Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
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Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
If anybody here downloaded my campaign, constructive criticism and bare impressions are welcome.
Reviewing just a scenario will be as welcome as reviewing the whole campaign.
To report a bug, please use the Development Thread.
When posting feedback, please answer these questions:
(1) Number or Name of the scenario.
(2) What difficulty level have you played the scenario on?
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialogue and storyline? What can be added to make the story clearer / more interesting?
(5) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(6) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
(7) Did you cheat? And why?
(8) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
(9) Was there a bug in the scenario?
(10) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the campaign to make it more fun?
I'm interested how someone else than me plays the game,
so can anybody please upload a replay for me.
Thanks a lot
Reviewing just a scenario will be as welcome as reviewing the whole campaign.
To report a bug, please use the Development Thread.
When posting feedback, please answer these questions:
(1) Number or Name of the scenario.
(2) What difficulty level have you played the scenario on?
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialogue and storyline? What can be added to make the story clearer / more interesting?
(5) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(6) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
(7) Did you cheat? And why?
(8) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
(9) Was there a bug in the scenario?
(10) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the campaign to make it more fun?
I'm interested how someone else than me plays the game,
so can anybody please upload a replay for me.
Thanks a lot

Last edited by Adamant14 on April 8th, 2023, 6:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Author of Antar, Son of Rheor ( SP Campaign) | Development Thread + Feedback Thread + Replays of ASoR
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
(1) Number or Name of the scenario.
The Crystal
(2) What difficulty level have you played the scenario on?
Intermediate level
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Very clear
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialogue and storyline? What can be added to make the story clearer / more interesting?
Perhaps it is better to limit Gelphrad's sentences as he fights against the crystal.
(5) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(6) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
To be honest ... the boredom
I started to attack the crystal during turn 34, I stopped to play at turn 45, when I made some calculations: I still needed 43 turns to destroy the crystal, with 2-3 minutes per turn it came out about 90-120 minutes of game, during which I would have to always do the same things, because the situation in the outdoor part of the map was pratically stabilized.
Well, this is the only reason why I wrote this post; I think it's a pity to ruin a fantastic campaign (it isn't a courtesy judgment) with an incredibly boring second part of the last scenario.
(7) Did you cheat? And why?
(8) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
9 before to start to attack the crystal, then 1
(9) Was there a bug in the scenario?
I don't find it
(10) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the campaign to make it more fun?
Change the last scenario, making more fast the Crystal destruction! After this, the campaign is great!
I'm sorry to have been critical, but having to destroy the crystal in that way is totally useless for the purposes of the game and harmful for the fun, at least for my personal opinion.
Argesilao the Growel
By the way, happy new year
The Crystal
(2) What difficulty level have you played the scenario on?
Intermediate level
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Very clear
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialogue and storyline? What can be added to make the story clearer / more interesting?
Perhaps it is better to limit Gelphrad's sentences as he fights against the crystal.
(5) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(6) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
To be honest ... the boredom

I started to attack the crystal during turn 34, I stopped to play at turn 45, when I made some calculations: I still needed 43 turns to destroy the crystal, with 2-3 minutes per turn it came out about 90-120 minutes of game, during which I would have to always do the same things, because the situation in the outdoor part of the map was pratically stabilized.
Well, this is the only reason why I wrote this post; I think it's a pity to ruin a fantastic campaign (it isn't a courtesy judgment) with an incredibly boring second part of the last scenario.
(7) Did you cheat? And why?
(8) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
9 before to start to attack the crystal, then 1
(9) Was there a bug in the scenario?
I don't find it
(10) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the campaign to make it more fun?
Change the last scenario, making more fast the Crystal destruction! After this, the campaign is great!
I'm sorry to have been critical, but having to destroy the crystal in that way is totally useless for the purposes of the game and harmful for the fun, at least for my personal opinion.
Argesilao the Growel
By the way, happy new year

Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
Hi, Adamant14.
Very worthy campaign. I tried it a few years ago, but it was too hard for me. Now it looks I am able to beat it. I am playing 1.13.20 version of the campaign on Wesnoth 1.14. I am playing on normal difficulty. Story and dialogues are pretty good for me.
Attack Of The Undead
Scenario objectives are clear. I think this scenario may be considered as expert level. It is very fun, original and challenging. I spent several hours to solve that puzzle.
Lord Veogwyn
Scenario objectives are clear. I liked different events on the map, and the map itself is beautiful. It was fun. I kill the enemy leader early and got a lot of carryover gold.
Lord Othar
Scenario objectives are clear. Additional allies and several different enemy units at the beginning are good idea.
Through The Goblin Hills
Scenario objectives are not very clear. First time I started this scenario, I thought that my recall list will be cleared, and only those units who reached the signpost will go to the next scenarios. Because of that I replayed the "Lord Othar" scenario and recalled my best units. It was surprise to see that in "The Elvish Outpost" my recall list was not removed. Perhaps it is better to say in the scenario objectives that recall list will not be removed. Anyway player may decide to replay the previous scenario because of that. I posted a development idea to the corresponding topic.
My replays are attached.
Very worthy campaign. I tried it a few years ago, but it was too hard for me. Now it looks I am able to beat it. I am playing 1.13.20 version of the campaign on Wesnoth 1.14. I am playing on normal difficulty. Story and dialogues are pretty good for me.
Attack Of The Undead
Scenario objectives are clear. I think this scenario may be considered as expert level. It is very fun, original and challenging. I spent several hours to solve that puzzle.
Lord Veogwyn
Scenario objectives are clear. I liked different events on the map, and the map itself is beautiful. It was fun. I kill the enemy leader early and got a lot of carryover gold.
Lord Othar
Scenario objectives are clear. Additional allies and several different enemy units at the beginning are good idea.
Through The Goblin Hills
Scenario objectives are not very clear. First time I started this scenario, I thought that my recall list will be cleared, and only those units who reached the signpost will go to the next scenarios. Because of that I replayed the "Lord Othar" scenario and recalled my best units. It was surprise to see that in "The Elvish Outpost" my recall list was not removed. Perhaps it is better to say in the scenario objectives that recall list will not be removed. Anyway player may decide to replay the previous scenario because of that. I posted a development idea to the corresponding topic.
My replays are attached.
Author of SP scenario Dragon Fight and SP campaign Captured by a Nightmare.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
The Elvish Outpost
This scenario was interesting, but not very hard for me. I liked to have 2 sides under my control. Map has some dwarf-friendly terrain near enemy castles, so dwarves are useful there.
Dwarven Pass
Was not hard, I had right units with me. I liked bat foes, it is interesting to have different enemies.
That was cool. I had a lot of gold (430), so I decided to switch to the hardest difficulty to make campaign more challenging. And I didn't regret, it was very fun. I finished it with only few turns left.
The Dwarves
And that was even more fun! Still on hard. At some point I was shocked because of the enemy numbers and levels.
Two masterpiece scenarios in a row made my day, thanks a lot!
This scenario was interesting, but not very hard for me. I liked to have 2 sides under my control. Map has some dwarf-friendly terrain near enemy castles, so dwarves are useful there.
Was not hard, I had right units with me. I liked bat foes, it is interesting to have different enemies.
That was cool. I had a lot of gold (430), so I decided to switch to the hardest difficulty to make campaign more challenging. And I didn't regret, it was very fun. I finished it with only few turns left.
And that was even more fun! Still on hard. At some point I was shocked because of the enemy numbers and levels.
Author of SP scenario Dragon Fight and SP campaign Captured by a Nightmare.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
Elves Underground
Played on hard. I liked that I was playing on the map, which was shown before in the cutscene. I overrecruited and spent many turns. There is a shorter way, but I was not sure where it ends.
Back To The Light
Played on medium, since I started with minimum gold. I liked that ogres were there, and there is a reward for killing them
Also it is cool that skeleton leaders have some nice gifts for the player.
The Dungeon
Played on hard. I replayed it several times to make it in time. Prowler (hunter advancement) with his skirmisher ability was useful there. Overall that scenario is interesting. I think that is very good that you added different scenarios to the campaign like kill all the enemies, move to the signpost, explore the area.
The Volcano Mountain
Played on hard. As I said in the development thread, I fixed the bug with enemies gold and they had more gold. Because of the time limit I had to push hard even at night. Only small number of dwarves survived. Orcs almost get to their leader, but the puny elves helped him
The fire sword is a powerful artifact. Unfortunately its owner was able to use it only once. That was a tough battle, it was fun to play risky and accept casualties. Unfortunately the replay file is corrupted. Perhaps it is somehow related to the
But there were cutscenes with
The Crystal
Played on hard. At the first attempt I tried to explore the whole cave, but there was nothing interesting besides the enemies
At the outdoor the dwarves were slaughtered. At my second attempt I moved directly to the crystal and helped dwarves, so everything was good. I liked the atmosphere in this scenario. Tough battle at the outdoor and crucial mission inside the cave. Enemies in the cave are splendid
Worthy ending of such a great campaign!
Played on hard. I liked that I was playing on the map, which was shown before in the cutscene. I overrecruited and spent many turns. There is a shorter way, but I was not sure where it ends.
Back To The Light
Played on medium, since I started with minimum gold. I liked that ogres were there, and there is a reward for killing them

The Dungeon
Played on hard. I replayed it several times to make it in time. Prowler (hunter advancement) with his skirmisher ability was useful there. Overall that scenario is interesting. I think that is very good that you added different scenarios to the campaign like kill all the enemies, move to the signpost, explore the area.
The Volcano Mountain
Played on hard. As I said in the development thread, I fixed the bug with enemies gold and they had more gold. Because of the time limit I had to push hard even at night. Only small number of dwarves survived. Orcs almost get to their leader, but the puny elves helped him

commands at the beginning. In the replay main characters did not move to their castles and there is an "out of sync error" after that. Looks like a Wesnoth core bug 
in the other scenarios and they worked. I don't know what it is, maybe I will try to reproduce and report it. Just in case I will add the corrupted replay here.The Crystal
Played on hard. At the first attempt I tried to explore the whole cave, but there was nothing interesting besides the enemies

Last edited by sergey on January 6th, 2019, 10:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Author of SP scenario Dragon Fight and SP campaign Captured by a Nightmare.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
Update regarding the corrupted replay. At the beginning of the scenario player has to click on Antar. I think that is was actually not working in the replay. Maybe some other approach like "finish the turn and you will be able to choose the castles" will work, but I didn't try that yet. I decided to solve that programming puzzle and fix the corrupted replay, and I succeeded
I modified the replay file. First of all, I removed the code for choosing the castles and replaced it with direct commands (
Wesnoth wiki says
Here is the fixed replay.

, recall
and such). Also I had to replace move_unit
with store_unit
, since move_unit
has some side effects in the replays. Wesnoth wiki says
Looks like it also leads to replay out of event
Triggers when the primary unit is selected. ... Note: in networked multiplayer, these events are only executed by the client on which the event is triggered, leading to out of sync errors if you modify the game state in the event.
Here is the fixed replay.
Last edited by sergey on January 6th, 2019, 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Author of SP scenario Dragon Fight and SP campaign Captured by a Nightmare.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Created The Rise of Wesnoth (alternative mechanics) version of the mainline campaign.
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
Glad you have enjoyed the campaign.
Thank you very much for the feedback, many many thanks for all your help and all your suggestions, for finding all those bugs,and many thanks for the replays. Thank you very much.

Thank you very much for the feedback, many many thanks for all your help and all your suggestions, for finding all those bugs,and many thanks for the replays. Thank you very much.

Author of Antar, Son of Rheor ( SP Campaign) | Development Thread + Feedback Thread + Replays of ASoR
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
I finished the campaign.
During the last scenario I noticed that the icon of the morningstar attack of the Dwarvish High Alchemist is missing.
The campaign is very good under every point of view
But the epilogue it's a bit drastic
; will there be a second chapter of the saga?
During the last scenario I noticed that the icon of the morningstar attack of the Dwarvish High Alchemist is missing.
The campaign is very good under every point of view

But the epilogue it's a bit drastic

Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
The campaign does not start in Wesnoth 1.14.5. Here is the error:
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]

On my engine (Windows 10) the campaign loads without any problems.
What is the operating system you use ?
Do you have the mainline campaign The Hammer of Thursagen installed, or not installed ?
Did anyone else here noticed this problem ?
Author of Antar, Son of Rheor ( SP Campaign) | Development Thread + Feedback Thread + Replays of ASoR
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
Checked for this.
Detected an image with bad dimensions: terrain/../terrain/human-village_188_by_zebulon.png: 78x68
It will not be masked, please use: 72x72
Around start there is empty [message], around 3 messages into it.
Detected an image with bad dimensions: terrain/../terrain/human-village_188_by_zebulon.png: 78x68
It will not be masked, please use: 72x72
Around start there is empty [message], around 3 messages into it.
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
Thank you Ravana.
Which operating system have you used for the check ?
A slightly oversized image. This should not cause a problem.
Do you mean that: If yes, that is intended. Rheor begins to speak a sentence but is interrupted by an incoming rider. For that reason he speaks only: "I ---"
Or was there any further empty message ?
Author of Antar, Son of Rheor ( SP Campaign) | Development Thread + Feedback Thread + Replays of ASoR
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
Linux Mint 18.3.
Actual empty [message][/message].
Actual empty [message][/message].
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
OK, it is in the intro-part, where the game tells the player what behaviour is different here, compared to other regular campaigns.
There is indeed a empty message. I have planned to add some more informations there, but I still haven't yet. But that is also no problem.
Thanks for confirming that the campaign also starts without problems on Linux.
There is indeed a empty message. I have planned to add some more informations there, but I still haven't yet. But that is also no problem.
Thanks for confirming that the campaign also starts without problems on Linux.
Author of Antar, Son of Rheor ( SP Campaign) | Development Thread + Feedback Thread + Replays of ASoR
Re: Antar, Son of Rheor [Feedback Thread]
The above mentioned problem (the game does not start) happens in:
Wesnoth 1.14.5
Game version: 1.13.21
Operating system: Linux Debian stable.
I have installed the campaign "The Hammer of Thursagan Revised". The normal campaign is not present in the server.
Wesnoth 1.14.5
Game version: 1.13.21
Operating system: Linux Debian stable.
I have installed the campaign "The Hammer of Thursagan Revised". The normal campaign is not present in the server.