weaker versions of fearless trait

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weaker versions of fearless trait

Post by Numero »

How can I implement a weaker version of fearless? that only reduces the penalty by 5 percent (so if the time of day says -15 it would become -10)? if it helps, the trait will only effect units that have a penalty during day time

Code: Select all

                male_name=_ "lionhearted"
                description=_ "Day-time fighting penalty is reduced by 5 percent"
                help_text=_ "Having seen a long time fighting companion die, these individuals took heart and started fighting with even more valor no matther the circumstance."
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Re: weaker versions of fearless trait

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

I do not think this is possible with just trait WML as fearless is done at the engine level

Code: Select all

	/** Gets whether this unit is fearless - ie, unaffected by time of day. */
	bool is_fearless() const
		return is_fearless_;
What I can suggest instead is adding custom illumination ability to adjust the ToD bonus to your preference.
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Re: weaker versions of fearless trait

Post by Numero »

hmm I've tried this now, but I am not entirely happy

Code: Select all

                male_name=_ "lionhearted"
                description=_ "Day-time fighting penalty is reduced by 5 percent"
                help_text=_ "Having seen a long time fighting companion die, these individuals took heart and started fighting with even more valor no matter the circumstance."
                                    code=<< return ((wesnoth.get_variable(("turn_number" mod 24) < 4)) || wesnoth.get_variable(("turn_number" mod 24) > 13) ) >>
                            name= _ ""
                            description= _ ""
Author of 'An Orcish Might' viewtopic.php?t=57032
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