New Settlers era

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New Settlers era

Post by enclave »

Please feel free to post any ideas, comments, bugs, requests, questions or whatever else regarding New Settlers era. I would really like to hear from you!

It is an era that should work no problems on 1.10.7 version of Wesnoth (at the moment of 2015-03-15). I think it is playable starting from 1.10.3, but I believe anything below 1.10.3 "MAY" cause problems or OOS.

I hope you enjoy it!
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by Eagle_11 »

On 1.12.1
18th Century South America and Valeria maps report illegal tile Ggf,
18th Century Europe and 18th Century North America maps report illegal tile Ggf^Efm (this tile is supposed to be Gg^Efm)
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by enclave »

Thank you so much eagle_11, will fix it in next update (update expected before 8th april, maybe even today).

Just to advise that recommended map for best experience in this add-on is in Random map section, NS Random Map.
Shroud ON should make it more interesting also.

Thank you very much again!
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by enclave »

Anyone who is no succeeding in making a "New Settlers" Era game against zombies, please you must follow these simple steps:
1) Open Wesnoth version 1.12
2) Before going to multiplayer game, Find Add-ons in the main menu. Click on it.
3.1) Choose "Update add-ons" if you already have an older version of New Settlers.
3.2) Or choose "Connect" if you still don't have any version of New Settlers add-on installed. Find New Settlers add-on and Install it.
4) Go to multiplayer or local game, create a game, make sure you put at least 1 AI side.
5) When game has started choose "Survival mode: Zombie Apocalypse", then choose the difficulty level. Enjoy!

PS. always check if there are any updates for your current version of New Settlers, because new version will always have new features, more features, more bugs fixed.. etc etc. So keep it up to date!
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by enclave »

If anyone has OOS (Out of Sync errors) and would like to help fix them.

I would be happy if players would save game on same turn and upload the save files here or in private message with specifying which version of New Settlers they have, which version of Wesnoth (1.12.0/1.12.1/1.12.0) and what Operating system (windows, Linux, mac.. etc)

OOS is when different players see same game different way.. different units, moves, etc..
example: one of players see zombie, another one see peasant in same place. then peasant dies, but for another player zombie is still alive.. so next turns it will move, kill somebody, create more zombie.. so basically players are all playing different game... because each player see different results..
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by LordAwsomeness »

Awesome add--on!! Loosely reminds me of Age of Empires. Keep up the good work!!
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by Merith »

Hi, I got a bit of a bug here whenever I use the New Settlers era. ;)
The first time I play with it, everything's smooth, but when I load it (like i play it last night, and then I wake up in the morning, wanting to load the game to continue), the outpost just converted into a regular outpost (meaning no attack, no blocking enemy) :shock:
This bug has proven to be very dangerous too, as in I can't build anything on it to replace the outpost, and the zombies/other players would just mow me down! :cry:
Please look into this problem and fix it? ^_^
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by IPS »

I'm taking a look into this, on 1.10 servers I have created a whole map pack for the settlers mod. If you're interested, I can help you at giving these and assisting you about general balance on there, I always wanted to see this project being continued.

Edit: I've tested the mod, when you click into Dovolente's settings it's not dovo's settings, it's the new settlers settings. Appart, all my maps were created in order to be ballanced in Dovolente's settings. Still, I would like to do changes to dovo's settlers with new aditions, if you acept that I could create a new version from the original.
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by Merith »

Yes, if you can fix it, that'd be awesome, thank you.
But why do you not post the map pack for the settlers mod for everyone?
And I am using the normal setting, not the Dovolente's setting.
Does this mean that I have to use the dovolente settings to play?
Thank you once again for looking into this problem.
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by IPS »

I can do a kind of pact, as I see the new settlers allow anyone plays dov's settings aswell then I will upload my map pack once again.

The reasson is that as I tested the new settings I noticed that villages needs to be atleast 3 squares away each one, thing that on most of my maps is an anoying fact because the maps size.
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by Merith »

well, about the map size, one can just use the random maps menu and create one, right?
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by enclave »

Hello LordAwsomeness, Merith and IPS
Thank you very much for your posts and ideas and feedback and bug reports.

I am so sorry that I could not reply to you all on time,
I had no time at all to spend on Wesnoth :( and unfortunately I still have no time at all..
But there is a (very small) chance that I will look into my mod again soon, but only for a short time.

Your feedback is very important to me and I will try to implement all of your suggestions on my next update (whenever I get a chance to do it). Unfortunately it will also depend on whether I would be able to finish my main update (Adding Orcs race to New Settlers) within reasonable time. Before I finish that (Orc update) I am unable to do any other updates (well there is a work around, but I wouldn't like to use it, for multiple reasons) or the game will be very broken and unplayable.

So to summarize:
1) Thank you LordAwsomeness, I continued the Dovolente's project (originaly I found it in DOV MAP PACK as DOV SETTLERS mod somewhere on server 1.10) because I really liked the idea.. and made some (hundreds of) changes and bug fixes.

2) Thank you Merith, I will have a look into it when I get some time. Sorry it's a bit late for you I guess.. But thank you very much for your report, I never noticed this bug so I will try to make it happen and fix it if I can.

3) Thank you IPS for your afford and support and offer to help.
a) Of course you can create a new version from the original, everyone is allowed to do it, I don't mind at all. The only problem would be that I would not be able to update it with new ideas and bug fixes (but at the moment I have no time to do any updates anyway, so there is nothing bad at all to make a new version from mine with your maps if you have will and time to do it)
b) I will try to find your map pack on 1.10 and save it into 1.12 New Settlers next update (when I have time to do it, hopefully in nearest future, but unfortunately in worst case you may wait for it for 2 years, I have no idea when my life will give me enough time for wesnoth). I will also add options to remove/change the 3 hex village rule (make it adjustable from 0 to 10.. or something) so your maps would be playable with New Settlers settings...
c) I hope to hear from you again in some future.. including all of your ideas about balance and everything else you may have in mind. Really Sorry for late reply to your posts. ;(

Anyone who has any ideas at all, I would be very happy to see them here.. Map packs would be even more appreciated because there are currently a lot of bugs with large random maps (5+ players).. I could even change some settings just to use with these maps if you liked.. (for example different terrains would give different bonuses etc.. sand could give food or gold or whatever else.. i'm opened to suggestions).

But, please note, I already have a list of 500+ lines of my own ideas and bug fixes and ideas of others, all the time I have to choose between some of them to be done first.. and some of them to be done after.. I'm trying to listen to everyone, and pay special attention to bug fixes first or if multiple people have similar ideas/requests/wishes. I am very limited on time and physically unable to make them all live straight away. Some of them may take years only because the other ideas may be first on the list and unfortunately I'm only 1 human person who may like some of the ideas more and some of ideas less.. But even if I dislike something I may add it to New Settlers as optional (for example Dovolente's settings.. I don't like them, but somebody requested to have them, and I don't mind at all). So please post here any suggestions, I will listen to everyone, you all are very welcome!
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by Zap-Zarap »

We are missing you on the MP server, Goddziiillla, come back soon !! :cry:
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by enclave »

Hello again IPS,
I have looked at your maps and they are nice, they have some idea behind them,
but at the moment the problem is that New Settlers would convert any sand or other unusable terrain into NS usable terrain, basically to flat dirt grassland etc.. So it would lose your main ideas behind the maps.

Good thing is that in some future I will either add another NS era, or NS modification or just an option in beginning of game to not convert but use sand, snow, ice, etc.. but with lower income of food etc.. for example if flat gives 5 food, sand will be giving 2 food.
Maps will be more versatile and fun, I expect. At that point I would gladly add your map pack to NS. At this point, please feel free to post your map pack on 1.12 but keep in mind that NS will convert the maps terrain into usable terrain.. which will change all your maps upside down and they will lose that "pearl" (idea) behind them.. and basically will look all quite like the same to each other.

Hey Zap-Zarap, it was so nice to see you again on server. Very good memories.. it was the very beginning of NS when we played together. I hope you doing great! And I hope I will have time to finish project in some future.. even if a distant one. And I hope we will play again some day :) Hopefuly I will also find way to make NS more enjoyable, less boring and a bit quicker and more fun :)
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Re: New Settlers era

Post by IPS »

Well, enclave we're in the same case except that I lost motivation temporally on wesnoth and because of this I've read you with some delay as well.

At a corresponding time I will check the new settlers version, have a general look of its balance and then in base of this I will be capable to make maps for the new settlers era as well a day I will continue making more Dov Settlers maps by following the old but very known sense of balance that I already know well.

For now I have no ideas to give at the moment, but I came to coment about some future pending work I'm going to do. The only missing stuff in my mapset is making any map works properly at 1.12 and to specificate that they're made for Dov's settlers.
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