Dawn of Thunder [SP campaign for 1.16.x]
Moderator: Forum Moderators
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Dawn of Thunder [SP campaign for 1.16.x]
After quite some time working more or less intense on my add-on i decided to release it to get some feedback. It's called "The Rising" the kind of typical "elf goes out of forest, and saves the world" campaign that nearly every new campaign creator makes, and it aims to be much more epic than it actually is.
I tried to use original art but of course I have taken very much art of the forum. (I think I've read every art topic of the last 4 years, and added everything useful to my resources collections. Special thanks go to Alternatic who created a custom sprite for me, and Wtactics who let me use their artwork. If I forgot to credit you, or you don't want your art used, then please contact me.
Also, thanks to everybody on the forum who helped me, with my wml questions, and especially to adamant 14 who helped me with my first steps of coding until the uploading of the campaign.
It is in no way finished, so don't play it, if you want fully working, bug free campaigns. If, on the other you are interested in helping me in some way, may it be bugs, writing issues (especially writing issues, I'm no native speaker), ore suggestions, then you are welcome to post these here, or to message me per pm.
known issues and places where feedback is most important for me:
So yeah have fun with it 
I tried to use original art but of course I have taken very much art of the forum. (I think I've read every art topic of the last 4 years, and added everything useful to my resources collections. Special thanks go to Alternatic who created a custom sprite for me, and Wtactics who let me use their artwork. If I forgot to credit you, or you don't want your art used, then please contact me.
Also, thanks to everybody on the forum who helped me, with my wml questions, and especially to adamant 14 who helped me with my first steps of coding until the uploading of the campaign.
It is in no way finished, so don't play it, if you want fully working, bug free campaigns. If, on the other you are interested in helping me in some way, may it be bugs, writing issues (especially writing issues, I'm no native speaker), ore suggestions, then you are welcome to post these here, or to message me per pm.

known issues and places where feedback is most important for me:
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-it is unfinished
-the writing (I'm not a native english speaker)
-units lack proper portraits and sprites (i don't even want to talk about animations :augh: )
-a lack of sound (I play wesnoth without music and sounds, so animations and cutscenes may lack proper sound)
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-bugfix of the scenario 3 events (introduced in 0.1.5)
-fixed shadows on some sprites
-added transparency to M'brin's portrait
-New map for scenario 2
-Later waves in scenario 3(after turn 22) now have a higher chance to spawn higher lvl enemies
-minor fixes for scenario 10
-scenario 12 (halfly) done!
-animations for the elvish Glavier (again thanks to forestdragon!)
-Bugfixes mentioned by RainerT
-added animations to the elvish glavier (Big thanks to ForestDragon from the Forum who made them without being asked. :D You're awesome man!)
-New animations and sprites for the Wose shaman and the rogue mage line
-Minor text corrections
-added a message explaining the miners in scenario 10
-scenario 11 done!
-rework of the introductions (maybe one day I'll be satisfied)
-there are now obstacles on the rails
-Made M'Brin stronger in scenario 10
-Campaign now has the same Icon on server as in the campaign menu
bugfix: scenario 10 should now work as intended
text corrections in multiple scenarios
bugfix:early finishing bonuses and gold carryover
appropriate objectives for scenario 2
scenario 9: added more flat terrain and set a turn limit
-bugfix:Harendoions soulless gets an appropriate portrait
-bugfix:Corrected a variable name in scenario 3 that corrupted savefiles
-(minor)text revisions in nearly all scenarios
-Scenario 2: Harendoion now appears as mounted variation of a soulless and has portrait
-An easteregg to be found (don't cheat and look in the code!)
-fixed the desccription of fallen faeries and dark woses
-added the death speeches for heroes to scenario 9
-small changes to scenario 3's ending
-checked all units abilities and special notes and corrected them if necessary
-scenario 8 was rebalanced for easy, changes were made to the big bad orc and his push event (it finally works as intended and the animation sequence is better)
-scenario intros were made into one line again (still not completely satisfied, open to ideas)
-autumn faerie and natures avatar get a different ability in scenario 9
-scenario 10 added
-added death dialogue for maeblie in scenario 7
-changed the egoist trait to increase the experience need by only 70%
-formatted the spawnevents for scenario 3 to use the [switch] [case] syntax
-added messages for the first selection of Fiannon and Naia, explaining their unusual advancements
-Gave the player control of allied sides
-renamed chapter 2 to: "Of stones and beards"
-balancing of scenario 8 especially for hard difficulty
-fixed smaller bugs appearing in the stderr.txt (multiple unit types with the same id, wrong linked images, wrong animation syntax, deprecated ai code, capitalized letters that shouldn't be, setting 0 as empty value instead of "", wrongly accessed variables, referring to music not existing, hitting a borderline case for wml)
-undead spawns in scenario 3 are now completely random
-switched from LOYAL_UNDEAD_UNIT to GENERIC_UNIT as both give the unit the undead trait but the latter doesn't makes them loyal
-fixed the timing of events in scenario 3
-removed bats from the spawnlist of scenario 3 as they don't fit the mood of the scenario
-victory in scenario 2 and 3 now fires directly after the last unit was killed instead of after clicking on "end turn"
-gave the naga in scenario 5 the effects of the ring too, as he is supposed to wear it (that should also give a little hint)
-proper notification when there is only 1 wave left (also change to [switch][case] syntax) for scenario 3
-fixed a bug where the unit taking the caravan for one of your leaders wasn't unstored
-balanced Oenoch to have 50 hitpoints more, which should make rushes harder
-made it impossible to attack the big bad Orc in scenario 8 (he says funny things when you try it! [anybody's welcome to submit more funny things for him to say!]))
-When you (try to) kill them in scenario 8 Bodo and Urhuga are now fleeing (again!)
-modified the Intro screens to each scenario
-fixed a bug in scenario 3 which couldn't be ended early because of false use of the [then]-tag
-different traits for the loyals you get
-Ronurs death in scenario 7 is now better animated using [harm_unit]
-rework of the unit spawning system in scenario (better than before, but not completed)
-added wave counter to scenario 3
-set a turn limit to scenario 3
-using [interim_text] for better intros to scenarios
-turn limit on scenario 8
-added gold carryover instructions to every scenario
-balancing on scenario 8
-Limwen and Rothilion are now less likely to be hit in the first few turns of scenario 3 and 5
-changed map 1 and 2 to have less dependence on the quick trait
-small dialogue changes in scenario 1,3,4
-added more 10 more turns on each difficulty to scenario 1
-Alasar now always advances to an elvish hero, because it fits his character more
-added a sound to Naia appearence in scenario 2
-added an event to scenario 1 related to the tunnel, which might trigger the trolls appearance in advance, if the player is too good.
-less and weaker enemies when Lirak walks away in scenario 2
-corrected wrongly displayed message in scenario 3
-scenario 8 Is now part of chapter 2 "Darkness and Despair" (chapters are arranged similar to LoW)
-New add-on icon for the server
-altered description
-altered filenames to fit 1.12 add-on server
-uploaded to 1.12
-support for the [feedback] tag added onwards from 1.11.8
-updated description
-added [avoid] tag, to keep elves from attacking from water in scenario 8
-changed the map, to give the elves a better defense on the isle an another hint where tunnels are in scenario 8
-the victory event didn't triggered, if another unit moved to the tunnels in scenario 8
-removed Raief from the objectives in scenario 8
-fixed missing ' in scenario 8
-wrong portrait for naia corrected
-dying dialogue for Rothilion (scenario 5) added
-changed the start gold in scenario 8
-fixed a typo in scenario 7 (bowmen instead of bowman)
-fixed the village problem in scenario 1&2
-new sprites for the corrupted woses
-finished chapter 1 (added scenario 8)
-dying dialogue for silam added
-adjusted the [endlevel] tag of scenario 6
-removed the underscore from the name
-moved the unitmarker to a different add-on, which now affects all campaigns
-changed the boss icon of Oenoch to be only a midboss
-adaptations to the dialogue parts in scenario 4 and 5 to fit with scenario 10
-improvements to Fiannons and Limwen's portrait
-corrected the journey of scenario 7 which looked bad
-small dialogue changes
-fixed the micro ai for M'brin, who didn't move, if other units were at the target location
-modified Alasar to distenguish him more from other units, made him need more experience also
-gave the player the ownership of all the villages north of the river, and the one next to the bridge in scenario 2
-gave the enemy more income in scenario 2 to counterbalance
-fixed the (now for version 1.11.7) unneeded micro ai configurations
-fixing the uppercase name folder for elvish unit images
-small changes to scenario 1
-improvents of scenario 7 including a playlist
-bugfixing in scenario 6
-new portrait for Fiannon
-reduced the size of the add-on by ca. 2MiB
-corrected the id's of Naia unit type
-various bugfixes and code improvements
-new scenario nr. 7
-worked on scenario 6, you might need to restart it to be able to play scenario 7 correctly
-cleared a few bugs in the mircro ai's, which i set up wrong
-modified some existing micro Ai's, added some others when needed
-replaced a non-working filter in scenario 6
-gave the player another warning about the bandits
-modified the bandit spawning event in scenario 6
-fixed a few typos in scenario 6
-modified some critical wml, which was likely to cause errors
-fixed a bug in treewalk ability
Minor corrections to the writing, false variables and heavily reduced the orcs gold in the first scenario.
fixed a missing macro who made it impossible to start

Last edited by Paulomat4 on December 29th, 2016, 4:20 pm, edited 28 times in total.
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising add-on campaign for 1.11.6+
Seems like i still had some non defined macro in there, but it should work now. just update the campaign.
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising add-on campaign for 1.11.6+
uploading version 0.0.3. reduced the gold of the enemies in the first scenario, and fixed some non-working variables. Also I made some corrections to the writing.
what is still to do:
what is still to do:
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising add-on campaign for 1.11.6+
Version 0.0.4 Is uploading to the Server.
Thanks for 47 downloads, YAY! 
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-modified some existing micro Ai's, added some others when needed
-replaced a non-working filter in scenario 6
-gave the player another warning about the bandits
-modified the bandit spawning event in scenario 6
-fixed a few typos in scenario 6
-modified some critical wml, which was likely to cause errors
-fixed a bug in treewalk ability

Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
Re: The Rising add-on campaign for 1.11.6+
Don't be discouraged, your campaign is for the bleeding edge version of Wesnoth 

Re: The Rising add-on campaign for 1.11.6+
Scenario "Deep Forest" did not start on level hard
error message
---> game_error: creating unit with an empty type field
error message
---> game_error: creating unit with an empty type field
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising add-on campaign for 1.11.6+
that's because scenario 7 "deep forest" isn't finished yet. I have disabled it it newer versions, but I assume you have a rather "old" version installed. (like 0.01 or 0.0.2) scenario seven should come out like in the middle of the next week or on the weekend. But thanks for playing my camaign.
So far, how did you liked it?

Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
uploading 0.0.5 to the server
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-worked on scenario 6, you might need to restart it to be able to play scenario 7 correctly
-cleared a few bugs in the mircro ai's, which i set up wrong :annoyed:
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
version 0.0.6 is uploading to the server.
Due to id changes old savefile won't work anymore, but I can Edit them for you, so you might continue. Version 0.0.6 inlcludes the new scenario 7. Balancing feedback would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: uploading a fix, which will make the scenario end. Also weakened the faeries a bit.
Due to id changes old savefile won't work anymore, but I can Edit them for you, so you might continue. Version 0.0.6 inlcludes the new scenario 7. Balancing feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Code: Select all
-corrected the id's of Naia unit type
-various bugfixes and code improvements
-new scenario 7
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
No, he isn't. I was rather a bit disappointed how easy I could finish him.Paulomat4 wrote:Spoiler:

Author of Antar, Son of Rheor ( SP Campaign) | Development Thread + Feedback Thread + Replays of ASoR
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
uploading version 0.0.7 to the server. It should be compatible with old saves. I fixed a few errors, but there's nothing big. Scenario 8 is still in the making, so don't update if you want some really new things.
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-improvents of scenario 7 including a playlist
-bugfixing in scenario 6
-new portrait for Fiannon
-reduced the size of the add-on by ca. 2MiB
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
Some early issues, I can't see my leader! Also but less important is that there is no image in the campaign select menu or for easy level, but I assume these are known. On 1.11.7.
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
No, i don't have these issues, being on 1.11.7 myself. Which scenario are you talking about? I'm gonna have a look at it this evening.
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
The first scenario is as far as I got because of the missing graphic.
- Paulomat4
- Moderator Emeritus
- Posts: 730
- Joined: October 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
- Location: Wesmere library, probably summoning Zhangor
Re: The Rising [SP campaign for 1.11.6 and later]
hmmmm, it seems that you are missing the images for the thunderer line. can you please go to images/units/elves/elvish-thunderer and look for the thunderer sprites?
Creator of Dawn of Thunder and Global Unitmarkers
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl
"I thought Naga's used semi-automatic crossbows with incendiary thermite arrows . . . my beliefs that this race is awesome are now shattered." - Evil Earl