Into The Underworld - MP RPG!

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Into The Underworld - MP RPG!

Post by Bob_The_Mighty »

Into The Underworld is a new mutliplayer RPG scenario.

Players must escort a royal agent on a quest to find Gregor Tanto, the mysterious Dwarven magician who was ousted from the magehood for reasons unknown. The king believes that this strange hermit may be able to stem the tide of blood that threatens to drown the kingdom. What begins as a simple fetch-quest turns into an epic and desperate journey into exotic lands and undiscovered realms. :D

While the forum was down I uploaded it onto the add-ons server. There is now a newer version with a few fixes: (0.3). As always, I suggest using Bob's RPG Era!

I have been working on this a long time. My aim was to create an RPG with a good story that wouldn't get too repetitive after numerous attempts. I also wanted to use more varied terrain and enemies than usual.

Into The Underworld has a large number of random encounters between fixed story points. It uses units from Extended Era, Era of Myths and Imperial Era, plus a few extra custom ones. This means, of course, that every player must have the ITU download in order to join the game (but they do not need EE, EoM or IM).

I also tried to make it less time-consuming than my other RPGS, by using a smaller map and only having 4 players. However, on many of the test-runs I found that the random elements create a nice level of tension where caution and scouting are essential. It is also pretty damn hard. So although it plays quite quickly, it might take a while to complete.

Thanks to Mica, Aethaeryn and jb for playtesting. And also zookeeper and sapient for their limitless WML wisdom.

Please let me know your thoughts about this scenario, be in the form of bug-reports, blind praise or inarticulate criticism... :)
Last edited by Bob_The_Mighty on November 27th, 2009, 11:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Velensk »

I've tried this senario (died in the swamps), and it is quite impressive. The random encounters add veriety, and so far no bugs. It seems better than your previouse efforts (amoung other things, it is tough enough that I didn't win it in my first attempt).

As a suggestion for the era in general though, it might be nice if something happened when you gave your ghost enough xp to lvl, possibly a new character, or possably a slightly more impressive ghost.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Jequ »

I got unicorn from a random event and I, of course, tried to level it but it didn't level up or even AMLA. It just had like 32/29 exp (I can't remember the correct exp). Is this a feature of bug?

I lost in the swamp town. Continuous poisoning and slow made it very hard but great scenario anyways.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Velensk »

My second time through I did find a bug, when I picked up the ice bow, it changed the apperance of my elvish fighters sword icon rather than it's bow when I equipted it.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Golbeeze »

I played with a couple friends of mine and we couldn't figure out how to equip stuff. We bought things from the shop, elven boots and ring of arcane resistance for example, and they did not provide bonuses. Also, some descriptions were incorrect, such as in the book of weaponmaking, the combination that makes a slow weapon for one turn, makes the weapon slow for the rest of the game. I don't know which it is supposed to be, but the slow effect stayed. Sorry for not having better descriptions of the bugs, but I wasn't home at the time and thus didn't write them down. It was a fun scenario though! We made it through 1/2 of the map.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Bob_The_Mighty »

Due to a bad bug fix the end of this scenario was totally messed up. I've fixed that now, and also tweaked bits and pieces...

* The forest is a little easier, the desert a little harder.
* The 'prisoners' at the end now join and fight with you.
* I've toned down the swamp slightly, and fixed the bug that sometimes meant there was not enough spice.
* Several bits of dialogue were not showing due to the seemingly unpredictable nature of sighted events.
* End boss stats totally revised.
* Underground area now counts as dusk.
* Before shops only appeared if Bob's RPG Era was used. Now there are default shops (lifted from LoC) which will work for all other eras.

Hope this all makes it better. If you try this scenario please let me know how you find it.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by lightdragon »

i love it its cool :lol2: :D :D :D :lol2: :lol2: 8) :) :) :wink: :wink:
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by woodmouse »

I died in the forest with FOUR characters I controlled... And I used Mystic Era... :shock: It's hard, I like it. :) But maybe a bit too hard? (I wasn't on full concious, that's maybe why I got only there. :lol:)
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Velensk »

Try using bobs RPG era, it is the era the map is designed for.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Patrigon »

I just have one question here. I'm surprised it hasn't been addressed, unless it was an issue in other maps for which people already know the answer. Is there a way to make the map run faster? Having to wait approximately 20 seconds between each turn makes the game run painstakingly slow. Are there any settings I can tweak to remove this lag?
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by zookeeper »

Patrigon wrote:I just have one question here. I'm surprised it hasn't been addressed, unless it was an issue in other maps for which people already know the answer. Is there a way to make the map run faster? Having to wait approximately 20 seconds between each turn makes the game run painstakingly slow. Are there any settings I can tweak to remove this lag?
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Earworthm »

How do I download it? I havent found it on the extensions section.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Mabuse »

Earworthm wrote:How do I download it? I havent found it on the extensions section.
not ?

well, then you have to search more carefully :lol2: :wink:

btw, i just found that BOB load up a new extension, galactic empires, i think i test it
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by Mica »

This is one of Bob's add-ons I would like to take over, but he left before I could get a hold of him. If no one else is maintaining it, I would be glad.
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Re: Into The Underworld - New MP RPG!

Post by woodmouse »

I love it! But there's one thing I think is a bug: When all of the units died (the four players, I controlled all) and then Gregor; nothing happened. I mean, he wasn't able to walk in the chasm place. I used map settings and Bob's RPG era. Maybe it was only something that doesn't happen every time?
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