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Re: Catgirls
Cats are good swimmers doesn't mean that they can fight well in water.IPS wrote: ↑January 13th, 2025, 12:51 amJaguars, tigers and leopards are nice swimmers too (these 3 LOVES swimming) ... but usually most felines hates wet in their hairs. Maybe there could be a line like "fishers" or something that uses a fishing tool as weapon or bring nets that slows enemies which could help at supporting, as well of having rasonably decent (or good) water defense (at least 40% on moats but 1 Movement cost or maybe 50% water defense but also being useful in ground too... except mountains because being a very opposite climate than a beach).Refumee wrote: ↑January 9th, 2025, 8:17 am Oh that is progressing nicely.
I really like the animations you do here.
I could also imagine that felines are great at many environments, also in hills and mountains.
Maybe they are bad at wet environments, cause they cant move there quite good.
About balancing I would ask ForestDragon, he is quite good a balancing units in my opinion: )
Also another idea that did come to me while editing this post, the faction could be a coalition of different feline species with different terrain properties and movement costs (foottypes). For example some are tiger-like girls (forest/swamp/water lovers), meanwhile some other are more like cougars or lions (liking arid or desertic places) and some other that are more like cats (tree huggers & more agile at villages and castles), idk, just a bonus idea that did come to me later on. This would lead them to be a multi cultural faction with units with different movetypes and ofc, more unique gameplay.
I believe merman and naga have 50% defense in water, I think we should take that into consideration.
Now that I think of, this factions sounds very similar to saurians.
Fast, mobile, maybe low hp?
Campaigns:Vendraxis Prophecy
Porting:Across the Ocean, Forgotten Legacy, Oath of Allegiance, Palms amid Blue Dunes
Modification: Saurian Scale Color Changer/Randomizer, Unit Color Variation
Porting:Across the Ocean, Forgotten Legacy, Oath of Allegiance, Palms amid Blue Dunes
Modification: Saurian Scale Color Changer/Randomizer, Unit Color Variation
Re: Catgirls
For a reason I said 40% moat defense (or 50% at the most) , and no, naga/mermen are 60% defense while default ships are only 40%. But I'm very clever when giving values AND YES, we have got the same idea, being good swimmers doesn't mean they might fight well in moat.Refumee wrote: ↑January 14th, 2025, 6:22 am
Cats are good swimmers doesn't mean that they can fight well in water.
I believe merman and naga have 50% defense in water, I think we should take that into consideration.
Now that I think of, this factions sounds very similar to saurians.
Fast, mobile, maybe low hp?
But my idea about the cat swimmers is that they have "no movement handicaps" from moats (still they could of 50% at swamp but 2 MP cost).
Also about felines in overall, not all felines are fast and mobile/low HP, if they're lion based they could be off-tanks and heavy fighters too (but I doubt you will base the feline faction at Lions).
And I do still see some difference from saurians, my proposed footypes for the chackram throwers would be 50% on flat meaning they would fight better at open fields, while intentionally not being too elusive (no 70% unless forest maybe? elf archer do have 70% defense in forest BUT no physical weaknesses) , and my version of chackram throwers are swifter than a normal fighter, but I didn't mean that for the whole faction because for the seers I've suggested a more "Normal" foot type that is 40% on flat and 50% at common tiles (unless they have a terrain affinity like forests? idk, depends in era's author concept) but seer having 20% on all magical resistances making her tough when on a really good terrain positions because taking less damage from magical attacks ... and she having low dmg in her magical ranged makes that balanced at not being mage killer also... just an off-tank that if on a very good terrain is harder to take down.
None of my suggestions been said randomly by a "casual" newbie player, I've been in wesnoth since wesnoth 1.4 times which were like over 12 years ago and I'm also trying to suggest things to make the faction way more unique in gameplay and feel fresh and not "another default-like copypaste" but that can still be fair when used againist default.
But at the momment my only suggestions about specific units have been
1) Pseudo Elusive footype (kind of customised by my propossal , I just want it to be a more unique hybrid fighter with something not alr done)
2) A more generic small-foot (more human like) for seers, but with the addition of 20% to all magical ressistances AND probably a terrain affinity.
3) Trying to suggest a type of aquatic unit, probably a feline swimmer that can fight normally in moats being inmune to moats terrain handicaps but also being capable to fight in ground like a normal cat (but would have lower HP or slightly lower cost efficiency IF NOT used in moats)
And I can't suggest more at the moment because we have got not enough information about all other lines. I've something about a whip something meleeish unit or caster , but I got no idea so I'ma not give a version of that because I still not have a clear idea of what's that unit purpose or plans from author for that unit.
Edit (for idea): Who knows if also the swimmer cat on lv2 had an optional advancement with +Skirmisher special and her swimming features, that would make her a very deadly skirmishing unit because not being limited by moats and also being good in ground...
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide
Re: Catgirls
Oh what do you mean?IPS wrote: ↑January 14th, 2025, 11:44 pmAnd I do still see some difference from saurians, ...Refumee wrote: ↑January 14th, 2025, 6:22 am
Cats are good swimmers doesn't mean that they can fight well in water.
I believe merman and naga have 50% defense in water, I think we should take that into consideration.
Now that I think of, this factions sounds very similar to saurians.
Fast, mobile, maybe low hp?
All default saurians having the same mp and defense rating.
Campaigns:Vendraxis Prophecy
Porting:Across the Ocean, Forgotten Legacy, Oath of Allegiance, Palms amid Blue Dunes
Modification: Saurian Scale Color Changer/Randomizer, Unit Color Variation
Porting:Across the Ocean, Forgotten Legacy, Oath of Allegiance, Palms amid Blue Dunes
Modification: Saurian Scale Color Changer/Randomizer, Unit Color Variation
- Posts: 104
- Joined: August 6th, 2012, 4:49 pm
Re: Catgirls
I like that IPS is having essentially the exact same thought process for movetypes I had when making the Neko. Main bulk of the faction: pseudo elusivefoot to highlight the agility of cats. What should I do about water: make a fisherman unit based on a tiger. The scholar even has worse flat defenses than the fighters but a higher resistance to magics, though he's a frail leadership unit rather than an off tank.
If you want to really diversify specialized terrain defenses I do recommend doing it with interesting units at level 1. The scout in the Neko has advancements that specialize in sand and frozen, but I've come to find if you actually manage to level one its too late for those specialties to matter, you'll either pick the flat terrain advancement for skirmisher, or the sand advancement to get a marksman like ability. I've never actually advanced into the snow form on purpose.
If you want to really diversify specialized terrain defenses I do recommend doing it with interesting units at level 1. The scout in the Neko has advancements that specialize in sand and frozen, but I've come to find if you actually manage to level one its too late for those specialties to matter, you'll either pick the flat terrain advancement for skirmisher, or the sand advancement to get a marksman like ability. I've never actually advanced into the snow form on purpose.
Re: Catgirls
Wow, a lot of comments for this projects
I had to unplug my computer a little, so sorry for not keeping up. First off, what I've done in the meantime:
☞ About the different terrains for the units: I've made the coldcat because I though it was fun to have icy instead of fur/hair. I kinda like the very pale skin too. But the idea is not consistent enough with the remaining of the faction, so I'll drop it.
So I'll mostly focus on units wearing sarees or shalwar kameez, which will look quite hot related. I've use dark fur to suggest the very dark hair the humans in India generally have. But maybe they're sand cats, have light yellow fur and have better evade chance on sand ?
☞ About having different kind of feline variants: it sound also nice, but would require more work for sprites. For instance I reused the chakram thrower's tail animation in the rope bender above, which would have been more annoying if they had a differently coloured fur/hair, especially with a motif or pattern like many big cats have, like leopard, cheetah, tigers. I'm not against necessary the idea, e.g. the seer is older so has white hair. But considering how many sprites I've still to do this is not to be taken lightly.
One thing it would do, though, is very easily give character and visual identity to the different units.
☞ For the "fisher" idea for throwing net : I don't think we need nets, the rope bender should really already have a constraint attack that has the slow effect. But since sailors are strongly thematically connected to knots and ropes, a magic sailor cat could be a fun level2 divergent upgrade from the rope bender (though I don't know how it would fight or provide support). Or maybe we have a level1 sailor that can either upgrade to the rope bender or some sort of pirate ?
☞ About agile vs tanky cats: I was thinking maybe they could have a mounted unit. A horse is boring, so I'd give them either a camel, an elephant or a rhinoceros. Camel is much more conventional and isn't as "indian" as an elephant which screams it. A rhino would be a common fantasy trope and I love drawing the animal. If I go for an mounted elephant or rhino, that would already imply a much more tanky unit in the faction roster.
On a similar note, I was wondering about making a siege engine unit like a ballista, lithobolos or cannon.
Also I've put more armor on the urumi fighter than the chakram warrior, see this previous sprite: I don't know if that counts as heavy armour or medium armour.
☞ Overall, I'm making sprites based on sketching quickly ideas and picking the most exciting. But I can take input on what you feel would make sense for you, be it the balancing or whatever you feel would make it this faction feel right. As I draw past the most exciting ideas, it's likely better to have that input actually.
Maybe we can begin to make a unit tree ? I might take some reinterpretation or liberties, but it would help. Here is an old layout of the advancements for the first two units I made:
☞ Thanks all for the participation.

I had to unplug my computer a little, so sorry for not keeping up. First off, what I've done in the meantime:
- An standing animation for the rope bender:
- A few portraits explorations for the seer the rope bender.
I've digitally inked that last one:
☞ About the different terrains for the units: I've made the coldcat because I though it was fun to have icy instead of fur/hair. I kinda like the very pale skin too. But the idea is not consistent enough with the remaining of the faction, so I'll drop it.
So I'll mostly focus on units wearing sarees or shalwar kameez, which will look quite hot related. I've use dark fur to suggest the very dark hair the humans in India generally have. But maybe they're sand cats, have light yellow fur and have better evade chance on sand ?
☞ About having different kind of feline variants: it sound also nice, but would require more work for sprites. For instance I reused the chakram thrower's tail animation in the rope bender above, which would have been more annoying if they had a differently coloured fur/hair, especially with a motif or pattern like many big cats have, like leopard, cheetah, tigers. I'm not against necessary the idea, e.g. the seer is older so has white hair. But considering how many sprites I've still to do this is not to be taken lightly.
One thing it would do, though, is very easily give character and visual identity to the different units.
☞ For the "fisher" idea for throwing net : I don't think we need nets, the rope bender should really already have a constraint attack that has the slow effect. But since sailors are strongly thematically connected to knots and ropes, a magic sailor cat could be a fun level2 divergent upgrade from the rope bender (though I don't know how it would fight or provide support). Or maybe we have a level1 sailor that can either upgrade to the rope bender or some sort of pirate ?
☞ About agile vs tanky cats: I was thinking maybe they could have a mounted unit. A horse is boring, so I'd give them either a camel, an elephant or a rhinoceros. Camel is much more conventional and isn't as "indian" as an elephant which screams it. A rhino would be a common fantasy trope and I love drawing the animal. If I go for an mounted elephant or rhino, that would already imply a much more tanky unit in the faction roster.
On a similar note, I was wondering about making a siege engine unit like a ballista, lithobolos or cannon.
Also I've put more armor on the urumi fighter than the chakram warrior, see this previous sprite: I don't know if that counts as heavy armour or medium armour.
☞ Overall, I'm making sprites based on sketching quickly ideas and picking the most exciting. But I can take input on what you feel would make sense for you, be it the balancing or whatever you feel would make it this faction feel right. As I draw past the most exciting ideas, it's likely better to have that input actually.
Maybe we can begin to make a unit tree ? I might take some reinterpretation or liberties, but it would help. Here is an old layout of the advancements for the first two units I made:
Code: Select all
+--> chakram warrior --+----> chakram acrobat (more focused on melee)
/ \
chakram fighter --+ +--> chakram dancer
\ /
+--> chakram thrower --+----> chakram hisser (more focused on ranged)
seer -----> diviner -----> oracle
- lhybrideur
- Posts: 432
- Joined: July 9th, 2019, 1:46 pm
Re: Catgirls
About the mounted unit, both camel and elephant could be interesting. Why not both?
Similar to loyalists who have Cavalryman (scout) and Horseman (glass-canon).
Camel would be scout with good movement on sand and flat, sword as attack? Elephant would be slow tank, similar to HI but with flat move type (forest would not slow down an elephant, would it?). Maybe trample (impact) and impaling (pierce) as attacks.
Similar to loyalists who have Cavalryman (scout) and Horseman (glass-canon).
Camel would be scout with good movement on sand and flat, sword as attack? Elephant would be slow tank, similar to HI but with flat move type (forest would not slow down an elephant, would it?). Maybe trample (impact) and impaling (pierce) as attacks.
- Atreides
- Posts: 1216
- Joined: March 30th, 2019, 10:38 pm
- Location: On the 2nd story of the centre village of Merwuerdigliebe turning the lights on and off
Re: Catgirls
Oh I advanced to the snow form I think. It's on one of the gigantic Dominus maps so eventually advancements will matter : ). But alas I think I realized after that that particular map doesn't happen to have any snow... (and it's big enough to have everything... oh well ; )Deciton_Reven wrote: ↑January 16th, 2025, 1:14 am I like that IPS is having essentially the exact same thought process for movetypes I had when making the Neko. Main bulk of the faction: pseudo elusivefoot to highlight the agility of cats. What should I do about water: make a fisherman unit based on a tiger. The scholar even has worse flat defenses than the fighters but a higher resistance to magics, though he's a frail leadership unit rather than an off tank.
If you want to really diversify specialized terrain defenses I do recommend doing it with interesting units at level 1. The scout in the Neko has advancements that specialize in sand and frozen, but I've come to find if you actually manage to level one its too late for those specialties to matter, you'll either pick the flat terrain advancement for skirmisher, or the sand advancement to get a marksman like ability. I've never actually advanced into the snow form on purpose.
Re: Catgirls
Exactly, appart that a faction that doesn't have heavy armored units like loyalist's calvarymen or HI variatios do instead need different foot-types or otherwise they feel so boring and personalityless as of northerners (Not gonna lie, that's bad faction design in default), as well of undead as they do not work well on bigger maps... but hey catgirls will be a lot better than all thatAtreides wrote: ↑January 17th, 2025, 8:31 pm
Oh I advanced to the snow form I think. It's on one of the gigantic Dominus maps so eventually advancements will matter : ). But alas I think I realized after that that particular map doesn't happen to have any snow... (and it's big enough to have everything... oh well ; )

Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide
Re: Catgirls
Hello. I haven't posted in days; here is a work in progress of the north-east attack animation of the chakram warrior: (You may notice the missing tail & scarf)
Re: Catgirls
Looks quite nice. I think one change that could potentially be considered is the overall speed of the animation. This may be a personal preference, of course, but I think the left arm movement looks a tiny bit slowish, or maybe it is the speed of the animation as gif (or animated image in general). The left chakra (if it is one) - can it be made more pronounced? I don't know how additional pixels would look if it would be a bit bigger, so perhaps the perspective shown (e. g. the left side is farther away from us, whereas the right shoulder is closer, so the left should should be displayed smaller) is already at maximum; I just thought perhaps the chakra left could be a bit bigger. Overall to me it looks close to completed.
Edit: Actually the speed may be fine; after watching it a few times again, it did not seem that slow anymore.
Edit: Actually the speed may be fine; after watching it a few times again, it did not seem that slow anymore.
Re: Catgirls
Looking too long at it until it feels natural ? :3
For the perspective... It's quite difficult since the tiles use isometric projection. Meaning that the chakram projectile going from one unit to the other, won't resize. Therefore using different chakram sizes will feel weirder when animating the projectile (especially from chakram warrior to chakram warrior). That's why I kep the same chakram sizes despite any per-sprite perspective considerations.
Here the completed version:
For the perspective... It's quite difficult since the tiles use isometric projection. Meaning that the chakram projectile going from one unit to the other, won't resize. Therefore using different chakram sizes will feel weirder when animating the projectile (especially from chakram warrior to chakram warrior). That's why I kep the same chakram sizes despite any per-sprite perspective considerations.
Here the completed version:
Re: Catgirls
Maybe the movement could be faster and snappier. Animations, especially the ones about throwing relatively light object, can benefit from having less frames, as long as the main motion is noticeable.
As of right now, it doesn't look like it's being thrown with much energy.
Apart from that, it's a very well made animation, it is hard to animate the motion of the whole body so you did a great job on that part.
As of right now, it doesn't look like it's being thrown with much energy.
Apart from that, it's a very well made animation, it is hard to animate the motion of the whole body so you did a great job on that part.
Occasional Sprite animator, and maker of the following add-ons :
Warfare of far lands (1.16)
Warfare of far lands (1.16)
Re: Catgirls
That do also match perfectly with my stats suggestions for 4-4 / 5-5 / 6-6 blade ranged at chackram thrower , as I suggested them to make the chkram's ranged be a more strikes of less powerful projectiles (which also why I like it the most at gameplay) , but the main resume is something that has as much ranged damage as a hybrid fighter lv3's ranged but particularly higher terrain defense but no pierce weakness (But indeed yes to the other 2 physical types)... and to make it less archer hostile than instead of nuking 12-3 blade ranged then changing it to 6-6 for lv3 so archers wouldn't get burst at first strikes as the unit with my stats suggestion was already an anti archer concept (50% on flat and 60% on common terrains where most units are 50%)Tezereth wrote: ↑February 1st, 2025, 8:11 pm Maybe the movement could be faster and snappier. Animations, especially the ones about throwing relatively light object, can benefit from having less frames, as long as the main motion is noticeable.
As of right now, it doesn't look like it's being thrown with much energy.
Apart from that, it's a very well made animation, it is hard to animate the motion of the whole body so you did a great job on that part.
And by far, the urumi fighter unit concept, it looks like a more melee unit that could of have ranged (I guess I'm not wrong?) , but need to confirm a pair of things before suggestion stats and a foot type.
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide
Re: Catgirls
Good news ! I got corporate approval to share the various source code of the add-on. Here is the github repository :
I agree I have too many frames for the animations. Not least because I have too many frames to draw
Well they're there, so I'll keep them, but future units will have less. I anyway tried to tweak the frame durations to see if it feels better :
EDIT: Wow. There's one frame where the right arm get real funky... I'll look into that.
Good news ! I got corporate approval to share the various source code of the add-on. Here is the github repository :
I agree I have too many frames for the animations. Not least because I have too many frames to draw

The urumi is still a melee weapon, we don't give spearman a ranged attack when they hold onto the spear but first strike instead. So I image the urumi fighter should have a melee attack with blade damage and first strike. Maybe with also "slows" ?
EDIT: Wow. There's one frame where the right arm get real funky... I'll look into that.
Re: Catgirls
Not sure if what I'm going to say is correct, but it's my opinion how urumi weapon would work.
Viewing the concept that the weapon is odd and attacked has a weapon larger as a whip, the urumi would have the first attack special, and be a blade melee attack (no ranged unless equiping something else)
Requires agility to be well used, so no heavy armor ,more likely a low armored and agile fighter is required for its proper use. Considering this, I would try it being a 5 movement of 0% on all resistances and 40% flat defenses, which would mean, it's at least heavier than chakram fighters while also being light armored too.
This unit instead of featuring a nimble foot that counters pierce (spears and arrows) like chackarm fighters, this one would have a bonus 10% parry stat in melee range (something like 9-2 or 10-2 blade first-strike with the addition of 10% parry) , meanwhile having a secondary attack that can also slow opponents when used (something like 5-2 or 6-2 blade melee on lv1's), so the unit would have two attacks : the strong one 9-2 blade first-strike / 10% parry and 5-2 or 6-2 blade melee with slow feature.
Parry melee means that the unit gains 10% more terrain defense ONLY when facing units on that "melee" range, which means it would dodge more the melee attacks but normally at ranged attacks.
This unit would be approximately 32-34 HP margin on lv1 (less than most melee fighters), but being a more defensive tool againist melee.... decreasing the damage taken at melee range. Not sure if it would be 5 or 6 movement at lowest HP values of like 30 it could be 6 movement, meanwhile it's fine as 5 movement if 33' HP. While looking like an orcish grunt with specials on his melee, this unit has less HP and might be also more expensive than 12gs (I would say like 15-17g , depending in how high stats are)
Higher levels urumi fighters would instead gain strikes instead of bigger damage (9-3 blade first-strike / parry 10% on lv2) and like 5-3 or 6-3 blade slows , meanwhile lv3 would be approximately 10-4 blade melee first-strike / 10% parry and 6-4 blade melee firt-strike with slows on the secondary attack. Most likely the unit would have no physical resistances at any level because the defensive bonus as melee fighter instead of high resistances would be instead the 10% parry melee OR the slowing on melee split in different attacks.
The unit could also receive a minor boost at movement costs at rough terrains like mountains (2 movement points instead of 3) , moats 2 movement points instead of 3 and maybe 30% or 40% defenses, idk if sand 1 MP cost and 40% defense, idk. So the two features of my suggested urumi fighter would be a inferior HP melee fighter (30-33 in lv1 , 48-52 in lv2 , 63-66 in lv3) with slightly better movement costs (Which makes it faster than a melee unit that moves exactly the same movement points)
Said all that, this melee fighter would indirectly be countered by archers and similar ranged units, meanwhile it doing pretty well against other melee units (which, synergies pretty well with the chakram throwers)
Note that this is how I imagine the unit's stats after viewing images of people welding urumi weapon and adapted that to a quite viable melee fighter concept.
Additionally an idea for Seer's sense special, not sure how easy or hard is this to code, but, units standing around her 2-3 tiles away would have -10% terrain defenses than normally, which means, urumi fighters and chakram throwers would hit more often to units that are somewhat close of seers.
Viewing the concept that the weapon is odd and attacked has a weapon larger as a whip, the urumi would have the first attack special, and be a blade melee attack (no ranged unless equiping something else)
Requires agility to be well used, so no heavy armor ,more likely a low armored and agile fighter is required for its proper use. Considering this, I would try it being a 5 movement of 0% on all resistances and 40% flat defenses, which would mean, it's at least heavier than chakram fighters while also being light armored too.
This unit instead of featuring a nimble foot that counters pierce (spears and arrows) like chackarm fighters, this one would have a bonus 10% parry stat in melee range (something like 9-2 or 10-2 blade first-strike with the addition of 10% parry) , meanwhile having a secondary attack that can also slow opponents when used (something like 5-2 or 6-2 blade melee on lv1's), so the unit would have two attacks : the strong one 9-2 blade first-strike / 10% parry and 5-2 or 6-2 blade melee with slow feature.
Parry melee means that the unit gains 10% more terrain defense ONLY when facing units on that "melee" range, which means it would dodge more the melee attacks but normally at ranged attacks.
This unit would be approximately 32-34 HP margin on lv1 (less than most melee fighters), but being a more defensive tool againist melee.... decreasing the damage taken at melee range. Not sure if it would be 5 or 6 movement at lowest HP values of like 30 it could be 6 movement, meanwhile it's fine as 5 movement if 33' HP. While looking like an orcish grunt with specials on his melee, this unit has less HP and might be also more expensive than 12gs (I would say like 15-17g , depending in how high stats are)
Higher levels urumi fighters would instead gain strikes instead of bigger damage (9-3 blade first-strike / parry 10% on lv2) and like 5-3 or 6-3 blade slows , meanwhile lv3 would be approximately 10-4 blade melee first-strike / 10% parry and 6-4 blade melee firt-strike with slows on the secondary attack. Most likely the unit would have no physical resistances at any level because the defensive bonus as melee fighter instead of high resistances would be instead the 10% parry melee OR the slowing on melee split in different attacks.
The unit could also receive a minor boost at movement costs at rough terrains like mountains (2 movement points instead of 3) , moats 2 movement points instead of 3 and maybe 30% or 40% defenses, idk if sand 1 MP cost and 40% defense, idk. So the two features of my suggested urumi fighter would be a inferior HP melee fighter (30-33 in lv1 , 48-52 in lv2 , 63-66 in lv3) with slightly better movement costs (Which makes it faster than a melee unit that moves exactly the same movement points)
Said all that, this melee fighter would indirectly be countered by archers and similar ranged units, meanwhile it doing pretty well against other melee units (which, synergies pretty well with the chakram throwers)
Note that this is how I imagine the unit's stats after viewing images of people welding urumi weapon and adapted that to a quite viable melee fighter concept.
Additionally an idea for Seer's sense special, not sure how easy or hard is this to code, but, units standing around her 2-3 tiles away would have -10% terrain defenses than normally, which means, urumi fighters and chakram throwers would hit more often to units that are somewhat close of seers.
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
Try My winning Orocia Guide