Draconian Era (mainpost edited)
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Draconian Era (mainpost edited)
Hello. I decided to edit the mainpost to a proper format.
Draconian Era
I've been making an era for a couple of weeks, there are no graphics, only these temporary images, although I've put a tiny bit effort into generating mood with the images. The era is something I had started planning long time ago, and a couple of features came from older ideas, which I think I had even posted about on this forum at some point.
The era is multiplayer oriented and it is primarily intended for use in multiplayer games, at some later point, it might be viable for campaign or scenarios, but as of now and probably always, it is not compatible with Default and default based scenarios or campaigns.
As it is a work in progress, everything is very much unbalanced. I have not even played a single game yet, despite there being 7 factions sketched up already. So it's probably full of terrible flaws.
There are no advances sketched yet. I am undecided on how this part is going to be made later on, but I want to reduce the healing on advancement effect somehow. That is if a level1 unit is at 24/25 experience, it in practice has more hitpoints, than if it was a level 2 unit. I don't want to "remove" leveling, but I want to reduce this unnecessary effect, so that units get maybe 8hp. So if the unit is at 51/60 hp and the 2nd level version has 75 hp, then upon leveling the unit gains the difference between levels = 15 hitpoints and 8 extra points. So then it will be at 74hp upon leveling. If it is at 10/60 and levels, it will be only at 33/75. But it requires some adjustment and overall I'm undecided on this. Any thoughts?
Also second part is that I want some units to have a "veteran advancement" so that some units will behave this way:
Level 1 unit -> Level 1 unit + Veteran ability -> Level 2 (+ veteran?)
Movement system: The movement system is changed from default to a different one, as well as the unit movement profiles have been changed.
At some point I think I will make an alternative mode with standard movement
The base cost of movement is changed to higher value, like 3 on flat for infantry:
Pros: This allows for greater sensitivity in adjusting unit movement, because when the base cost is for an example 3 for an infantry unit, you can allow for a 33% increase-ops in movement cost, because the next step is 4. So mathematically this method provides superior adjustability to normal base 1 movement.
1. It's visually less pleasant (you see 15 momevent points instead of 5)
2: It's cognitively less pleasant (you have harder time thinking how each unit moves)
3: It only makes a difference once the unit movement is carefully planned - the base system is versatile enough to suppot for an example the movement of units in default, so it's clearly not crippled, and any real benefit from changing to a more sensitive system can only manifest after careful balancing or tuning of movements.
Movement Profiles, Movement system: The standard scout,cavarly,flyer,infantry profiles are changed considerably.
Scout: Typically moves 5 hexes on flat
A scout is typically a unit which has slightly more evened out costs on terrain, like 3 flat, 4 hills.
Flyer: Typically moves 4 or 5 hexes on flat, some move 6 (as of now quick owl, and witness orb)
A flyer is a unit which can usually move on all terrains the same way, so if there's an obstacle, like a swamp, they can usually ignore it in terms of movement cost. There are some exceptions.
Cavalry: Typically moves 5 or 6 hexes on flat
A cavalry unit has higher step up in movement costs, their base cost is 2 for flat, and they usually have 4-7 costs on terrains, so their cost per hex increases slightly more on average than infantry does. Since units move on flat+other hexes, this though means that cavalry usually moves the same distance as infantry, when moving over a single terrain hex.When there are several terrain hexes, like 3 forests, then infantry is usually faster.
Infantry: Infantry typically moves 4 or 5 hexes on flat
Infantry units have a range of terrain costs from strongly increasing costs to very lightly increasing costs
So to sum it up, all units are slower on average and it's harder to get visual information.
There are quite a few of abilities which in default are seen mostly on level2 units or in campaigns etc. For an example units with stealth abilities are not present in default for multiplayer games.
Terrain resistances & ranged / melee combat differentiation
Terrain resistances
The hex each unit is standing upon can modify the resistances of the unit through the use of abilities and effects. For an example, standing on sand increases cold resistance, but reduces fire resistance. This is mostly done through a passive ability that all units have, except for flyers, which have a different passive ability flying. Flyers have their resistances mostly the same regardless of the terrain.
In default era the difference between attack_mode_1 and attack_mode_2 is not defined by a ruleset, but the contents of each attack_mode. In other words there is no particular difference between ranged and melee, they're the same, and promote initiative, because attacker makes the decision of which attack_mode is used in the exchange. However I am not saying that they would lack the mood of ranged melee combat. The goal however is to create mechanics which will actually make ranged attacks more like ranged attacks, and melee attacks more like mele attacks.
Since melee/ranged can't be filtered in [resistance] ability, I had to try and work around to create mechanics which adjust resistances only in certain type of combat. I did this by creating a weapon_special "melee" and another "ranged" which are given to all units, but are hidden and not seen in the gameplay. This allows modifying unit resistances based on combat range and other factors. For an example Forests increase units lightning resistance in ranged combat. This actually is because trees are likely to be hit by lightning, and in a forest the unit is less likely to be hit therefore, but I didn't implement the modification as a chance to hit effect, and instead used a range filter. This however uses a [damage] clause with weapon type, so it doesn't apply to weapon_specials like electrocute. Unfortunately it also seems these mechanics don't function correctly, for an example "iaido" is supposed to give blade resistance to the unit in melee combat only, but it also gives resistance to the opponent, which I am not entirely sure why, but I believe it has to do with both units having the ability, and I would need to add somekind of unit specific thing like {TYPE} into it.
Flyers are also more likely to be hit by lightning attacks, this is achieved by filtering for the flying dummy ability and using a Lightning special on ranged lightning attacks.
Abilities & WML in the Era
If anyone wants to use the abilities in the era, I've mostly set them up so that they're named like draconian_ability and so forth, and if someone wants to use them in their era, then it's easier this way because you can just change the "draconian" into "your_era" etc. However, there's a lot of bugs.
Speaking of that I also have mimiced abilities from other eras, most namely I guess "stun" from under the burning sun, I wanted to create a zoc disabling ability, and it was there so. Others I think are "Terror" - well i wanted to make a negative leadership ability, and I think it was in Nightmares of Meloen? Well anyway I thought the name is a perfect match for the ability. There's also "attack_only" and "defend_only", but I suppose that's not really the same idea, since you don't have a check box in the [unit_type] tags for that.
Mostly it's been about trying to learn WML and seeing how it works. In anycase majority of similarities with other add-ons are coincidential or convergent (except for mainline(except for ghast, which was coincidential/convergent))
Here's a list of abilities in the ERA:
weapon specials:
Touclan: This is a samurai styled faction and has units which originate mostly from Feudal Japan. This faction has versatile cavalry, versatile infrantry, but is lacking heals (has a cure poison) and is very limited on magical damage types, supported by couple of utility units. Their infantry and cavalry combined has very good dynamic and they can make up for these deficits by using units carefully. As of now the faction is somewhat imbalanced. Also the "iaido" ability s not functioning correctly. Most units in this faction can also receive the loyal trait. The faction needs a new name, by the way. :DD
Emberforge: The dwarven faction. This is remotely similar to default, and then again it isn't. There's a poacher and a thief, and a bulwark which have somekind of counterparts in default. Other than there are several differences, priest, cleric. Dwarves have the sturdiest units of the factions on average, I get a feeling that the faction is missing something. In addition to the dwarves there are 2 gnomes and an iron golem, which has no upkeep, and is a flak unit of sorts. Dwarves have good access to lightning and holy damage from Priest and Stormhammer, as well as a considerable source of Fire damage from Gnome Tinker, lack of effective impale damage is their primary weakness in that sense.
Cabal: Cabal is the first vampire faction to be introduced in the game. It has very strong dynamic, and is probably very much off-balance. Although it's a "vampire" faction it only has 2 vampires, Cabal Matriarch, which has a very effective ability called "coercion" which is used in combination with the minions. It is also a level 2 unit and expensive, so it's hard to get one, pays more upkeep and you basically have to choose between 1 of them or 2 heaper units, even 3 if you compare it to 3 orc slaves, which have no upkeep, and are very cheap. Vampires also have this aura that allows stealing life from adjacent allies and enemies, they deregenerate. They have also very profound weaknesses ranging in the types of fire, holy, arcane, impale, or lightning depending on which unit we are looking at. Vampire Warrior is very dynamic and strong unit, but is also expensive at 25 gold, and because of these weaknesses it is hard to recruit many vampires, but they do a good job in combination with the cheaper units. The minions are especially useful in the Cabal faction, orc fighter, orc slave and ghoul servants being key units - they provide an important meatwall for the otherwise powerful units with specific weaknesses. Once I get to balancing phase, I'll probably have to adjust the strengths of this faction.
Ranger's Cove:
Ranger's Cove is the smallest faction in terms of unit count. They're also very neatly optimized, they don't have very sturdy units (except for warden, which is considerably resilient), but have a wide range of abilities, and have important ways of protecting themselves from magical damage types, as well as have access to some important ones them selves. One of the central units in the faction is a unit named "Empath" - it has a charm attack, in otherwords it can steal animals from the opponent. This is very strong ability, and it causes this to be kind of black & white in the sense that as soon as recruiting animals then is not logical for the opponent. This also renders the Empath slightly useless, but it can still heal animals. The original idea was that an empath was required to recruit animals, but later I came to the conclusion that recruiting an empath would make recruiting animals cheaper (as in the costs they have now would be increased, and then decreased again if the empath was present).
Styx: The 2nd vampire faction, they have 3 vampires. This faction is considerably different from the 1st vampire faction, despite some superficial similarities. They have much weaker minions for starters, their primary damage type is cold, which is also (as of now) one of the weakest magical damages available, but that is a relative point, since for an example some factions strongly resist arcane/holy. Anyway they can recruit undead which are sort of the real minions of this faction. But the basic idea is still similar to Cabal. You have expensive vampires, and you also have cheaper units, which are necessary to support vampires, but also are in working order even without the vampires.
Chadzin Creed: This faction is versatile and is much similar to the samurai faction in that sense, and a bit different profile for lighter infantry, but are slightly weaker in terms of versatility otherwise. The idea is though to create this blend of military hierarchy or discipline, and these "native american" types. Anyway they also have 2 guard units with ability guard duty, which gives a gold advantage. Enforcer and legionnaire both have shield now, I think I'll remove it from one of them, but couldn't decide which one.
Sublime Cabinet: This faction basically has mages and spiders. They have a rather powerful abilities, but are much weaker than other factions in terms of physical damage and physical resistances. Cabinet has access to versatile magical damage types as well as effective control abilities, paralyzing or slowing units, reducing cold resistance, and such. Cabinet therefore has dynamics which in terms of default you could probably easiest visualize as a combination of elvish shamans and dark adepts. It's going to be hard to balance this faction eventually. The "Witness Orb" of the faction is somehow the corner stone of it, expensive scout that is utteruly useless in combat.
Bavarian Horde: The bagorian horde consists of barbarians, primitive brutes. In terms of mechanics and dynamics, they could be considered as something analoguous to a merger of Drakes and Orcs, medium cost crude units. They have none or very limited ranged attacks, practically no access to magical damage types, no particular armour, but all their units are somewhat mobile, due to not having armour, they don't have any particular weaknesses in terms of magical damage, but all units are near zero in terms of physical resistances. Their strongpoints are higher than average damage, mobility, they ignore terrain penalties, but neither have any good terrain defenses, and they will have the highest amount of hitpoints per unit among the factions. In addition to this all units in the Bagorian Horde will have the trait fearless, and are either chaotic or neutrla. Simple brute force dynamics. Therefore this faction will be most efficient against the "Sublime Cabinet", a matchup which favors the Horde, as well as having slight advantage versus the Ranger Cove, but are somewhat even against the remaining factions, which of most troublesome to deal with will be Cabal, because the Horde has no efficient counter againts the vampire warrior in particular, but will also have similar problems against the Naginata, Enforcer, Legionnaire. Except that I just decided to add a female barbarian with an impale dmg spear which is a valid counter for the vamp warrior so that problem is solved, to make the opposition a little less black and white and also because horde would get too much trouble from cavalry without. Also changed the name to Bavarian instead of Bagorian.
This faction will also be the faction with the least number of different kind of units, as in they may have 6-7 different units, but a choice between two-three different weapons for some units, so they will have a higher total count of units than the ranger's cove but lower count of different unit types.
The theme of this faction can be visualized by thinking of Arnold / Conan the Barbarian
Rogueleague / League of Rogues: This faction I thought would be a collection of roguelike units from all the other factions + some units of their own. I also got this "imposter" ability idea for a vampire faction, but now am considering of creating a unit "vampire assassin" which ahas the imposter ability and is part of the rogue league. one way or another, there's probably going to be a rogueleague, but whether or not there's gonna be a 3rd vamipire faction ( two is kind of many already ) is open. On the other hand I really like the imposter ability idea, so I'd like to put it somewhere. Setting or moodwise vampire assassin seems a like a very good candidate (as in using the ruse of impostering another unit to accomplish those deeds) plus it fits the theme of this faction excellently.
Out of the factions created so far this would probably mean the following units(plus their own units):
Touclan: one of the ninjas + ronin
Emberforge: Thief (and (probably not) gnome spy)
Cabal: Black Knight (well that's not a rogue but anyway)
Styx: None (but shade, shepherd are considerable options)
Ranger's Cove: Guerrilla + Huntress(maybe)
Chadzin: 2-3 of the following: Warpath, Cuthroat, Lookout, Swashbuckler
Cabinet: Stalker + Sorciére(maybe)
Horde: None (probably)
Anyway I'm getting tired of writing so I'm ending this here and fixing it later
Ps. I've not added league yet
Draconian Era
I've been making an era for a couple of weeks, there are no graphics, only these temporary images, although I've put a tiny bit effort into generating mood with the images. The era is something I had started planning long time ago, and a couple of features came from older ideas, which I think I had even posted about on this forum at some point.
The era is multiplayer oriented and it is primarily intended for use in multiplayer games, at some later point, it might be viable for campaign or scenarios, but as of now and probably always, it is not compatible with Default and default based scenarios or campaigns.
As it is a work in progress, everything is very much unbalanced. I have not even played a single game yet, despite there being 7 factions sketched up already. So it's probably full of terrible flaws.

There are no advances sketched yet. I am undecided on how this part is going to be made later on, but I want to reduce the healing on advancement effect somehow. That is if a level1 unit is at 24/25 experience, it in practice has more hitpoints, than if it was a level 2 unit. I don't want to "remove" leveling, but I want to reduce this unnecessary effect, so that units get maybe 8hp. So if the unit is at 51/60 hp and the 2nd level version has 75 hp, then upon leveling the unit gains the difference between levels = 15 hitpoints and 8 extra points. So then it will be at 74hp upon leveling. If it is at 10/60 and levels, it will be only at 33/75. But it requires some adjustment and overall I'm undecided on this. Any thoughts?
Also second part is that I want some units to have a "veteran advancement" so that some units will behave this way:
Level 1 unit -> Level 1 unit + Veteran ability -> Level 2 (+ veteran?)
Movement system: The movement system is changed from default to a different one, as well as the unit movement profiles have been changed.
At some point I think I will make an alternative mode with standard movement
The base cost of movement is changed to higher value, like 3 on flat for infantry:
Pros: This allows for greater sensitivity in adjusting unit movement, because when the base cost is for an example 3 for an infantry unit, you can allow for a 33% increase-ops in movement cost, because the next step is 4. So mathematically this method provides superior adjustability to normal base 1 movement.
1. It's visually less pleasant (you see 15 momevent points instead of 5)
2: It's cognitively less pleasant (you have harder time thinking how each unit moves)
3: It only makes a difference once the unit movement is carefully planned - the base system is versatile enough to suppot for an example the movement of units in default, so it's clearly not crippled, and any real benefit from changing to a more sensitive system can only manifest after careful balancing or tuning of movements.
Movement Profiles, Movement system: The standard scout,cavarly,flyer,infantry profiles are changed considerably.
Scout: Typically moves 5 hexes on flat
A scout is typically a unit which has slightly more evened out costs on terrain, like 3 flat, 4 hills.
Flyer: Typically moves 4 or 5 hexes on flat, some move 6 (as of now quick owl, and witness orb)
A flyer is a unit which can usually move on all terrains the same way, so if there's an obstacle, like a swamp, they can usually ignore it in terms of movement cost. There are some exceptions.
Cavalry: Typically moves 5 or 6 hexes on flat
A cavalry unit has higher step up in movement costs, their base cost is 2 for flat, and they usually have 4-7 costs on terrains, so their cost per hex increases slightly more on average than infantry does. Since units move on flat+other hexes, this though means that cavalry usually moves the same distance as infantry, when moving over a single terrain hex.When there are several terrain hexes, like 3 forests, then infantry is usually faster.
Infantry: Infantry typically moves 4 or 5 hexes on flat
Infantry units have a range of terrain costs from strongly increasing costs to very lightly increasing costs
So to sum it up, all units are slower on average and it's harder to get visual information.
There are quite a few of abilities which in default are seen mostly on level2 units or in campaigns etc. For an example units with stealth abilities are not present in default for multiplayer games.
Terrain resistances & ranged / melee combat differentiation
Terrain resistances
The hex each unit is standing upon can modify the resistances of the unit through the use of abilities and effects. For an example, standing on sand increases cold resistance, but reduces fire resistance. This is mostly done through a passive ability that all units have, except for flyers, which have a different passive ability flying. Flyers have their resistances mostly the same regardless of the terrain.
In default era the difference between attack_mode_1 and attack_mode_2 is not defined by a ruleset, but the contents of each attack_mode. In other words there is no particular difference between ranged and melee, they're the same, and promote initiative, because attacker makes the decision of which attack_mode is used in the exchange. However I am not saying that they would lack the mood of ranged melee combat. The goal however is to create mechanics which will actually make ranged attacks more like ranged attacks, and melee attacks more like mele attacks.
Since melee/ranged can't be filtered in [resistance] ability, I had to try and work around to create mechanics which adjust resistances only in certain type of combat. I did this by creating a weapon_special "melee" and another "ranged" which are given to all units, but are hidden and not seen in the gameplay. This allows modifying unit resistances based on combat range and other factors. For an example Forests increase units lightning resistance in ranged combat. This actually is because trees are likely to be hit by lightning, and in a forest the unit is less likely to be hit therefore, but I didn't implement the modification as a chance to hit effect, and instead used a range filter. This however uses a [damage] clause with weapon type, so it doesn't apply to weapon_specials like electrocute. Unfortunately it also seems these mechanics don't function correctly, for an example "iaido" is supposed to give blade resistance to the unit in melee combat only, but it also gives resistance to the opponent, which I am not entirely sure why, but I believe it has to do with both units having the ability, and I would need to add somekind of unit specific thing like {TYPE} into it.
Flyers are also more likely to be hit by lightning attacks, this is achieved by filtering for the flying dummy ability and using a Lightning special on ranged lightning attacks.
Abilities & WML in the Era
If anyone wants to use the abilities in the era, I've mostly set them up so that they're named like draconian_ability and so forth, and if someone wants to use them in their era, then it's easier this way because you can just change the "draconian" into "your_era" etc. However, there's a lot of bugs.

Speaking of that I also have mimiced abilities from other eras, most namely I guess "stun" from under the burning sun, I wanted to create a zoc disabling ability, and it was there so. Others I think are "Terror" - well i wanted to make a negative leadership ability, and I think it was in Nightmares of Meloen? Well anyway I thought the name is a perfect match for the ability. There's also "attack_only" and "defend_only", but I suppose that's not really the same idea, since you don't have a check box in the [unit_type] tags for that.

Here's a list of abilities in the ERA:
weapon specials:
Touclan: This is a samurai styled faction and has units which originate mostly from Feudal Japan. This faction has versatile cavalry, versatile infrantry, but is lacking heals (has a cure poison) and is very limited on magical damage types, supported by couple of utility units. Their infantry and cavalry combined has very good dynamic and they can make up for these deficits by using units carefully. As of now the faction is somewhat imbalanced. Also the "iaido" ability s not functioning correctly. Most units in this faction can also receive the loyal trait. The faction needs a new name, by the way. :DD
Emberforge: The dwarven faction. This is remotely similar to default, and then again it isn't. There's a poacher and a thief, and a bulwark which have somekind of counterparts in default. Other than there are several differences, priest, cleric. Dwarves have the sturdiest units of the factions on average, I get a feeling that the faction is missing something. In addition to the dwarves there are 2 gnomes and an iron golem, which has no upkeep, and is a flak unit of sorts. Dwarves have good access to lightning and holy damage from Priest and Stormhammer, as well as a considerable source of Fire damage from Gnome Tinker, lack of effective impale damage is their primary weakness in that sense.
Cabal: Cabal is the first vampire faction to be introduced in the game. It has very strong dynamic, and is probably very much off-balance. Although it's a "vampire" faction it only has 2 vampires, Cabal Matriarch, which has a very effective ability called "coercion" which is used in combination with the minions. It is also a level 2 unit and expensive, so it's hard to get one, pays more upkeep and you basically have to choose between 1 of them or 2 heaper units, even 3 if you compare it to 3 orc slaves, which have no upkeep, and are very cheap. Vampires also have this aura that allows stealing life from adjacent allies and enemies, they deregenerate. They have also very profound weaknesses ranging in the types of fire, holy, arcane, impale, or lightning depending on which unit we are looking at. Vampire Warrior is very dynamic and strong unit, but is also expensive at 25 gold, and because of these weaknesses it is hard to recruit many vampires, but they do a good job in combination with the cheaper units. The minions are especially useful in the Cabal faction, orc fighter, orc slave and ghoul servants being key units - they provide an important meatwall for the otherwise powerful units with specific weaknesses. Once I get to balancing phase, I'll probably have to adjust the strengths of this faction.
Ranger's Cove:
Ranger's Cove is the smallest faction in terms of unit count. They're also very neatly optimized, they don't have very sturdy units (except for warden, which is considerably resilient), but have a wide range of abilities, and have important ways of protecting themselves from magical damage types, as well as have access to some important ones them selves. One of the central units in the faction is a unit named "Empath" - it has a charm attack, in otherwords it can steal animals from the opponent. This is very strong ability, and it causes this to be kind of black & white in the sense that as soon as recruiting animals then is not logical for the opponent. This also renders the Empath slightly useless, but it can still heal animals. The original idea was that an empath was required to recruit animals, but later I came to the conclusion that recruiting an empath would make recruiting animals cheaper (as in the costs they have now would be increased, and then decreased again if the empath was present).
Styx: The 2nd vampire faction, they have 3 vampires. This faction is considerably different from the 1st vampire faction, despite some superficial similarities. They have much weaker minions for starters, their primary damage type is cold, which is also (as of now) one of the weakest magical damages available, but that is a relative point, since for an example some factions strongly resist arcane/holy. Anyway they can recruit undead which are sort of the real minions of this faction. But the basic idea is still similar to Cabal. You have expensive vampires, and you also have cheaper units, which are necessary to support vampires, but also are in working order even without the vampires.
Chadzin Creed: This faction is versatile and is much similar to the samurai faction in that sense, and a bit different profile for lighter infantry, but are slightly weaker in terms of versatility otherwise. The idea is though to create this blend of military hierarchy or discipline, and these "native american" types. Anyway they also have 2 guard units with ability guard duty, which gives a gold advantage. Enforcer and legionnaire both have shield now, I think I'll remove it from one of them, but couldn't decide which one.

Sublime Cabinet: This faction basically has mages and spiders. They have a rather powerful abilities, but are much weaker than other factions in terms of physical damage and physical resistances. Cabinet has access to versatile magical damage types as well as effective control abilities, paralyzing or slowing units, reducing cold resistance, and such. Cabinet therefore has dynamics which in terms of default you could probably easiest visualize as a combination of elvish shamans and dark adepts. It's going to be hard to balance this faction eventually. The "Witness Orb" of the faction is somehow the corner stone of it, expensive scout that is utteruly useless in combat.
Bavarian Horde: The bagorian horde consists of barbarians, primitive brutes. In terms of mechanics and dynamics, they could be considered as something analoguous to a merger of Drakes and Orcs, medium cost crude units. They have none or very limited ranged attacks, practically no access to magical damage types, no particular armour, but all their units are somewhat mobile, due to not having armour, they don't have any particular weaknesses in terms of magical damage, but all units are near zero in terms of physical resistances. Their strongpoints are higher than average damage, mobility, they ignore terrain penalties, but neither have any good terrain defenses, and they will have the highest amount of hitpoints per unit among the factions. In addition to this all units in the Bagorian Horde will have the trait fearless, and are either chaotic or neutrla. Simple brute force dynamics. Therefore this faction will be most efficient against the "Sublime Cabinet", a matchup which favors the Horde, as well as having slight advantage versus the Ranger Cove, but are somewhat even against the remaining factions, which of most troublesome to deal with will be Cabal, because the Horde has no efficient counter againts the vampire warrior in particular, but will also have similar problems against the Naginata, Enforcer, Legionnaire. Except that I just decided to add a female barbarian with an impale dmg spear which is a valid counter for the vamp warrior so that problem is solved, to make the opposition a little less black and white and also because horde would get too much trouble from cavalry without. Also changed the name to Bavarian instead of Bagorian.
This faction will also be the faction with the least number of different kind of units, as in they may have 6-7 different units, but a choice between two-three different weapons for some units, so they will have a higher total count of units than the ranger's cove but lower count of different unit types.
The theme of this faction can be visualized by thinking of Arnold / Conan the Barbarian

Rogueleague / League of Rogues: This faction I thought would be a collection of roguelike units from all the other factions + some units of their own. I also got this "imposter" ability idea for a vampire faction, but now am considering of creating a unit "vampire assassin" which ahas the imposter ability and is part of the rogue league. one way or another, there's probably going to be a rogueleague, but whether or not there's gonna be a 3rd vamipire faction ( two is kind of many already ) is open. On the other hand I really like the imposter ability idea, so I'd like to put it somewhere. Setting or moodwise vampire assassin seems a like a very good candidate (as in using the ruse of impostering another unit to accomplish those deeds) plus it fits the theme of this faction excellently.
Out of the factions created so far this would probably mean the following units(plus their own units):
Touclan: one of the ninjas + ronin
Emberforge: Thief (and (probably not) gnome spy)
Cabal: Black Knight (well that's not a rogue but anyway)
Styx: None (but shade, shepherd are considerable options)
Ranger's Cove: Guerrilla + Huntress(maybe)
Chadzin: 2-3 of the following: Warpath, Cuthroat, Lookout, Swashbuckler
Cabinet: Stalker + Sorciére(maybe)
Horde: None (probably)
Anyway I'm getting tired of writing so I'm ending this here and fixing it later

Ps. I've not added league yet
Last edited by siddh on June 17th, 2013, 4:06 am, edited 20 times in total.
Re: Draconian Era
Cleaning up the thread, since the mainpost was changed
Last edited by siddh on June 17th, 2013, 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Draconian Era
Cleaning up the thread, since the mainpost was changed
Last edited by siddh on June 17th, 2013, 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Draconian Era
Cleaning up the thread, since the mainpost was changed
Last edited by siddh on June 17th, 2013, 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Draconian Era
added Ranger Cove faction. Still missing at least 3 units
- TheEmptyLord
- Posts: 130
- Joined: May 27th, 2010, 6:15 am
- Location: Southern California
Re: Draconian Era
Sound interesting
Tbh though, I like the original idea of all units next to him while he is on a village gets the perma boost. It may seem a bit powerful but keep in mind that most of the time you will be either retreating or advancing and have wounded. This brings the dilemma of is it better to increase damage for a few units or lose some. The 14-1 also discourages mass blacksmiths because the boost isn't very useful for them personally. It sounds like you have other units who benefit from being near/on villages, so that brings another touch decision to the player. Again though, just putting some ideas out there. Cannibalize them as needed.
One quick suggestion about that first faction. If you are going to have boosts based on terrain, it might be better to have them apply to all combat. e.g. Not -10 fire resistance to all ranged, just -10 fire resistance. It will get very confusing if you differentiate between this and with so many different terrains it will be very hard to recall what happens where which might put some people off (I know it would annoy me not being able to be sure what will happen). Just my two cents about that.

Perhaps while he is in a village, nearby units get a permanent +1 damage to their blade/pierce/impact weapons at the beginning of their turn. I don't know how balanced this would be, only suggesting it because it seems like you are going for a pretty powerful approach for the factions in this era. To balance it out individually, for the unit, you would have to make him expensive (19-24+ cash maybe) and relatively weak, at least offensively (Maybe you could do it by having him have only a 14-1 melee hammer attack at level one. At level two it becomes 15-2 and a 10-1 ingot throw. At level three 19-2 and 22-1 anvil throw. Maybe increase health and fire resistance as leveling). Of course this is just an idea off the top of my head, maybe it doesn't fit into your faction. Another idea if you think this is too powerful would be to have him only pick one unit to give the +1 to all blade/pierce/impact weapons to, and at each level he gives +1 more to the weapons. The only problem I see there is how to pick what unit to give this boost to. Maybe you could instead have it where the blacksmith doesn't need to be on the village, but any unit on a village next to him gets the perma boost at the beginning of the turn.Does anyone have any ideas on how to differentiate the Dwarf Blacksmith?
Tbh though, I like the original idea of all units next to him while he is on a village gets the perma boost. It may seem a bit powerful but keep in mind that most of the time you will be either retreating or advancing and have wounded. This brings the dilemma of is it better to increase damage for a few units or lose some. The 14-1 also discourages mass blacksmiths because the boost isn't very useful for them personally. It sounds like you have other units who benefit from being near/on villages, so that brings another touch decision to the player. Again though, just putting some ideas out there. Cannibalize them as needed.
One quick suggestion about that first faction. If you are going to have boosts based on terrain, it might be better to have them apply to all combat. e.g. Not -10 fire resistance to all ranged, just -10 fire resistance. It will get very confusing if you differentiate between this and with so many different terrains it will be very hard to recall what happens where which might put some people off (I know it would annoy me not being able to be sure what will happen). Just my two cents about that.
Current projects: Arcane Defense (MP Scenario), Cavanagh The Conqueror (Campaign)
Re: Draconian Era
I'd like to add "melee" , but it sounds like a nice idea, I think I'll try adding thatPerhaps while he is in a village, nearby units get a permanent +1 damage to their blade/pierce/impact weapons at the beginning of their turn

"because it seems like you are going for a pretty powerful approach for the factions in this era"
yeah that's probably true, but I'm also scaling up the average unit hp / dmg for all units in the faction, mostly to increase number of attacks for each unit to 3,4,5 from 2,3,4 , but also because the level1 units will have fullheals available. But yeah I'm trying to make it work with a wide range of units/abilities available like hides for an example or slows.
One quick suggestion about that first faction. If you are going to have boosts based on terrain, it might be better to have them apply to all combat. e.g. Not -10 fire resistance to all ranged, just -10 fire resistance. It will get very confusing if you differentiate between this and with so many different terrains it will be very hard to recall what happens where which might put some people off (I know it would annoy me not being able to be sure what will happen). Just my two cents about that.
Maybe you're right, it could get very complicated.. Gotta try and keep an eye on things

However, I'm specifically interested in differentiating attack_mode 1 from attack_mode 2 through mechanics other than "this set of units have this set of attack_mode 1 and that se of attack_mode 2" - in otherwords currently melee / ranged are hardly any different from each other. There isn't particularly much that makes them ranged/melee, there doesn't seem to be a intrinsic quality in the ranged melee attacks that do that. Not saying there's anything wrong with default in that sense, but I'd like to explore this possibility.

Thanks for feedback

EDIT: Ops I misread and somehow missed this "permanent" bit, so I think I'll try and add that as: +1 dmg each physical melee attack until end of turn. Anyway nice idea. If I get the WML done I think that's it

EDIT2: ALthough permanent doesn't sound that bad either now that I think about it, but I think it should be combined with a cost in that case, like "pay 2 gold, blacksmith "improves" the other units gear". Think that would make more sense in campaings though, and this era is (for now) multiplayer oriented
Re: Draconian Era
Cleaning up the thread, since the mainpost was changed
Last edited by siddh on June 17th, 2013, 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- TheEmptyLord
- Posts: 130
- Joined: May 27th, 2010, 6:15 am
- Location: Southern California
Re: Draconian Era
I thought about that, the only problem I saw was that it seems a bit underpowered. The unit having to be on a village and the other units next to him for only +1 for the turn. It could certainly work though. It could also be something like for the next 3 turns. (Or perhaps for the next 2 turns at level 1, 3 at lvl 2, 4 at lvl 3). Food for thought.so I think I'll try and add that as: +1 dmg each physical melee attack until end of turn.
Not a bad idea I suppose, but it would probably require the user to right click on the unit and give it a boost which seems a bit reminiscent of a SX and not something I would personally want to see in a normal faction I'm playing (that said it could work in this case). And, of course, if it was automatic there would be all manner or problems about the user not having control."pay 2 gold, blacksmith "improves" the other units gear".
Edit: Another quick thought I had, perhaps with the original ability of permanent increases the unit could simply have a higher upkeep. To have one on the battlefield you pay +3 gold instead of +1 for him each turn. Perhaps even more if it seems like it needs it for balance. That would make make it pretty well balanced imo.
Current projects: Arcane Defense (MP Scenario), Cavanagh The Conqueror (Campaign)
Re: Draconian Era
I think when considering a "permanent" change to a unit, having to right click is hardly a problem. I think that combined with a gold cost makes most sense, because unit have a price (which includes upkeep), and so cheaper units would have slightly weaker qualities, making the units more expensive while giving them a powerful boost downtones the effect a little bit.Not a bad idea I suppose, but it would probably require the user to right click on the unit and give it a boost which seems a bit reminiscent of a SX and not something I would personally want to see in a normal faction I'm playing (that said it could work in this case). And, of course, if it was automatic there would be all manner or problems about the user not having control.
Edit: Another quick thought I had, perhaps with the original ability of permanent increases the unit could simply have a higher upkeep. To have one on the battlefield you pay +3 gold instead of +1 for him each turn. Perhaps even more if it seems like it needs it for balance. That would make make it pretty well balanced imo.
Increasing the upkeep for the blacksmith I don't think that's a good idea, although it certainly would make it weaker

Re: Draconian Era
Added movement types for vampire faction #2 and also added ability "dayblind" for a unit "ghast" which is supposed to give it -10% cth and -10% damage at day, and give opponents +10% cth during the day, but as of now that doesn't work. Gotta make a unit for the plague ability of the necromancer and also an event which will randomly select the undead for the plague ability (it's gonna be a like 95% chance you get something like a walking dead, and the 5% is scattered among other choices, depending on their strength, or so I think. But this only works for the melee plague, the ranged plague will always produce the weakest choice)
Also ranger faction still lacks the unit "empath" which will be requirement for recruiting animals, it will also have a charm attack for animals that heals both the empath and the animal on hit, and has a chance of permanently capturing the enemy unit if it's animal, otherwise it will have no combat potential. It will also be able to heal allied animal units.
Both vampire factions still lack ability called "vampiric aura" which apparently quite difficult (well at least for me) to do, it is going to damage surrounding units at the beginning of the turn by a set amount of points, and then the unit will heal depending on how much damage it has dealt to surrounding units. This does not work on undead or other vampires. After the deal damage to surrounding units + heal, the unit will deregenerate. So in otherwords vampires will lose X amounts of points every turn, but they will steal life from surrounding allies/enemies to compensate. The synergistic counterpart for this ability is the "ghoul servant" which has lots of hps, and regenerates.
Also there's this WML problem, I want to make it so that the necromancer is also a requirement for the 2nd vampire faction to recruit the undead, similarly to the empath which is a requirement for the ranger faction to recruit the lynxes/wolves.
Alright I gotta get going.
Also ranger faction still lacks the unit "empath" which will be requirement for recruiting animals, it will also have a charm attack for animals that heals both the empath and the animal on hit, and has a chance of permanently capturing the enemy unit if it's animal, otherwise it will have no combat potential. It will also be able to heal allied animal units.
Both vampire factions still lack ability called "vampiric aura" which apparently quite difficult (well at least for me) to do, it is going to damage surrounding units at the beginning of the turn by a set amount of points, and then the unit will heal depending on how much damage it has dealt to surrounding units. This does not work on undead or other vampires. After the deal damage to surrounding units + heal, the unit will deregenerate. So in otherwords vampires will lose X amounts of points every turn, but they will steal life from surrounding allies/enemies to compensate. The synergistic counterpart for this ability is the "ghoul servant" which has lots of hps, and regenerates.
Also there's this WML problem, I want to make it so that the necromancer is also a requirement for the 2nd vampire faction to recruit the undead, similarly to the empath which is a requirement for the ranger faction to recruit the lynxes/wolves.
Alright I gotta get going.

Re: Draconian Era
Got the vampiric aura ability done with help from Dugi 

Re: Draconian Era
Cleaning up the thread, since the mainpost was changed
Last edited by siddh on June 17th, 2013, 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- TheEmptyLord
- Posts: 130
- Joined: May 27th, 2010, 6:15 am
- Location: Southern California
Re: Draconian Era
Small note, unless "precise" will be the same as an ability commonly used called "precision" you may want to change the name to avoid confusion. Precision gives a weapon a 90% cth and is used in a few often used eras. Otherwise it is looking good.
Current projects: Arcane Defense (MP Scenario), Cavanagh The Conqueror (Campaign)