Direwolf'. Not 'Dire Wolf'.)Code: Select all
<Lua Error> game_error: unknown unit type: Dire Wolf stack traceback: [C]: in local 'cmd' lua/wml-utils.lua:145: in field 'handle_event_commands' lua/wml-flow.lua:6: in function <lua/wml-flow.lua:5>
Of course, he's a saurian, and all saurians are greedy

I saw those sprites, are very interesting; perhaps I'll use them for the sequel of this campaign.

thanks for the tips

Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
A small problem:
Saurgath was destroyed in winter. (See LoW - Costly Revenge for reference.)
Units that start out as Juvenile Saurians can only go up to lvl 1. They are somehow in a loop and advance to same unit over and over after bevoming lvl 1.
female Ogre -> Female Ogre
Wose Shamans can't gain xp. They are missing a xp macro.
Crossing the River
Why are the Mudcrawlers allied with my enemies?
Also, why the heck would that wose start north of the river?
Your campaign is missing the unit 'Lesser Dragon', making it crash when a Dragonling advances.
Crossing the River
There is no music in this scenario.
How do you expect me to win this scenario?
And as white_haired_uncle pointed out, your lvl 3 healer loses 'cure' after advancing.
Saurgath was destroyed in winter. (See LoW - Costly Revenge for reference.)
Units that start out as Juvenile Saurians can only go up to lvl 1. They are somehow in a loop and advance to same unit over and over after bevoming lvl 1.
female Ogre -> Female Ogre
Wose Shamans can't gain xp. They are missing a xp macro.
Crossing the River
Why are the Mudcrawlers allied with my enemies?
Also, why the heck would that wose start north of the river?

Your campaign is missing the unit 'Lesser Dragon', making it crash when a Dragonling advances.
Crossing the River
There is no music in this scenario.
How do you expect me to win this scenario?
And as white_haired_uncle pointed out, your lvl 3 healer loses 'cure' after advancing.
- Attachments
XQ-Crossing the River replay take 3.gz
- (29.56 KiB) Downloaded 374 times
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
Our heroes come back some month after.
Because they hate saurians? Or because they have an intellectual affinity with ogres?

I found them there, and they didn't want to move elsewhere!

Ops! fixed the same problem in the scenarios 3 and 4 too.
Need balancement?
That's because the level 4 unit have another cure ability.
bugs corrected in the 1.2.2 version
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
Unless you have a strategy for me as to how to beat this, yes.
No, he only has +12 heal (which says that it does not cure) and extra regenerate (which is clearly not a cure ability).
Regarding 'Crossing the River', I restarted from S1 again (that fix for the Juvenile Saurians) and now I played it way better, giving me a way higher chance for the next scenario. I'll tell you how it went.
piety -> pity
(but actually I'd suggest using the word 'kindness' instead)
I think you made some mistakes with the spawning points for the 'Lesser Fire Dragons' in Home Sweet Home.
Crossing the River seems to be doable if you managed to do well/okay in The Departure.
Up and Under
My leaders said that the elves are less than a day behind them (12 turns), but they didn't arrive yet even though it's already turn 13.
Is there any explanation as to why there are already Drakes? According to WoV (a new campaign for wesnoth mainline) they arrived after the Humans, but in the North, the Heart Mountains.
20%pierce -> 20% pierce
Code: Select all
<Invalid WML found> unknown conditional wml: [have_locations]
Code: Select all
Invalid WML found: unknown conditional wml: [have_locations]
20190328 20:57:56 error scripting/lua: game_error: unknown unit type: Kraken
stack traceback:
[C]: in local 'cmd'
lua/wml-utils.lua:145: in field 'handle_event_commands'
lua/wml-flow.lua:6: in function <lua/wml-flow.lua:5>
Murblum apparently doesn't have to move outside of the caves in 'Up and Under' despite what the scenario objectives said.
- Attachments
XQ-Crossing the River replay.gz
- (37.66 KiB) Downloaded 380 times
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
Hello Argesilao, thanks for all campaigns, they are great.
I am too making my campaign, and I don't know how to post it on add-ons server. Can you help me? I would really appreciate that.
I am too making my campaign, and I don't know how to post it on add-ons server. Can you help me? I would really appreciate that.
Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
first of all you have to create a file named server.pbl and put it in the campaign's folder.
you can create it using the same editor you are using to create the cfg files of your campaign
for example, this is the code of the server.pbl file of the campaign Xalzar Quest
Code: Select all
title="Xalzar Quest"
description="After the Saurgrath's destruction by the elves, a saurian named Xalzar leads what remains of his people in search of a new home.
(Single Player - Intermediate difficult - 4 scenarios)"
email="your email"
When the server.pbl file is ready, you have to go to the main page of the game, select add-ons and then connect;
Your campaign should appear in the list of available add-ons, with the writing, in green, ready to publish
now you have to select the shield in the left, the one with and arrow.
For more detailed information, it's better you look for the appropriate discussion in the forum, my english isn't adequate to give complicated explanations

Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
If 'feels' more fitting to me.

Re: Xalzar Quest (SP campaign for 1.14 BfW)
Thanks, I published it. Do those terms when publishing have some affect on me?Argesilao wrote: ↑April 1st, 2019, 9:47 pmfirst of all you have to create a file named server.pbl and put it in the campaign's folder.
you can create it using the same editor you are using to create the cfg files of your campaign
for example, this is the code of the server.pbl file of the campaign Xalzar QuestTo know more about how to create the server.pbl file it's better if you go here: https://wiki.wesnoth.org/PBLWMLCode: Select all
title="Xalzar Quest" type="campaign" icon="" version="1.2.3" author="Argesilao" passphrase="password" description="After the Saurgrath's destruction by the elves, a saurian named Xalzar leads what remains of his people in search of a new home. (Single Player - Intermediate difficult - 4 scenarios)" email="your email" [feedback] topic_id=49194 [/feedback]
When the server.pbl file is ready, you have to go to the main page of the game, select add-ons and then connect;
Your campaign should appear in the list of available add-ons, with the writing, in green, ready to publish
now you have to select the shield in the left, the one with and arrow.
For more detailed information, it's better you look for the appropriate discussion in the forum, my english isn't adequate to give complicated explanations![]()