Campaign Shop

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Campaign Shop

Post by Jarom »

A drop-in modification, that allows you to spend gold in keeps to buy items that will cure, heal, or upgrade units.

- All items, including potions, are used when purchased and cannot be saved for later use.
- Upgrades are permanent and carried over to next scenario.
- A unit can purchase some shop items, such as armor, only once.
- If enabled in options, units can convert XP for gold at shops (gold = xp/level).
- Cost and some other variables are configurable in game creation menu.

Created for use with SigurdFireDragon's Custom Campaign in mind, but works with any content, including sp campaigns and single multiplayer scenarios (though it's best to adjust prices then).
In multiplayer, only host needs to have it. AI won't use it.
Based on shop 'era' from Dov's Maps 'n Mods by Dovolente (maintained by Atreides).

Translations are mostly not working yet (strings are in #wesnoth textdomain), will fix that later.

Integration capability: just edit cs_items at any point in the game (e.g. in start event), the options will reassemble from items definitions next time the menu is opened (categories are currently limited to 5, though you can change their definitions). Multipliers won’t be reapplied automatically – if you want to respect those, they’re still available as variables though. Capabilities outside of [effect] are available via [command] – see potion of fidelity for reference. For [era] and [multiplayer] add-ons, also see force_modification= if needed, for [campaign] you’d probably have to add the menu and configuration options yourself if they’re strictly required.
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