RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_pack"

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RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_pack"

Post by IIIO_METAL »

A feedback thread for the roguelike RPG campaign "Castle of Evil Spirits" and the resource add-on "add_creature_pack".
For Wesnos 1.16

"Castle of Evil Spirits": It a rogue type single campaign.
Campaign overview
1. Player unit can select male or female.
hage.png (35.02 KiB) Viewed 4055 times
okaapa.png (36.36 KiB) Viewed 4055 times
2. Automatically generate roguelike-style dungeons. (It works almost normally)
image_1.png (29.38 KiB) Viewed 4055 times
3. Equip items to strengthen unit.(Weapons, armor, shields, accessories)
4. You need an arrow when using a bow. (The arrow is a consumable item)
5. If you are hungry, you need to eat food. (Roguelike style)
6. Normally, only one unit can be used. (There are several ways to make a monster a pet)
7. The initial unit is very weak! (Roguelike style)
8. There are also healing medicines and magic scrolls.

Campaign status
-Although the base event is almost complete, bug checking is not enough.
-The first dungeon quest has been completed.
-Items will be added a little more.
-The game balance has not been adjusted yet.

-Add some quests to allow the unit to traverse multiple cities.
-Complete the story part

"add_creature_pack": This is a collection of unit data resources that support campaign production. The animals and monster units are classified and collected into several categories.
add-on overview
1. Focusing on collecting monster-like units.
2. The race of monsters is subdivided. (Animal, plant, insect, bird, etc...)
3. Not only monsters, but also units that seem to be fun to appear as guests in the campaign are collected.

-Add some original units

Advice, suggestions, bug reports etc. are always welcome.
Last edited by IIIO_METAL on November 19th, 2021, 11:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by Samonella »

Hello! I decided to give Castle of Evil Spirit a try. I played for a few hours and it was very fun, well designed and seemed pretty balanced! Unfortunately I ran into a lot of bugs and confusion. Here are my thoughts:
Bug reports
  • In falcon's weapon shop, item's don't show the price. It says "Price:" but after that it is blank.
  • In the right-click menu, there is no way to tell apart the two item menus. They both have a picture of a gray potion bottle and no words.
  • Earrings (one of the items) doesn't show a description, instead it says "Armor_Description"
  • When I went into the castle with Mileanyll and then came back, there was two of her: one with me, and a new one back in the pub.
  • Several times I picked up arrows that said they had high accuracy, but my inventory still only listed ordinary arrows and shadow arrows.
  • On random turns, my units would suddenly get full health. I don't know what made it happen, and if I loaded to before it happened, it usually didn't happen again.
  • When I unequipped my "short bow," the item was unequipped (later i could sell it) but I still had the attack option for it. See what I mean in the save below.
(412.23 KiB) Downloaded 645 times
  • I think the game would be more realistic and interesting if the units didn't heal every time they went up or down a floor. I usually wasn't worried about them dying because I knew I could just go up and down the staircase to try again.
  • I didn't like having to get items appraised. At the beginning of the game I needed money for lamp fuel and things, so it annoyed me to spend money just to see what my items did. Usually it didn't even tell me anything useful.
  • In Woodpecker's shop, at first I couldn't tell which number was the price and which was the quantity. It would be nice if those were labeled.
  • Is there a way to see how much lamp fuel I have left? I was never sure how much I needed to buy, or when I should go back to the top floor to buy more.
  • Sometimes enemies will appear and attack all in one turn. I think they should wait one turn before being able to attack so players have a chance to defend wounded units.
  • Most of game was very well balanced, but the armor all seemed useless because it did almost nothing. I sold all of the ones I found because healing potions were much more useful.
  • My biggest complaint: There were so many weapons I couldn't use! Even when I bought weapons from the store I couldn't equip them, and there seems to be no way to learn how to use them. I thought maybe I needed to get them appraised, so I wasted money there to. Finally I ended up selling all the new weapons back to the store, which paid back less than I bought them for originally so in the end I lost over a hundred gold and got nothing. I gave up playing because I had so many powerful weapons but was still stuck using a knife.
The last few months have been nothing but one big, painful reminder that TIMTLTW.

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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by IIIO_METAL »

Hello Samonella, Thanks for the bug report.
It was very helpful because I got a detailed report. I am currently fighting with as many bugs as I can not count.
Your suggestions and impressions have also taught me points to be careful about. I added some ideas and improvements to the list.

Well, to practice these ideas later. First, after pulverizing the bug currently being discovered! ;)
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by zaimoni »

Code: Select all

20170904 22:26:49 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=acp_Dire_White_Rabbit encountered.
20170904 22:26:49 error gui/draw: Image: '~SCALE_INTO(265,265)' not found and won't be drawn.
20170904 22:27:00 error config: Multiple [unit_type]s with id=acp_Dire_White_Rabbit encountered.
20170904 22:27:00 error config: caught config::error: Failed to load the scenario
I hit this when working on resuscitating Wesband. (My previous attempt, Nov 2015, failed against Wesnoth 1.11.5-ish because of a lua-side bugfix applied in Wesnoth 11.1. I saw that Castle of evil spirit had managed to defeat this bugfix and has Wesband-like armor stats, so thought I'd try again).

It took a while to track down because there is no such unit id in Wesband. It's in the add_creature_pack; there are two copies of The Dire White Rabbit, so my local Wesband prototype fails to open because the duplicate unit id is a hard error.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by IIIO_METAL »

Hello, zaimoni.
Thank you for creating a detailed report.

Wow! I seem to have made a foolish mistake. I uploaded a modified add_creature_pack.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by IIIO_METAL »

As a result of continuing work, add_creature_pack collected many units. As the number of units increased, checking available units became not easy.
So I decided to add an HTML-based unit list to the appendix. You can check the unit image and unit name and ID with this.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by IIIO_METAL »

"Castle of evil spirit" Version 0.2.0 has been released.
The [object] tag used to change the unit data in the previous version is no longer used from this version. Also, since we fixed the majority of the event, it became incompatible with previous save data.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by octalot »

It's an interesting campaign. I'm not far enough to write a review yet, just some notes (version 0.2.4):

The file images/units/humans/Sorcerer/B_Sorcerer_mace.png is a Photoshop file, not a PNG.

I've found a ring that gives 'Night vision', but the character that I gave it to still needs a lamp.

When exchanging items between characters, it would be helpful to show each character's loading capacity.

When looking at equipment in a character's backpack, it would be helpful to say "Can be equipped by: (names of characters in your party)", not just that it can or can't be equipped by the current character.

If terrain + parry defence would reduce the chance to be hit below zero, it gets set to 100% instead, so my skirmisher on 70% terrain would always get hit.

The terrain "Down_pit" is similar to the terrains around that map, it's not obvious that that's where the route downwards is.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_p

Post by IIIO_METAL »

octalot, I appreciate it because you have found many bugs. There were many other bugs, and I was working on it. Perhaps I think I can upload new versions next weekend.

Night vision abilities bugs will be solved in the next version.

Although message display when seeing equipment replacement and backpack was somewhat improved, there are still many problems.

The problem of terrain + parry defence may need to redesign the event. It takes time.

"Down_pit" is definitely hard to understand. I will consider a new graphic.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_pack"

Post by IIIO_METAL »

I made major changes to this add-on and released it in 1.14.
The story event is incomplete so you can not complete the game, but you can explore the dungeons as much as you want.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_pack"

Post by IIIO_METAL »

"Castle of evil spirit" version 0.4.6 has been released.
I think that a fatal bug has disappeared in this version (although there is still a small bug).
I have not adjusted the game balance yet, but if you're lucky you should be able to play the game to the end.
Any responses about this add-on are welcome.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_pack"

Post by Konrad2 »

The following add-on had errors and could not be loaded:
C:\Users\Shinigami LTK\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.14/data/add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg

Please report this to the author or maintainer of this add-on.


Missing closing tag for tag [case]
expected at ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/Items_appraisal.cfg:422
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/unit_menu.cfg:1508
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/unit_menu.cfg:462
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/Scenario_Utils.cfg:6
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/scenarios/07_1_In_the_castle_B.cfg:123
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:39
opened at ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/Items_appraisal.cfg:424
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/unit_menu.cfg:1508
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/unit_menu.cfg:462
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/macros/Scenario_Utils.cfg:6
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:30
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/scenarios/07_1_In_the_castle_B.cfg:123
included from ~add-ons/Castle_of_evil_spirit/_main.cfg:39

=> Error: Failed to load scenario
(This happened when I tried to start the campaign)
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_pack"

Post by IIIO_METAL »

Hello Konrad2.

I could not reproduce the bug.
Please let me know the version of the addon you played.
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Re: RPG Campaign:"Castle of evil spirit" and "add_creature_pack"

Post by IIIO_METAL »

Konrad 2, Thanks for the report.
I tried it, but that error does not occur in my environment. I am testing on Mac osx wesnoth 1.14.3.
Since I want to know a little more detailed situation, can you get a log until you start an addon and get an error?
Creator of "Mountain Witch" & "Castle of evil spirit"
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