The Golden Age

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The Golden Age

Post by ForestDragon »

hello everyone, welcome to my topic about an era i made called The Golden Age, (TGA for short) it an extended-mainline type era which is both good for MP, and is a good singleplayer campaign due to the sheer amount of new mainline-race unit and new advancements it provides. it also include some maps, 3 of which are mirror 2p pvp maps, and one called Corrupted Forest, which is a spooky survival map with nice visuals, which was inspired by IftU.
oh, and it's size is around 45 MB, by the way

feel free to use it as a modding resource too :D

People working (or helping to work) on TGA:

creator/maintainer: ForestDragon, of course :)

balance critique provider: IPS

art quality critique provider: Aldarisvet

testers: Lumen,IPS,Xargon,Angelonius,skelegonsans

overally TGA issue/balance feedback providers: IPS,Xargon

people i use art from: i apologise for being too lazy to list everyone of you i copied art from, but huge thanks guys (and maybe some gals, i don't know) know, that
without you making art, this project of mine wouldn't have been what it is now

EDIT: updated the description a bit, it's not too detailed, but at least more accurate than the one from march :P
Last edited by ForestDragon on February 16th, 2017, 3:09 pm, edited 9 times in total.
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

A few teasers to give you a better understanding of what is going on (in form of unit sprites, oh, and credits are in the add-on description (the kind you see in add-on servers))
lvl3 from BW
lvl3 from BW
swordmaster.png (4.38 KiB) Viewed 14827 times
lvl2 from IQ
lvl2 from IQ
markscuttlefish.png (2.97 KiB) Viewed 14827 times
lvl3 from EomU
lvl3 from EomU
vanquisher.png (5.62 KiB) Viewed 14827 times
lichlord.png (2.35 KiB) Viewed 14827 times
lvl3 from RotM
lvl3 from RotM
champion.png (2.42 KiB) Viewed 14827 times
Last edited by ForestDragon on March 12th, 2016, 5:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

At least post something, pls
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by DeCoolest_Cat »

ForestDragon, not everyone will reply to your post. You have less than 10 downloads at the moment of writing this, so you could not have more than 8-9 people giving you feedback. Also, not everyone that downloads an add-on will give feedback. Please be patient. Glad to see you have making an era though.
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by DeCoolest_Cat »

I've played your era, and I admit it's better than I thought (not that I thought it would be bad). One thing I noticed is that you take a lot from the "Era of Second Chances", and the rustler (or its upgrade, I forget which), is broken. Here are some of my suggestions and findings:

1. I think the drake faction is too large, and that the capraces should get out of the faction
2. You have the young ogre as a recruit for outlaws, but not the mace ogre
3. The caparace javelineer has a 7-4, and a 14-1. The 14-1 is basically useless, and the upgrade doesn't have that attack
4. I like how you made the naval faction a different thing, but it's very bland with only 2 factions. My suggestion is to add mermen and other sea monsters as 2 new factions. You could also add pirates
5. The naga lieutenant and major have no bio, you should add them.
6. The level 0 footpad has the same bio as the ruffian (it doesn't matter that much, but you may want to change it)
7. It doesn't seem like you added many units too the undead faction
8. The goblin scorcher and elvish blue eye don't have TC

It has a lot of potential to be the next ageless era or WoTG, but has A LOT of work to do :D
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

thanks for the feedback, and by the way, i don't rememder putting any EoSC units in my era, i might be possible that you have EoSC installed, and thus, both their units blend in with the same mainline tree (using [advances_from]), i'll soon remove ranged 14-1 on javelineer carapace, and mermen are coming soon
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

0.1.1 is out! here is a quick description:
removed the 14-1 attack from javelin carapace,fixed Vagrant's portrait,added portraits to naga warden line,merfolk faction (including a lvl2 brawler ;) ),(once again with carapaces :) these guys are just everywhere hehe),sea AOL
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by DeCoolest_Cat »

You should NEVER use [advancefrom] tags. If you load up a multiplayer game with your era installed, even if you aren't using it in your game, the game will be messed up. Wesnoth will try to use the [advancefrom] tags, and it will fail if not everyone in the lobby has the era installed (that's roughly what happens, please correct me if I'm wrong). Instead, make custom units and use [base_unit] tags, such as elvish_fighter_GA. This will stop all multiplayer games from crashing when 1 player has your era installed.
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

Yeah, Thanks for commenting, but but i think i am a bit too lazy to make a base unit for every faction i use, but overall nice idea
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by DeCoolest_Cat »

No, like it will mess up ANY multiplayer game when ANYONE in it has the era installed. It doesn't even have to be in use. You don't have to make base units for everything, just for mainline units that level into custom ones.
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

yes i understand, expect it in 0.1.2 update, by the way, large thanks for helping me out with suggestions
EDIT:figured it out: i used the good ol' [base_units] in combination with [hide_unit] in the main , so that original units just won't show in help menu, and only clones, works like a charm! :D
EDIT2: already done, and working!
Last edited by ForestDragon on March 18th, 2016, 7:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

0.1.2 is out!
finally got rid of those [advancefrom]s (man, that was a LOT of work, whew :whistle: ),and other changes are:
completed Orcish Shaman line (added lvl3, and a healer/neg. res leadership line, removed magical spec. from curse (magical+drain=unbalanced) ),Inferno Drake can advance into Armageddon,Troll Whelp to Troll Shaman

by the way, i am also interested in balance feedback, because the era is kinda WIP, and there are a lot of abilities and weapon specials, and i am not really testing too much about balance, only bugs, so feedback appreciated :)
Last edited by ForestDragon on March 24th, 2016, 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by ForestDragon »

come on, no feedback yet, seriously?
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
My inactive add-ons (1.12): Tale of Alan, The Golden Age
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Re: The Golden Age (WIP era)

Post by Ravana »

I suspect Mountain King is way too powerful.
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