Rethink the text-part!

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Rethink the text-part!

Post by spaceinvader803 »

Hi guys, a big fan of the game and for a long time, but I do think that the text-part, the form in which the stories are told, is a bit outdated.

Make the text graphic and accompanied by cool drawings - a picture says more than a thousand words.

I think that would the game even more appealing and perhaps people will even read the hole thing! :))

All the best.

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Re: Rethink the text-part!

Post by Spannerbag »

Sorry to be dim, but not sure how you want things changed?
At present text appears in all sorts of places but I presume you are primarily concerned with how [story] and/or [message] content is rendered?

At present BfW uses pango markup for text formatting.
Images can be associated with text, albeit via fixed methods within WML.

TBH I doubt the inclination or spare capability exists amongst the (volunteer) developers to make radical changes to the existing setup (however I could be wrong here, I'm just a regular punter).

However if you want to make your case I'd suggest you explain:
  1. What and where are the problems/limitations/omissions of the current implementation in detail (just saying the form is outdated doesn't really help me understand what you are suggesting)
  2. How mitigating/resolving these issues would improve gameplay and/or player enjoyment (the primary criterion IMHO)
  3. Your method to implement these changes, ideally with visual examples such as screen mock-ups or examples of text to illustrate the new interface's capabilities and look/feel plus, if possible, some suggestion of how this might technically be accomplished - though this second point isn't essential IMHO
Just my tuppence worth :)

-- Spannerbag
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Re: Rethink the text-part!

Post by egallager »

There were some relevant bugs about text display and image display that I was going to dig on up GitHub, but then I got distracted and forgot... maybe later...
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Re: Rethink the text-part!

Post by octalot »

If I understand correctly, the suggestion is to make all the official campaigns look as good as the add-on campaign To Lands Unknown. It would be nice, but we don't have enough volunteers to do that.
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