Mystical World

Discussion and development of scenarios and campaigns for the game.

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Mystical World

Post by ChaosRider »

12 scenarios, 4 scenarios for 2-4 players, 4 scenarios for 2-6 players and 4 scenarios for 2-8 players where you have to survive waves of clones.
First player can set (min/max):
- Waves number (it's automatic counted and depends of stuff below)
- Last wave power (it's automatic counted and depends of stuff below)
- First wave power (20/50)
- Wave max power (70/100)
- Power increase (1/20)
- Turns require to spawn clones (3/7)
- Set from which side get clones:
a) from own side
b) from only enemies sides
c) from random side
- Get gold per clone kill (on/off)
- Set random bonus on castle & keep hexes (on/off)
a) +1 strike
b) +1 damage
c) +10% hp max & hp
d) +10% random resistance (max 80%)
e) +10% random terrain defense (max 80%)
f) +1 movement point
g) -10% max xp
i) +5 xp
j) +5 gold
k) random new weapon
l) random new weapon special
m) random new recruit
n) random new ability
o) -1 movement cost on random terrain.
- Set % value for getting bonuses in castle and keep (5/100)
- Destroy castles at the end
- Destroy villages at the end

Labels set in castle and keep are set after adding bonuses to units (at turn start). This is important info because in addon 'Bonus Spam' labels are set before adding bonuses to units (at turn end). Labels from 'Mystical World' use '*' in labels.
Gold per clone kill is equal clone level.
Waves are created from clones, that are getting better with each next wave.
After last wave players locations will open, so they can fight each other.
For now 8 maps with different terrain type, What will be in future I don't know! If you wan't different terrain or land use other my mode that is called ''Map Randomizer''. Anyway, have fun! I hope you find no bugs in this addon and you'll enjoy it!

Below maps screenshots:
2-4 players maps:
2-8 players maps:
Last edited by ChaosRider on February 2nd, 2025, 2:45 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Creator of WOTG (+5000 units), MWC (+615 units), SurvivorsArea, RandomColosseum, RC WOTG, RC MWC, ColosseumRandomClonesBattle, BetweenDarknessAndLight, StealingWeapons, MoreUnitsForms, MoreDamageTypes, CanBeOnlyOne, ColosseumOneWinner, BonusSpam, CriticalStrike - available at 1.18 Wesnoth server.
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Re: Mystical World (v0.0.1)

Post by ChaosRider »

So you have here game replay (ais fight) with used mod Recruit Bonuses. Ai finally survived even 100% clones wave, so sides locations could be unblocked and mountains destroyed!
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Creator of WOTG (+5000 units), MWC (+615 units), SurvivorsArea, RandomColosseum, RC WOTG, RC MWC, ColosseumRandomClonesBattle, BetweenDarknessAndLight, StealingWeapons, MoreUnitsForms, MoreDamageTypes, CanBeOnlyOne, ColosseumOneWinner, BonusSpam, CriticalStrike - available at 1.18 Wesnoth server.
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Re: Mystical World (v0.0.1)

Post by Bob_The_Mighty »

I played this tonight and thought it was a nice survival, with the additional tactic of considering which units would make good clones against the enemy. Of it was more fun because I won. :)
My current projects:
MP pirate campaign: The Altaz Mariners
RPG sequel: Return to Trent
MP stealth campaign: Den of Thieves
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Re: Mystical World (v0.0.3)

Post by ChaosRider »

So in newest version 0.0.3 was added option to get gold per clone kill! This should allow you guys reach easier waves end or even let you try fight with clones stronger than you (that have more than 100%, it's possible to set wave max power to 150%!). Xp modifier is increased to 100%. Also now you've added objectives and menu option (that show up for first player at game start) is more friendly!
Below is replay from 8p map:
(96.23 KiB) Downloaded 279 times
Creator of WOTG (+5000 units), MWC (+615 units), SurvivorsArea, RandomColosseum, RC WOTG, RC MWC, ColosseumRandomClonesBattle, BetweenDarknessAndLight, StealingWeapons, MoreUnitsForms, MoreDamageTypes, CanBeOnlyOne, ColosseumOneWinner, BonusSpam, CriticalStrike - available at 1.18 Wesnoth server.
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Re: Mystical World (v0.0.6)

Post by ChaosRider »

Newest version 0.0.6 add option (set able in start menu (on/off)) to create bonuses on castle and keep hexes. Bonuses aren't useable for ai clones (last side in game). There is 14 possible different options.
Info about bonuses and how are created labels:
Labels are created after adding bonuses to units. Also in labels text you will find stars (*). Why we have here stars in labels text? To make it easier to check which is created by Mystical World and which is created by Bonus Spam (if you use this mod here). In Bonus Spam labels are created before adding bonuses to units (bonus is added at turn end, in Mystical World at turn start).
In version 0.0.7 I plan to add items spawning from dead (only) leaders clones.
Creator of WOTG (+5000 units), MWC (+615 units), SurvivorsArea, RandomColosseum, RC WOTG, RC MWC, ColosseumRandomClonesBattle, BetweenDarknessAndLight, StealingWeapons, MoreUnitsForms, MoreDamageTypes, CanBeOnlyOne, ColosseumOneWinner, BonusSpam, CriticalStrike - available at 1.18 Wesnoth server.
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Re: Mystical World (v0.0.6)

Post by ChaosRider »

Replay for Mystical World v0.0.6 on 8 player map with 8 players in! Before you watch it I can tell you that trolls trolled everyone lol!
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Creator of WOTG (+5000 units), MWC (+615 units), SurvivorsArea, RandomColosseum, RC WOTG, RC MWC, ColosseumRandomClonesBattle, BetweenDarknessAndLight, StealingWeapons, MoreUnitsForms, MoreDamageTypes, CanBeOnlyOne, ColosseumOneWinner, BonusSpam, CriticalStrike - available at 1.18 Wesnoth server.
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Re: Mystical World

Post by ChaosRider »

There is new update of Mystical World (v0.1.7). Right now its 12 maps with survival game and FFA at the end for every survived side (you have to survive clones waves).

Below screenshots of maps 9-12 of Mystical World.
Below also game replay.
Creator of WOTG (+5000 units), MWC (+615 units), SurvivorsArea, RandomColosseum, RC WOTG, RC MWC, ColosseumRandomClonesBattle, BetweenDarknessAndLight, StealingWeapons, MoreUnitsForms, MoreDamageTypes, CanBeOnlyOne, ColosseumOneWinner, BonusSpam, CriticalStrike - available at 1.18 Wesnoth server.
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Re: Mystical World

Post by ChaosRider »

Mystical World map 9, game for 6 players, 200 gold at start for each side. 40% 1st wave power, 80% last wave power, 7 turns for each wave, 5% each wave power increase. I've won :P!
Creator of WOTG (+5000 units), MWC (+615 units), SurvivorsArea, RandomColosseum, RC WOTG, RC MWC, ColosseumRandomClonesBattle, BetweenDarknessAndLight, StealingWeapons, MoreUnitsForms, MoreDamageTypes, CanBeOnlyOne, ColosseumOneWinner, BonusSpam, CriticalStrike - available at 1.18 Wesnoth server.
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