Securing Wesnoth

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Securing Wesnoth

Post by redbeard2 »

161-164 YW
The newly crowned king sought to make safe once and for all the wildlands that separated the human cities surrounding Weldyn and the coastal regions of Elensefar.
The grand army of Wesnoth, personally led by the High Council of Archmagi, destroyed all enemies residing within Wesnoth.

I find this part of the timeline interesting for how much is suggested, but so little explained. Is anything known which enemies were targeted in this campaign? Just some roving bands of orcs or bandits of one race or another, or was there some greater danger they were responding to? Is anything known about these Archmagi, why they were leading it rather than a general/grand marshal?

There are no mainline campaigns anywhere near this time period, so it seems to be a fairly unknown period even though it seems foundational for Wesnoth as a kingdom.
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Re: Securing Wesnoth

Post by Spannerbag »

Good post.
Although the text doesn't mention this, one workable campaign concept might be that the army was deployed mainly against conventional forces (nagas around the coast, wild creatures, troll nests etc.) but mages were needed to assist against a large force of Wesfolk who thought they should be in charge?
Generally chaotic, they would have access to dark magics and maybe shadow mages or similar as well as outlaw types (footpads, poachers etc.)?
I tend to view the outlaw humans as having mainly wesfolk origins but bereft of their magics and lore.
If I had the time I'd design something myself but already have loads on the go!
-- Spannerbag
SP Campaigns: After EI (v1.14) Leafsea Burning (v1.18, v1.16)
I suspect the universe is simpler than we think and stranger than we can know.
Also, I fear that beyond a certain point more intelligence does not necessarily benefit a species...
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Re: Securing Wesnoth

Post by octalot »

That text was originally connected with the creation of Halstead - comparison of the text when it was added. Halstead's creation was moved earlier as part of Nemaara's plans, but the Wiki hasn't been updated to match.

I've logged a new issue #9710 connected to this.
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Re: Securing Wesnoth

Post by Brittar »

It feels like they're hinting at something bigger than just random bandits. Maybe some kind of pre-cursor to a larger threat? Or maybe a faction that got wiped out before they could become a major player in the main storylines?
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Re: Securing Wesnoth

Post by redbeard2 »

Based on Octalot's post it seems like the passage I quoted may just be a moot point that may get edited out if someone gets around to it. The events it describes probably happened a hundred years prior (much closer to Wesnoth's founding), and maybe not involving the Archmagi or a grand army, depending on which wording we use. I guess we can see if and how it gets revised how much story may still be left behind the words.
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Re: Securing Wesnoth

Post by Computer_Player »

That's a neat find there! A more interesting angle for me is to examine how such a resurgent empire, full of its own strength and self-righteousness, defines what its enemies are and how they deal with them.

Wesnoth is semi-feudal in structure and nowhere as connected and organized as modern society. Lots of leeway for alleged outlaws and marginalized to have their voices glossed over by a supposed royal scribe relating the official history of the rule of their king. Remember, we do have stories of Wesnoth falling later on... even thinking up the hubris of raising a 2nd sun. Perhaps the seeds of such downfall were planted during this period? Asheviere very much started her reign in a similar way after all, and it was only many years later that the crows came home to roost so to speak - although I don't say a rehash would be the way; but there is lots of space to explore here. Alternatively.. a smaller more personal story could be possible - like I said, feudal society etc.
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