A Group in a War: 1.18 SP simple RPG campaign

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A Group in a War: 1.18 SP simple RPG campaign

Post by tamanegi »

Hi all,

A Group in a War is a simple RPG style campaign. You lead a small troop in the battlefield to finish the war.
Field map and mechanism was significantly modified for 1.14 release as seen in the screenshot below. ;)
If you find a bug, please report here or send PM to me.

Current Version
0.1.6b (May 2, 2018)
Last edited by tamanegi on March 2nd, 2024, 5:14 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by orian34 »

I finished it and it's really nice!
One bug i found : the east fort map doesn't exist...
(i became the wailbearer! )
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by tamanegi »

orian34, thank you for playing and the bug report. ;)
I didn't expect such a quick response. :shock:

I uploaded the fixed version to the server (version 0.1.1beta).
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by Konrad2 »

ive got a unit that doesnt care if its poisoned. its a master bowman i advanced from a woodsman.
when i capture the garnison south of the river, i am at the norther garnison when im on the field again and the map shows that i captured the norther instead of the southern, what makes no sense. also, it is explained that peasont have a very high loyality, but i still got betrayed by one, when he had 5 HP for 2 turns.
btw, is it intended that my name changes with time? my first name was "Red Baron" now me and my are army are "The Deathbringer" (you stole that name from SoW right?)

EDIT: the night defense map of the western fortress doesnt exist
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by tamanegi »

Thank you for bug reports, Konrad2. ;)

Poisons are not cured when the battle is finished.
You should rest for a day in the bedroom (at Outposts, Villages, Forts). If the resting doesn't cure the poision, it is a serious bug i cannot guess the reason... :? At least, I added help message about poison, since it is not clearly mentioned and maybe confusing.

Capturing the north fort instead (maybe you attacked south one only by your troop) and unexisting night defense map are apparently caused by my silly mistakes. :cry: Sorry to bother you, and thank you for reporting. They are fixed now. :)

Loyalty of peasants are high ON AVERAGE, but there are cowards among them (because they are not trained soldiers). I added this explanation to the help message. I write some more details about loyalty below. (complete explanation is very difficult due to my limited English skill. :oops: )
On standard situations, peasant-based units may not betray if their HP >= 5. (unless they are surrounded by enemies) It is to be noted starving significantly decreases the loyalty of units.

The title can be changed once, so the changing from "Red Baron" to "Deathbringer" (not from SoW, i often see this name in japanese games :D ) is intentional. "The Wailbearer" of orian34 is also the higher ranked title. The titles are randomly chosen now, but will be determined from the user's behaviour in the future versions.

I will be out for about a week....
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by Konrad2 »

i didnt explain my poison bug correctly :D ive given you the save file now, so just end the turn and see what happens. or rather not happens.

whats the use to have loyalty >100 (in some cases even more then 200)?
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by orian34 »

I guess it was because i crushed the whole map without mercy(i made 3 waves of attacks, first : i conquered all the small towns. Secondly : random events take down the east fort so i only had to get the north fort... Finally : i just crushed the town with all my high ranked soldiers...end of the story).
Anyway i find that's a small but perfect campaign...really enjoyed it!(at the end, every troop i had was greeting me ^^)
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by tamanegi »

I understand the poison bug; nothing happened as you said. :shock:
If unit is both starved and poisoned, the poison does not work at all. (Please don't starve your troop!)
I guess it is not a bug of this campaign, rather something ambiguous matter of the game engine itself. So i asked about it at WML Workshop. Thank you for reporting. :D ... it cannot be fixed easily, though. :augh:

There is no limit on loyalty at least now. It can be higher than 200, though it is not meaningful as you think.

You are really the Wailbearer. :D Your strategy is actually same as my one. :P
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by Konrad2 »

its kinda hard not to starve your troops when you have a limit of 100 food and you use over 50 food per turn :(
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by tamanegi »

50 foods per turn?! :shock: It's a very large army. At least 24 soldiers?
You should avoid starving because loyalty of units decreased and units are unhealable when they are starving. (The food limit of 100 is designed to limit the number of solidiers of the troop. :D ) If your solider's loyalty is very high, it is not a problem, of course. (Honestly, i am not sure about the balancing of the loyalty now... :hmm: )

One possible workaround is to fire some of soldiers temporary at the Outpost (the only keep where Clammy is standing). Maybe your troop is too much for attacking villages and small outposts (west and east). Fire some of high level soliders while attacking villages and small outposts, recall all the soldiers when you plan to attack the forts or the enemy main Outpost (or forts) may be a possible way.
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by orian34 »

Konrad2, you should not have that many troops at the same time, vire some of the high rank then recall them when you need to crush the adversary(i beated the ennemy with less than 20 units...)

edit : Ha! Same words at the same time! :P
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by Konrad2 »

its actually not a big problem to keep this many :D most times im only using the low level units i have, so i can give them all the xp (it works, when you have many of them, just capture a fort by yourself, and have enough money to do that). i only keep the high level units with me in case i get attacked by some insanely strong enemy (stumbled over a archmage with about 9 lvl 3 units some time ago. luckily i ambushed him :D ) and its fun to look a your awesome strong army.

for the campaign itself: if you get a task from your general, afterwards you cant find out anymore what this task was, and you cant abort this task either, so you cant make any new requests for joint attacks
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by tamanegi »

for the campaign itself: if you get a task from your general, afterwards you cant find out anymore what this task was, and you cant abort this task either, so you cant make any new requests for joint attacks
Thanks. These points will be implemented in the next release. :)
BTW, capturing a fort by yourself may become more difficult in future versions because i found minor bugs in the initial gold of imperial army in the current version... :cry:
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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by Roland de Ronceveaux »

Nice campaign Tamanegi, very enjoyable.

My little gripes:
- Desert village is buggy (the game states that there isn't an existing map when you attack it and aborts back to the menu screen).
- The maps for ambushes and villages are always the same. It would be nice to have one map per village and a random pool of maps for field events (battles, ambushes, etc..)


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Re: A Group in a War: 1.12 SP RPG campaign

Post by tamanegi »

Thank you for feedback and bug reports, Roland de Ronceveaux.
- The maps for ambushes and villages are always the same. It would be nice to have one map per village and a random pool of maps for field events (battles, ambushes, etc..)
There are 10 random maps both for villages and ambushes (though they are similar in size and the initial position of troops), and the desert village has a special map. So i believe maps for ambushes and villages are not always the same... :hmm: River, Bridge, and small outposts (west and east) have only one map, i will add some additional maps for them (at least for River and small outposts).
- Desert village is buggy (the game states that there isn't an existing map when you attack it and aborts back to the menu screen).
I guess you met the bug on the attack at night. This is clearly a bug, thank you for reporting. :oops: I fixed it in version 0.3.1.
Discord: @tamanegi
It is true that we cannot be free from bugs, but at least let our bugs not always the same...
A Group in a War: my first campaign, An Independence War: and the sequel
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