Wat's Mods 1.3.1: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

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Wat's Mods 1.3.1: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

edit (May 2018): After having left Wesnoth for years, I tried to review my codes - but it’s too difficult for myself at this time to read. With real life getting busier, it looks like I have to abandon this project.

I made some modifications and eras for MP games for the BfW 1.12 branch.

Current version: 1.3.1 (May 9th, 2015)
Japanese translation is available.
My Challenges of Mod Design:
Latest changes: 1.3.x-:
For further details, see add-ons/Wats_mods/READ_ME.txt in the downloaded folder.
Mods and Eras included:
List of Mods and Eras:
I have to do, and I want feedback/advice about:

Gameplay Experience
How do you like these eras/mods? Something is bad for the gameplay and should be removed? Something is good but needs tweaks? Tell me!

Game-Balance Fix
Even when I make sure those eras/mods are mostly balanced, you might think otherwise. Tell me and I'll improve the balance.

There may be some bugs. If you find any, let me know.

Message Improvement
I suppose some of in-game messages are bad, especially in English. If somebody tells me better ones, I'll replace them.

Yet Another Era
I'll add an era to this pack if I get an idea which is interesting enough and/or fits my challenges of design.
Last edited by watbesh on May 2nd, 2018, 1:22 am, edited 10 times in total.
My MP Eras and Mods with core units and unusual gameplay (version 1.3.1 for Wesnoth 1.12)
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.1.0: Core Units and Unusual Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

Version 1.1.0 is up! :D

I added one modification, 'Time's up Mod', which does something similar to 'Turn Over Advantage' in the default eras (if you don't know, try an MP game with an extremely short Turn Limit). While I couldn't test another fix (Handicap Mod's P2 income) due to a bug (likely not on my side), it's a small one and should be fixed (in theory). I'll check it by myself after fixing the bug. (edit: now actually fixed.)

I have another reason to post here and bump this thread... I'm trying to do something about the balance between factions in Patchwork Era. I don't like it when a player gets Skeleton while his opponent has no powerful impact/fire attackers and becomes sad.

I already have a solution which is, in very short, 'toss Mage into every single faction and hope they can take skeletons down'. (cancelled due to its complexity in coding and other settings.)

edit: I'm working on another, more feasible solution; after a couple of turns, each player can see opponents' recruits, and pick one unit that can defeat enemy's defensive unit (or just add a useful unit). This requires a little more study about Lua code, so it will take time.
Last edited by watbesh on January 15th, 2015, 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.1.2: Core Units and Unusual Gameplay!

Post by tamanegi »

Hi watbesh, :D

I don't have any good ideas about the balancing on random leader/recruit list.. Instead, I wanna report some bugs (and workaround for them).

Code: Select all

        {VARIABLE luck_hit $luck_hit_percent}
        {VARIABLE_OP luck_hit multiply 0.01}
        {VARIABLE luck_damage luck_damage_percent} # <-here!
        {VARIABLE_OP luck_damage multiply 0.01}
The first one is in Accuracy and Damage Mod (luck_utils.cfg), you might forget to add or accidentally remove a $ before luck_damage_percent in the start event.

The second one is about untranslatable strings in the Handicap Mod (hc_utils.cfg), you mentioned in the first post of this thread. If you expand IF_VAR macro which wraps the untranslable string, the untranslatable strings may become translatable. (I don't know why, though.) For example, once a conditional macro in hc_utils.cfg

Code: Select all

                    {IF_VAR hc_allow_gold boolean_equals yes (
and its closing parenthesis are replaced by a standard WML,

Code: Select all

the message inside the block (Change your start gold...) will be translatable.

You may suspect my suggestion, but please try to do it. ;)
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It is true that we cannot be free from bugs, but at least let our bugs not always the same...
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.1.2: Core Units and Unusual Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

Thanks for the report! I'll look into them and fix them soon-ish. Also, I'm very happy to see someone trying my eras/mods.

Now I have an alternative idea for Random Recruit's balancing. This might ruin a small part of its fun, but it should be much easier to code and run (and doesn't involve calculating whether Bowman beats HI or not).

Bugfix and Balanced Patchwork will come with separate patches; bugfix first, translation and balance later.

edit: The reported bug is (hopefully) fixed on 1.1.3. I also tried tamanegi's solution on translatable messages, but it only moved the issue, didn't removed it. I suspect something else in my coding is wrong.
My MP Eras and Mods with core units and unusual gameplay (version 1.3.1 for Wesnoth 1.12)
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.2.0: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

1.2.0 is up!

I made an experimental balance change to Patchwork Era. This is very beta-ish, but if you want pre-1.2.0 gameplay, disable the "Counter-Recruit" option and it should be fine.
This allows you (and your opponents) to add one type of unit to the Recruit List AFTER seeing players' Recruit Lists.
How this works:
...Also, I'm gathering feedback. If you find something problematic, or if you have a solution for a problem here, tell me and I'll consider.
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.2.0: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by tommy2teeth »

Thank you for making the mod, my friends and I use your Times Up Mod more than any other mod.

Really enjoy your Times Up mod, but it does not work for Ageless Era exactly like it does for other eras. At the end of a game (for example 25 turns), when using the Ageless Era, it just says "defeated," like in the end of a normal game without using the Times Up mod. When 25 turns are over, and using other eras, there is a colorful listing of teams with the overall score, this does not happen at the end of a game using the Ageless Era.

The Times Up mode, when using the Ageless Era, does allow you to call for a decision at any point of the game, but it does not automatically trigger a decision at the end of the game (when turns are up). Hope I made sense here and there is a remedy to this small issue.
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.2.0: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

Hello tommy2teeth! Thanks for playing with my mods.
tommy2teeth wrote:At the end of a game (for example 25 turns), when using the Ageless Era, it just says "defeated," like in the end of a normal game without using the Times Up mod. When 25 turns are over, and using other eras, there is a colorful listing of teams with the overall score, this does not happen at the end of a game using the Ageless Era.
It's working as I intended if you can call things from the right-click menu. (edit: It's supposed to allow you to end a game earlier than its option allows, usually for your real-life emergency things.) Your issue is probably because of the Ageless Era's lack of the {TURNS_OVER_ADVANTAGE} macro (or a "turn over" event), which does the colorful listing you see in other eras (Time's up Mod doesn't do such a fancy thing). You might also want to report this issue to the Ageless Era's creator/maintainer.

But I think I can fix this with my mod. I'll do some coding this week and probably the next.
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.3.0: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

1.3.0 is up! :lol:
There're mostly usability changes (easier and more accurate Time's up Mod, Adding cancel to some mods' options, ...), but the biggest change here is the addition of the Notifier Mod! It has no gameplay effect at all (just like the Time's up Mod), instead it gives information when you lose a unit or a village.

Bug reports and gameplay improvement suggestions are always highly appreciated.

EDIT - 1.3.1 is up, but the changes are so small that I don't think I have to bump up this thread. Now Notifier Mod shows dead units' traits so you won't fail to notice a loyal unit's death. And bugfixes.
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.3.1: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by LordVandor »

I love these mods,but damage and accuracy mod only works on the vanilla eras :/ I use that mod to reduce the luck factor which is present in pretty much any era.
Is there a way to make it usable in any era?
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.3.1: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

LordVandor wrote:I love these mods,but damage and accuracy mod only works on the vanilla eras :/ I use that mod to reduce the luck factor which is present in pretty much any era.
Is there a way to make it usable in any era?
Thanks for the reply!
I limited the use of Dmg&Acc Mod to the defaults (and Patchwork/Blind) because it can mess up other eras - specifically, abilities and weapon specials which affect damage and chance-to-hit.

I'm not changing the era limitation, but you can remove it. Find add-ons/Wats_Mods/mods/luck.cfg, open it with a text editor, find a line

Code: Select all

allow_era= era_default, era_khalifate, era_heroes, era_khalifate_heroes, wat_Patchwork_{WAT_VERSION}, wat_Blind_Faction_{WAT_VERSION}
and delete this line. Just take a back-up before doing it.
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Wat's Mods and modularity

Post by Can-ned_Food »

I would recommend that you split these apart to separated add–ons. That would make it easier for people to download the ones they want and to see which were affected by updates. But, moreso, because some of your mods might be redundant with other mods that they already have or prefer for some reason. The list of available MP Mods can get quite long.

Then, if you wish, release an add–on which includes nothing of its own, but which bundles up all the others as Dependencies. That one would be Wat's Mods.

On the whole, though, most of these look quite unique and interesting. I especially am intriqued by the Time's Up — if it's been used prior, then I never saw it.
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Re: Wat's Mods and modularity

Post by watbesh »

Can-ned_Food wrote:I would recommend that you split these apart to separated add–ons.

Thanks for the reply!

I have been away from Wesnoth very long, and probably I'm not re-uploading them very soon. However, when I get another opportunity (maybe some time after the next Stable release), I'll make sure I upload my Mods as separate add-ons. I actually suspect there're already some add-ons with gameplay similar to Patchwork Mod.
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.3.1: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by Ben24626 »

Thanks for making this I've been enjoying the patchwork era recently. It kind of seems that some units appear more frequently than others, am I imagining this? (orc leader, mud crawler for example)
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.3.1: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by watbesh »

Ben24626 wrote:It kind of seems that some units appear more frequently than others, am I imagining this?
Thanks for the reply!

As I check the in-game variables, the recruit candidates are stored in one array and picked randomly. So recruits should be chosen equally.

On the other hand, Red/White Magi appear twice each in leader-candidate list, once for Loyalists and once for Rebels, so they're actually more likely to show up. Oddly it seems it's not done to Mage in the recruit list. Perhaps I'll fix it in either way.
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Re: Wat's Mods 1.3.1: Core Units and Unique Gameplay!

Post by ForestDragon »

although it might be complicated, could you make Blind Faction Picker/Patchwork era modifications that are compatible with any era?
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