New Faction Proposal: "Devlings"

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Poll ended at November 29th, 2005, 4:48 pm

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New Faction Proposal: "Devlings"

Post by dreampilot »

After reading the forums and the other factions with the dark elves and wild elves which I think has really nice artwork I thought I'd give it a go. Me and a friend thought up this faction just last weekend and I started do some artwork.

The Devlings (Alternative name: Implings)

The basic idea was to have a faction with low cost units and that would provide something new to the game, these buggers are so small there go more then one on each hex and they proportinally cheap to the other units aswell as they start out at lvl0 (this idea was presented today in another thread and I really like it and it seemed close to what we had thought out).

The basic unit tree is 5 or 6 different types of base units you can buy.

Unit Tree

Level 0

Devling Nailers =-> Devling Spikers =-> Devling Staplers

Devling Trash Talkers =-> Devling Cursers =-> Devling Offenders =-> Devling Abusers

Devling Flappers =-> Devling Flyers =-> Imp

- =-> Overgrown Devling =-> Devling Warrior =-> Devling Hero

Devling Sneak =-> ?

(Devling Rock Tossers =-> Devling Slingshooters =-> ?)

Art - to give you a visual idea of what they are.
Unit descriptions and stats follow of the next post.
Devling Unit Tree
Devling Unit Tree
devlingtree.jpg (84.55 KiB) Viewed 15983 times
Last edited by dreampilot on November 24th, 2005, 6:47 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by dreampilot »

<These are the old stats and unit descriptions that was originally posted>

Devling Nailer lvl 0

melee: 20-1 (pierce)
18hp - (Cost 11g)
move: 5

-Basically what they do is, one devling dive forth with a nail and the others try to smash it into the opponents foot or other suitable place, or just random since they might not be all that accurate.

Devling Spiker lvl 1

melee: 26-1 (pierce)
move: 5

Same as above, only a Spike and stronger hammer.

Devling Stapler lvl 2

melee: 19-2 (pierce)
move: 5

Same as above, only 2 large spikes and a very heavy hammer (ouch)


Devling Trash Talkers lvl 0

melee: 2-2 (kick, impact)
range: 7-2 (curse, magic?)
15hp - (cost 15g)
move: 6

They throw verbal dung at their opponenst to the extent of it working like a minor curse.

Devling Cursers lvl 1

melee: 2-4 (kick, impact)
range: 8-3 (curse, magic?)
move: 6

Same as above, only they better know how to rouse their opponent, Or might actually accidently have picked up a way to curse people for real.

Devling Offenders lvl 2

melee: 2-5 (kick, impact)
range: 9-4 (curse, magic?)
move: 6

They've learnt how to become even more offensive in nature proving to be a real distraction now.

Devling Abusers lvl 3

melee: 3-5 (kick, impact)
range: 10-5 (curse, magic?)
move: 6

They are not a joke anymore, now they are downright disruptive and annoying. Shy of no means of how to become an even greater disctraction.


Devling Flappers lvl 0

melee: 3-3 (blade)
range: 4-2 (nails, pierce)
15hp - (cost 8g)
move: 8

They do as their name portray, flap their tiny wings in an effort to fly over the ground at greater speed. They can effectivly swarm their opposition.

Devling Flyers lvl 1

melee: 5-3 (blade)
range: 4-3 (fire)
move: 10

they've developed their wings and can actually effectivly fly now

Imp lvl 2

melee: 7-3 (pierce)
range: 6-4 (fire)
move: 10

They've grown into an Imp! yikes.


Overgrown Devling lvl 1

melee: 8-2 (impact)
40hp - (cost 14g)
move: 6

These guys clearly are the strongest, steals food from the others, bully them around and.. are bigger! They're destined for a bright future within the Devling society if they survive.

Devling Warrior lvl 2

melee: 9-3 (blade)
range: 3-2 (rock, impact)
move: 6

They've figured out the best way to hit things is probably to hit them with something else, something that hurts.

Devling Hero lvl 3

melee: 10-4 (blade)
range: 6-2 (darts, pierce)
move: 6

Surviving this far is a heroic feat in itself.


Devling Sneak lvl 0

--Coming soon--


Devling Rock Tosser lvl 0

--only an idea--
Last edited by dreampilot on November 9th, 2005, 4:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Kestenvarn »

These sound fun too, although perhaps not quite as balanced as the other faction.

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Post by dreampilot »

Yes, they've not been properly balanced or finished thought out in some stages. I was going to wait a while before posting. I wanted more art done and more stats and story but since the other post was made and it touched so similar I thought to toss this out there aswell and see what people think of them both. :)

They need work for sure but atleast it's a start.
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Post by Noyga »

There is something not great in your Overgrown Devling line : they loose their type of damage as they advance. It would be ok if there was an alternative branch from the Overgrown Devling that doesn't loose impact.
For exemple if you fight the undead, you'll need some impact damage, so you'll build some Overgrown Devlings. As they level up, they would be less effective since the damage type changes.
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Post by pigandforks »

i like the art but i would call them imps it is better to say than devilings.
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Post by Elvish_Pillager »

Spiker -> Stapler violates RIPLIB by losing damage on the attack.
It's all fun and games until someone loses a lawsuit. Oh, and by the way, sending me private messages won't work. :/ If you must contact me, there's an e-mail address listed on the website in my profile.
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Post by fmunoz »

Again: pierce is reserved to things that can impale you and are good vs calvary... like spears and arrows.
Nails should do blade (generic physical for cuts and stabs)
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Post by Darth Fool »

Hmm, since there are several per hex, a good new racial ability for them to have would be "(NEED NAME): units with NAME damage is reduced when injured", This could either be directly proportional to their health, or perhaps better, reduced by 1/3 when in the yellow, and by 2/3 when in the red. This would represent the fact that one or two of them has been put out of action by all the damage that they have taken.
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Post by Neoriceisgood »

Why is my signature "N!" on the images :( ! :oops:

This faction could go together well with the "swarm" abillity in the vermyn thread.
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Post by Darth Fool »

Neoriceisgood wrote:Why is my signature "N!" on the images :( ! :oops:

This faction could go together well with the "swarm" abillity in the vermyn thread.
Yes, it would be an interesting era...
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Post by wayfarer »

Yeah this faction also sounds interesting I like that kind of humour.
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Post by dreampilot »

Noyga Yes, I intended to have 2 different versions for their level up from the overgrown line, should display the impact based version first to make better sense. Thanks for pointing that out.

pigandforks We might decide that implings is a better suited name for them, perhaps there should be a poll. I think I prefer implings myself but I have not yet decided

Elvish Pillager I didn't know there was such a restriction, they have been altered now :D

fmunoz The Nailer/spiker/stapler attacks work such as this. they have a nail/spike that they smash, making it pierce into their enemies or through their armor. These are based off of the Dwarven thunderer branch but made cheaper and alot worse with the twist that makes them better then they otherwise would be that they use pierce in melee instead of range. since they have no range at all and low hp they are very vulnerable. Let me know if this kind of unit is prohibited, perhaps it can have added weakness against the cavalry attacks.

Darth Fool I like this idea for them and the swarm idea in the other thread. I think it would work out really well but adds another element of weakness to them that needs to be balanced, since nothing with these are totally finished something can be worked out.
The idea of having one of them killed and make it turn into a new unit with 1 less devling on the hex is quite fun and new, the problem is it would require about 8 images for each 1 devling you add to a hex aswell as it might confuse people when playing what kind of unit that actually is.

Neoriceisgood I'm sorry, I thought the N! represented "New!" which they were.. :oops: I've removed it
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Post by Neoriceisgood »

Well yeah, they ment new; but they were green; it is however a good idea to have a symbol (an "N" for example) to show what's been updated.
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Post by Thrawn »

sounds like fun. I remember dogscoffs snotlings (they are supposed to be small goblins BTW) I'll see if I can make them more along these lines--they'd fit in too!:mrgreen:

It would be interesting to see the fights :D
...please remember that "IT'S" ALWAYS MEANS "IT IS" and "ITS" IS WHAT YOU USE TO INDICATE POSSESSION BY "IT".--scott

this goes for they're/their/there as well
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