Mage Campaign: Attack of the Undead

Discussion and development of scenarios and campaigns for the game.

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Mage Campaign: Attack of the Undead

Post by wsultzbach »

I've made a mage campaign which starts with your city being attacked by the undead, then you must go eliminate the source. It has 3 scenarios and feels complete, but I'm thinking about making more. I just uploaded version 0.1 onto the campaign server, so play it and tell me what you think.
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Post by wsultzbach »

Ok, version 0.1.1 in on the campaign server now. It has some minor changes.


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Version 0.1.1:
* new dialogue in The Last Straw
* enemy leader in The Last Straw is now named Muff Jal
* Help From the Settlers is now Help From the Villagers
* now hs an icon
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Post by irrevenant »

Downloading now.

I just wanted to say it's nice to have some mini-campaigns available for when people feel like some continuity but don't want to tackle a monster like HttT.
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Post by irrevenant »

Okay, two things:

(1) For a "run for your lives!!" scenario, it's just far too easy to end-around the attacking force and take out the leader.
(2) Once you do so, the next scenario still gives you dialogue that indicates you failed to defeat the attacking undead.
(2b) The enemy leader in the 2nd Scenario is the same that you just killed in Scenario 1.

[EDIT] P.S. I'm playing on medium difficulty.

[EDIT 2] The source of the undead seems to be from the north [...]" (not "seams").
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Post by wsultzbach »

Yeah, I've got to make the 1st scenario alot harder, because technically the enemy leaders in the 1st and 2nd scenarios are the same. I gave them a geriatric name so if you killed the enemy leader in the 1st scenario it wouldn't seem to weird, but I'll give the him a lot more gold in the next release.
Last edited by wsultzbach on February 10th, 2007, 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by irrevenant »

wsultzbach wrote:Yah, I've got to make the 1st scenario alot harder, because technically the enemy leaders in the 1st and 2nd scenarios are the same. I gave them a geriatric name so if you killed the enemy leader in the 1st scenario it wouldn't seem to wired, but I'll give the him a lot more gold in the next release.
I doubt that will do it. The enemy forces go streaming for your villages and your mages (especially if you have a few with quick) can just walk around the enemy force.

See the attached replay.

Note: I'm using Wesnoth 1.12 so that may make a difference.
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Post by wsultzbach »

0.1.2 is out. :)


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Version 0.1.2: 
* gave the enemy leader more gold in Attack of the Undead and Help From the Villagers
* fixed some minor typos
* added starting villages
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Post by wsultzbach »

I've just put 0.2 on the campaign server. I reworked the story to make it more emotional (and hopefully better) and added a prologue.


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Version 0.2:
* new dialogue in The Last Straw
* added the The Student as a scenario
* added intros
* new music
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Post by wsultzbach »

I just released 0.2.1. I've seriously redone the first combat scerario, Attack of the Undead. It has a new (larger) map and a second enemy leader was added.


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Version 0.2.1:
* balencing in Attack of the Undead
* new dialogue in Help From the Villagers
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Post by wsultzbach »

I've just now put 0.3 on the campaign server. I've added a new scenario and improved it overall.
I'm planing on releasing 1.0 soon, so I need feedback on the demilich in the final scenario (which I stole from The South Guard), would a normal lich or necromancer be better?
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Post by wsultzbach »

I've released 1.0, It has a few changes (mostly polishing). I need people who are interested to give me advice on balancing or any other improvements that could be made.
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Post by wsultzbach »

I've released 1.0.1, It's a small fix. I did sme tweaking on the final scenario as well as getting the map paths to work. It's just now on the camaign server.
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Post by Chris NS »

I find scenarios where you only have one unit available tactically a bit dull. Maybe allow recruitment of peasants in the first two scenarios, with a comment at the start to the effect of "Oh bugger, we're being attacked by tons of undead and we've only got mages and servants to fight them off" and the undead leader says "Bwahahahahahaha!"
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Post by wsultzbach »

I've just uploaded version 1.0.2, this is an important update because it fixes the bugs that caused 1.0.1 to be broken. I also allowed the player to recruit peasants.
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Post by wsultzbach »

Ok, I've just uploaded a small update, 1.0.3. I made minor edits to some maps as well as adding support for translations.

This campaign is going to be cool with the new mages. :D
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