1.18 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

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1.18 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by SkyOne »


This is the thread for the single-player Saurian campaign, Across the Ocean.
The campaign is 17 playable and 3 dialogue only scenarios (total 20), and playable all.

Latest Across the Ocean version: 0.5.3 (updated on Sep, 22nd 2016)
Required BfW version: 1.12.x

The description from the main file:
In the early 5th Century of Wesnoth, the Drakes of the Shimmering Isle asked the Saurians from the Black Marshes for help in the reclamation of Bilheld. In return, the Drakes gave the Saurians some territories in the Shimmering Isle. In their new home, the oracular master, Skaphee, saw in her crystal that a lizard leader was in danger. She sets out on a journey to investigate the matter....
The time on this campaign is in early 5th Century of Wesnoth, around time that Garard I took the throne. The lizards (the protagonist is a female seer) travel around on the modified DW map during the time.

Depending on scenarios, Drakes, my faction, Carapaced Guards, and some Dwarves ally with the lizards, and the story is slightly connected to Brave Wings, Northern Forces, and Fate of a Princess campaigns.

Contributions (images):
• base portraits of: assassin.png, blacksmith.png, fighter.png, naxaffz.png, skaphee.png, waklex.png, young-205.png; - (Alex_Jarocha-Ernst)
• horn-white.png (attack-icon); - (Fmunoz)
• saurian flags; - (Neilarmius)

Other portraits (and any images) are either modified default ones, or modified mainline campaign's ones (or drawn by author) Contributing them will also be great appreciations.

English Corrections and Editing:
• the pre-game dialogues; - (Espros)
• the campaign description and the scenario dialogues; - (Inky)

P.S. I only play-tested on the Normal difficulty, so I am not sure how it is balanced on the Easy and Hard difficulties at this moment...

Last edited by Konrad2 on April 3rd, 2024, 11:43 am, edited 10 times in total.
Reason: Maintainer requested title change from 1.12 to 1.18
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by Aldarisvet »

I just want to infrom you that I just stole your idea of saurian with globe on the hand.
That exacty what I needed for last level of my campaign part2.
It would be unit only with that globe on hand, without staff, without close-combat attack and without healing but with more larger magic-distance attack and with teleportation ability. Called Visionnaire.
Now going hard work of creating this new unit from Augur (so much images to modify!).
visionnaire.png (1.05 KiB) Viewed 15698 times
Nice frankenstein portrait of female rogue mage btw.

Concerning your campaign - sorry no time for playing it.
I am not a player anymore, I am composer.
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by Espros »

Hi there! Just finished with your first scenario! First off I like that you based this campaign in the north with relation to the Black Marshes and the Shimmering Isle (two geographical areas that could use some more historical context IMO, not to mention the Shimmering Isle is my favorite Irdyan island), so bonus points for that :lol: ! I thought I'd start out with the feedback by helping you out on some of the English structure for the beginning story-text:

(My additions/replacements are in bold, though I did remove a few things)
English is a hard language with weird nuances, so don't worry about sentence structure too much. You'll get there ;)

As for gameplay & all that other stuff:

I defeated the mudcrawlers pretty quickly, no problem there. The goblins were difficult to overcome, but I managed to attack the leader. Overall good scenario, I came out of it with a couple of veterans. I like the campaign so far (may or may not have to do with the fact that drakes and saurians are my favorites :whistle: ) Anyway, I'll keep playing + give you feedback!
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by SkyOne »

Aldarisvet wrote:Hi.
Hi Aldarisvet,
Aldarisvet wrote:I just want to infrom you that I just stole your idea of saurian with globe on the hand.
That exacty what I needed for last level of my campaign part2.
It would be unit only with that globe on hand, without staff, without close-combat attack and without healing but with more larger magic-distance attack and with teleportation ability. Called Visionnaire.
Sure. Thank you for informing me.:)
Aldarisvet wrote:Now going hard work of creating this new unit from Augur (so much images to modify!).
Yeah, each Saurian unit includes many images recently. Modifying each is a lot of work, but they will be nice if they complete. ;) I actually appreciate the great works to the default drawer, guessing Jetrel.
You can make 6 each of moving animations, instead of 12 each. That is actually what I am doing on some units, and they look okay (using the odd numbers of images first, then you can add the rest later if you like).
Espros wrote:Hi there!
Hi Espros,
Espros wrote:I thought I'd start out with the feedback by helping you out on some of the English structure for the beginning story-text:
I really appreciate your help, Espros. :D Your corrections will be installed on the next version, and you will be credited on the list.
Espros wrote:English is a hard language with weird nuances, so don't worry about sentence structure too much. You'll get there
Thank you.
At least English is harder than WML for me because WML carry error messages when I make mistakes, but English doesn't... (this is a joke. both are hard for me. :) )
Espros wrote:I defeated the mudcrawlers pretty quickly, no problem there. The goblins were difficult to overcome, but I managed to attack the leader. Overall good scenario, I came out of it with a couple of veterans. I like the campaign so far (may or may not have to do with the fact that drakes and saurians are my favorites :whistle: ) Anyway, I'll keep playing + give you feedback!
Thank you so much. Glad to hear it.:)

By the way, a bug has been found on version 0.0.1.
There is no [race] tag for the Bison unit which appears on scenario 9, Stray Soldiers. It doesn't cause to an error on current BfW, but dragging this file into the campaign folder is correct:
(2.61 KiB) Downloaded 667 times
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by Inky »

Hi SkyOne, I am a big fan of your campaigns. So far I've played the first three scenarios of this one (AtO v. 0.0.1, Wesnoth v 1.12.4, Medium difficulty)

Comments on individual scenarios:
Some suggestions for the dialogue - many of these are just a matter of style so there is really no need to change it if you like it the way it is now. Also, anyone is welcome to give feedback on these / offer alternatives.

Campaign Description
01 Mushroom Field
02 Finding Lava
03 Mystery in Caves
Also, the filename for scenario 8 is misspelled (08_Confliscts_of_the_Coast).

Fun campaign so far!
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by SkyOne »

Inky wrote:Hi SkyOne, I am a big fan of your campaigns. So far I've played the first three scenarios of this one (AtO v. 0.0.1, Wesnoth v 1.12.4, Medium difficulty)
Hi Inky,

I really appreciate your feedback and English corrections. I installed all of your corrections on version 0.0.2, and attached it on the first post.
Inky wrote:01 Mushroom Field
I unwisely entered the caves early and triggered the goblins. Somehow I managed to finish on time though (turn 23/24).
Glad to hear it is still manageable.
Inky wrote:02 Finding Lava
-Finished turn 32/40.
I found the all the bats pretty annoying, especially the level 1 bats. You only have 2 units with ranged attacks and they can't be everywhere at once (it's easy to send them off into some dead end if you don't know the map). Your level 0 saurians can kill the level 0 bats given enough turns, but don't stand a chance against level 1 bats.
Both L1 Skirmisher and Blacksmith have a ranged attack, so it is fine to have one for L0 Young Saurian. I added it (pick 4-1) on version 0.0.2. Hopefully, it doesn't change the game-balance.
Inky wrote:It would be nice if the player could control the two allied Drakes on their turn. The glider Reshii especially is weak, and kept leaving the village to melee attack the rats even when he was at low health.
Yes, Reshii is a bit too weak. I lost him a couple of times under my test-running. But I think playing Drakes in caves is pretty annoying. So I keep them as side=2 ally, controlled by the micro_ai. I keep it in my mind, though.
Inky wrote:03 Mystery in Caves
-The allied leader (Kruglar) should stay on his keep. After melee attacking a giant spider, he ended up poisoned and at low health. I managed to move a healer next to him, but he still went off to attack the bats etc. that appeared.
-Finished turn 21/30
This is changeable thing in the future. I thought Kruglar needed some XP on the level (even just 4) because of the next scenario, and Spiders usually don't reach him.

For the next level: - 04 Ancient Neighbor is a bit harder than the last three. So you may need to recruit a few Young Saurians for sacrificing.

Thank you so much, Inky. I am a big fan of your feedbacks.:)
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by Inky »

Hi SkyOne, thanks for the kind reply.
SkyOne wrote:Yes, Reshii is a bit too weak. I lost him a couple of times under my test-running.
Maybe he could start off as a level 2 Sky Drake instead. I don't think this would be too big an advantage since he is still weak and (minor story spoiler)
Comments on the next few scenarios:
Dialogue (many of these are only ideas for alternative wordings, not really corrections):

04 Ancient Neighbors
05 Home of the Drakes
06 New Home
07 At the Southchip
Criticisms, corrections, etc. from anyone are welcome. I'm a native speaker but english confuses me too sometimes :)
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by SkyOne »

Hi Inky,
Inky wrote:Maybe he could start off as a level 2 Sky Drake instead. I don't think this would be too big an advantage since he is still weak and...
Yes, it is probably better. Originally, he started with Sky Drake, then I replaced it to Glider later because I wanted players to play with L1 to L3, just same as Fighter and Burner.
Inky wrote: I was disappointed that you could only use the Drakes for two scenarios - I managed to level all except Reshii to level 3 and gave the holy water to Marglon, as he was loyal with a strong melee attack.
It is actually not too bad. All drakes, except Kruglar who will be the side-leader, will be back as side=1 units on scenario 19, Across the Ocean, and the unit with the holy water will be a need the most on the level. As far as Marglon has it, you won't lose him until you reach that scenario. But I should have informed it on scenario 3 or 4.
Inky wrote:It would be nice to know that they are temporary, so I could give the experience to other units who need it.
So they are not really temporary.:)
Inky wrote:06 New Home
-Waklex can use the second armor of Aqualkos (even though he is already supposed to be wearing the other piece)
Oh, thank you. It is a bug. He is strong enough with one armor on.
Inky wrote:07 At the Southchip
-Skaphee's decision to attack the Orcs seems sudden. Why does she trust the Carapaces she just met? Perhaps (for example) one of the Drakes guarding the island could show up and say he has been attacked by Orcs under Gadash's orders. Or the Orcs could accidentally give themselves away.
You are right. How about something like these? :

Gadash - "Don't meddle in our affairs!"
Skaphee - "...!?"
Irixzik - "Gadash, we won't attack the Drakes here, will we?"
Gadash - "Not now... I mean you don't have to know it."
Waklex - "Skaphee, it seems the Carapaced Chief is right. They plan to invade our island."
Skaphee - "You are right! It is shameful that I did not see through their deception earlier. Everyone, southward!"
Inky wrote:I noticed (only after looking at the code) that the Young Saurian(s) you start with on this level advance to Saurian Fighter also. Maybe add a note about it, otherwise I don't think anyone would notice. (I used him as cannon fodder I think...)
Yes, it is true. Two Saurian Fighters/Warriors/Combatants are actually enough for normal difficulty. So the third one is a kind of like a bonus unit. But I will probably add a note.
Inky wrote:-It surprised me that the Orcs got to attack me on the same turn they became enemies, but fortunately no one died.
Ah, okay. It will be fixed on the next version.

Thank you so much for keeping working on the dialogues, Inky.:)
08 Conflicts of the Coast may be a bit bored to play, but I think 09 Stray Soldiers is fun to battle.
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by Inky »

Hi SkyOne,
Ah, I'm glad to hear that the Drakes will be back! And the additional dialogue for Scenario 7 looks good.

Comments on next few scenarios:
Also, there is a bug with Waklex's AMLAs where the ranged specials replace each other (I had the marskman special, and when I chose firststrike, the marksman special disappeared.)

Dialogue: There are a couple things I always change which might seem arbitrary, so here is the explanation:
-"Ummmm...": When you begin a sentence with "Ummm...." it often indicates that what follows is either awkward or condescending. Same with "Uhhhh..." If you want an exclamation of surprise "Oh" or "Ah" is probably better.
-"you guys": very informal, so I feel like it doesn't fit the archaic/fantasy setting. Same with some other words/ phrases like "That's cool."
If you ever wonder what my reason is for changing something, just ask and I'd be happy to try and explain.

08 Conflicts of the Coast
09 Stray Soldiers
10 West Riverside
11 Poisoners
12 Over the Valley
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by SkyOne »

Hi Inky,
I really appreciate for not only editing dialogues, also telling your effective opinions to develop the campaign. Your fixed dialogues have been installed (through scenario 12) on version 0.0.3.
I plan to put your title on the credit list as "co-author" if you don't mind. You don't have to feel obligated anything. You have done a lot already.:)
Inky wrote:08 Conflicts of the Coast
Most of this scenario is just watching the AI fight - maybe if the player had control of the ship and its escorts, and there were more nagas or less mermen, there would be more challenge and player involvement.
-finished turn 13/16
Yes, it is possible to change, and probably better (modifying it after Mermen and Nagas show). But in the case, the ship should reach the (something like) sign before defeating the Naga leader for the story reason... I keep seeking what the best is. (maybe, something like: - another Naga leader or a number of Nagas appears when the first leader is defeated...)
Inky wrote:09 Stray Soldiers
I liked this level a lot. Played very aggressively and went straight for the northern leader before he could spam too many spearmen. Nice to have a level where the Saurian ambushers/flankers are very useful (usually I found the assassins to be much better).
-finished turn 16/30
Glad to hear it. It seems you are a good player.:)
Inky wrote:11 Poisoners
I expected something to show up at the empty water keep - maybe a serpent leader could go there?
-finished turn 23/33
The location of this scenario is almost the same as scenario 11 Mermaid Commander of Brave Wings campaign. So I shifted it a bit to the west, then used it.
At this moment, I just removed the keep from the map.
Inky wrote:12 Over the Valley
I think the allied Dwarves have too much gold. There were about 20+ dwarves on the map, most of them not actually able to attack anything. In fact, I wasn't able to kill the second troll leader due to dwarves taking up most of the attacking hexes.
-finished 22/28
I could imagine that you mention it.:)
Because of the snow terrains, lizards, carapaces, and even dwarves cannot move well on this scenario, and AI Dwarvish Guardsmen are kind of weak to defeat the Trolls. But I did not prefer using Dwarvish Fighters for the regular soldiers because they advance to Dwarvish Lords. I think Dwarvish Lord should be just one in this campaign. This scenario should be polished anyway.
Inky wrote:Also, there is a bug with Waklex's AMLAs where the ranged specials replace each other (I had the marskman special, and when I chose firststrike, the marksman special disappeared.)
Thank you. It (also on the Craftsman unit) has been fixed on the new version, 0.0.3, that is attached on the first post.

Thank you so much, Inky.

A major bug has been found on version 0.0.3. The hero unit, Irixzik, doesn't change to side=1 unit at the end of scenario 07, At the Southchip. The game keeps going even without him, but the dialogue will be weird later on. The fixed version will be posted shortly. It is fine on version 0.0.1 - 0.0.2, though.

Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by Inky »

Hi SkyOne, it's been a while since I just haven't had much chance to play Wesnoth lately. But I'll definitely keep playing and giving feedback until the end. And about crediting me as co-author - thank you, it would be a great honor!

Comments on scenarios 13-15:
13 Rambaltas Cavern
14 Frozen Monster
15 Connected Humans
I'm enjoying the campaign a lot - I hope to play through the rest of the scenarios soon :)
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by SkyOne »

Inky wrote:Hi SkyOne, it's been a while since I just haven't had much chance to play Wesnoth lately. But I'll definitely keep playing and giving feedback until the end.
Hi Inky, Thank you. I am not really rushing to publish this campaign, so please spend your time.:)
Inky wrote:And about crediting me as co-author - thank you, it would be a great honor!
Good! Thank you for accepting it. When the campaign is published, I will send you the password (just in case).
Inky wrote:13 Rambaltas Cavern
-The hammer_picked variable is misspelled so it does not get set to yes when you pick up the hammer:
Oopps... Fixed.
Inky wrote:The hammer's message says "This is useful only to a warrior who handles hammers" but the Dwarvish Guardsman line can use it even though they use spears
Aah, that is right. The Dwarvish Guardsman line is also able to pick it up. I installed easy animations of the hammer-attacks for them. Saurian Craftsman is actually not tough enough to handle the hammer against the enemies that show later. So it is currently: "This is useful only to a warrior who can handle hammers, including Dwarvish Guards."
Inky wrote:After moving Skaphee onto the first runesign, the objectives still say to move Skaphee onto the sign, even though any units can activate the other signs.
This one is fixed to "Move anyone onto the all signs" on the version 0.0.4 that has just been attached on the first post.
Inky wrote:Maybe Clezzle doesn't need quite so many troops since all they do is move to the exit (Even with Skip AI Moves on, Clezzle's turns take a few seconds.)
Yes, some of them miss the route (lose to follow Clezzle). :lol:
I wanted to indicate that there are many lizards because Clezzle is going to offer Skaphee to take the Saurian Fighters for the last two scenarios.
Inky wrote:finished turn 31/44 - I think more turns here couldn't hurt. I ran out of time on my first attempt because I hadn't sent enough units south and it took me forever to get through the trolls.
I actually wanted to ask the necessary turn-numbers on this scenario because I know what is going on when I tested it. Maybe, from 48,44,40 to 52,48,44 (adding 4 turns to each difficulty level)?
Inky wrote:14 Frozen Monster
-This level is very difficult to play the first time since you can't see the yetis until they come and attack. I found the northwest corner the most difficult since the yeti and some wolves attack at the same time.
There is actually a path in the mountains at the northwest although the lizards are very slow to pass through it.
Inky wrote:It's stated that "Each Yeti does not attack two turns in a row" but if you ZOC a yeti after it attacks, it will try to move away on the next turn but will still attack the unit it is next to. Maybe more accurate would be something like "A Yeti will attempt to retreat on the turn after it attacks."
You are right. I changed it to what you say.
Inky wrote:15 Connected humans
-finished turn 16/24 (Sent Waklex + the Saurian Slayer with the magical blade south to kill the bat leader, recruited lots of magic units to deal with the duelists)
Oh, quick finish... Maybe, less turns are better on this scenario?
Anyway, the Slayer with the magical blade is pretty good, isn't he? I personally like the unit.:)
On the next scenario, Carapacian Smashers will also be effective because of 50% defense on the flat terrains.
Inky wrote:I'm enjoying the campaign a lot - I hope to play through the rest of the scenarios soon :)
Thank you so much, Inky.
The new version, 0.0.4, is attached on the first post. You can cross with one you are playing. I mean that I touched dialogues slightly on the rest of the scenarios.
Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by Inky »

SkyOne wrote:Inky wrote:
finished turn 31/44 - I think more turns here couldn't hurt. I ran out of time on my first attempt because I hadn't sent enough units south and it took me forever to get through the trolls.

I actually wanted to ask the necessary turn-numbers on this scenario because I know what is going on when I tested it. Maybe, from 48,44,40 to 52,48,44 (adding 4 turns to each difficulty level)?
Adding 4 turns sounds good - it's hard to say what the turn limit should be based on only my experience (maybe I'm just slow - I definitely underrecruited the first time) but I think for really long scenarios it's better to have too many turns than too little.
SkyOne wrote:Inky wrote:
15 Connected humans
-finished turn 16/24 (Sent Waklex + the Saurian Slayer with the magical blade south to kill the bat leader, recruited lots of magic units to deal with the duelists)

Oh, quick finish... Maybe, less turns are better on this scenario?
I think the turn limit is fine on this one - the enemy AI is pretty defensive and often just keeps the units on the mountains on the other side of the river rather than entering the water or crossing the river to attack. So it might be frustrating to have to rush due to a short turn limit.
SkyOne wrote:Anyway, the Slayer with the magical blade is pretty good, isn't he? I personally like the unit.
My favorite unit is Skaphee - with the armor of aqualkos and her awesome AMLA bonuses she is unstoppable! And I loved giving a nasty surprise to any enemies who moved near my villages :)

Comments on the rest of the scenarios:
Dialogue suggestions:
16 Revived Monster
17 Unexpected News

18 A Greedy Human

19 Across the Ocean

20 Epilogue

Thanks for a fun campaign!
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by SkyOne »

Thank you, Inky.
It took a while to fix and modify the scenario 16 and 19 from your post, but finally, the campaign as version 0.5.0 has just been uploaded on the 1.12 server! :)
Inky wrote:16 Revived Monster
-typo in event for burned units (this is also in scenarios 18 and 19)
Oops, although it doesn't carry any bugs, I made the same things on a couple of my others. Ones on this campaign have been fixed, anyway.
Inky wrote:It felt very linear - for the most part there is only one path, without any side passages to explore.
Okay, the middle part on the map has been modified, and an enemy unit, called Snouty Rusher, has been added from my other campaign, Northern Forces. Hopefully, the part is better than one on the previous version.
Inky wrote:17 Unexpected News (story)
-For choosing the dwarvish steersmen, it would be nicer for the player if the highest level units were preferred (I had a lvl 1 guardsman and a lvl 3 sentinel and only kept the guardsman.)
I know what you mean. I am actually not sure how the BfW picks the units at the part. If the hammer picker is a dwarf, I am sure he is selected, though.
Inky wrote:19 Across the Ocean
-There is a lot of backtracking involved in this scenario - the main battle takes place on the far left, but the undead lord is on the far right of the map. The units I sent after the undead were so far away that they never really got to join the battle on the left before it was over. Maybe move undead keep closer to the middle of the map, or have a cave entrance further to the right?
The undead keep has been shifted 5 hexes to the west on the new version. (so the map for scenario 3 has also been modified.)
I think it improved.:)
Inky wrote:-When Yumeal is killed you may want to check if the other 3 leaders are already dead, since this should result in victory.
Fixed it. Thank you.

The campaign is on 1.12 server, so feedback on all aspects of the campaign will be gratefully received.

Version 0.5.1 has been on 1.12 server since Sep, 16th.

It is a minor update that includes:
- the unit orders in the [role] tag has been changed from L1... to L3... on scenario 17, Unexpected News
- the small_portraits keys have been added for the necessary unit files
- a minor bug on the second scenario has been fixed
- updated the base frame for Skeleton Recruit unit
- changed the movement_type from fly to none on Cave Rock just in case

Fate of a Princess/feedback thread: "What is in own heart that is the most important, not who you are."
Drake Campaign: Brave Wings/feedback thread, Naga Campaign: Return of the Monster, Saurian Campaign: Across the Ocean
Northern Forces - now on 1.12 server
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Re: 1.12 Saurian Campaign, Across the Ocean

Post by taptap »

Saurian movement animations are bugged here. Only display somewhat useable on slowed down speed, else they beam back and forth while moving. (1.12.5 on MacOS) When looking into another campaign (old save from The Rise of Wesnoth) saurian movement seemed ok there.

Why don't you stick to the established male mages, female fighters?

Why aren't there any intelligent devotees in the first scenario? Why you seemingly forced resilient trait in all your saurians?
I am a Saurian Skirmisher: I'm a real pest, especially at night.
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