Wesnoth sheet music

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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by Inky »

Okay I still haven't finished Return to Wesnoth (though I worked on it a little...) but I'm definitely working on that next.

In the meantime, here is another cool UMC piece - Moleman by Telaron (who has written tons of awesome pieces for Wesnoth UMCs! I also like End, maybe I'll do that one too sometime).

As usual some parts sound suspicious but there do seem to be a lot of minor seconds in the piece so if you get ear damage from listening to this it might not be completely my fault :P :whistle:
by Telaron, from Wesnoth UMC
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by bobirobi20 »

I recently stumbled upon Telaron's "Returning in Time", and liked it so much that I wanted to play it. That's when I found this thread and noticed that it's dead.

Well using AnthemScore and MuseScore, as well as my I hope not so bad hearing, I arranged it myself.So here you go.
Returning in Time.pdf
(63.92 KiB) Downloaded 618 times
I tried to post a MuseScore file but it has an invalid extension so... if you wanna use it you'll have to work with the PDF.

Also, it might work better an octave lower, but both should be fine.
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by Inky »

Hey, very cool! :D I really like "Returning in Time" also. I should get to work on reviving this thread.
bobirobi20 wrote: September 2nd, 2020, 8:52 pm I tried to post a MuseScore file but it has an invalid extension so...
The .mscz format won't work but you can export the file as a MusicXML file using Musescore and attach that! I'd love to hear what your arrangement sounds like :)

EDIT: There's a typo on the 4th beat of measure 30, the G Eb in the bottom staff should be F D.
Measure 51 is missing an Eb on the 2nd beat (don't know if that was intentional).
For the ending (measure 52 onward) what about moving those 8th notes an octave down? Then the last two notes of the melody (Ab G) could also be moved down an octave, so the melody would sound the same as in the piece.

It's very nice, thanks for sharing!
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by s1m0n »

Hey there!
With this thread beig revived, I remembered I wanted to practise transcribing :mrgreen:
So maybe some time here will be some sheet from me
eh, what comes here again?
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by Inky »

Hey all! I finally finished my transcription of the new main menu theme Return to Wesnoth. Any corrections or suggestions for improvement are always welcome.
s1m0n wrote: September 4th, 2020, 6:46 pm With this thread beig revived, I remembered I wanted to practise transcribing
So maybe some time here will be some sheet from me
Yeah! That would be great :mrgreen:
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MusicXML file
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by bobirobi20 »

Hey, so I have two things for the forums this time:

First, is the fixed "Returning in Time", in accordance with Inky's advice.

Second, is the very reason I was looking into Wesnoth sheet music, and since no one has done it before me, I had transcribed Jeremy Nicoll's Lonely Snowfall. Enjoy! :D
Lonely Snowfall.pdf
(80.71 KiB) Downloaded 625 times
Returning in Time.pdf
(65.98 KiB) Downloaded 551 times

(I would post the XMLs but they are too large(\__'-'__/)
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by Inky »

Oooh awesome! I also like Lonely Snowfall ^_^
bobirobi20 wrote: September 27th, 2020, 9:06 pm (I would post the XMLs but they are too large(\__'-'__/)
Oh yeah, it's a bit of a pain but you can get around that by putting the xml (or whatever files you want to attach) into a folder, compressing the folder (using a program such as 7zip), and then attaching the .zip folder. :eng: I'd love if you shared the files!

Edit: Looked at the beginning, I think I found a few typos/wrong notes:
measure 15 bottom line beat 1: G4 -> Bb3
measure 16 bottom line beats 2-3: F4 G4 -> Eb4 C5 (the C5 is already in the top line so maybe just move it to the bottom)
measure 18 top line: I think the top voice A is missing a natural sign and the C is missing a sharp sign. And then the bottom Db should probably be written as C#
measure 22 bottom line: I hear C3 Ab4 G4 D4
measure 23 bottom line beat 4: C3 -> B natural
measures 27-33: What about separating the top and bottom voices since you aren't using the top staff there? Something like this (ignore the blank measure at the end)? In measure 33 I think top line has A natural (rest) G A, not sure though
I'll try to look at the rest soon!
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by GForce0 »

Where can I find those two songs?
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by Inky »

GForce0 wrote: September 28th, 2020, 2:14 pm Where can I find those two songs?
According to this list of UMC music by Pentarctagon, "Lonely Snowfall" is from UMC music book 1 and "Returning in Time" is from UMC music book 9 on the wesnoth add-on server. I just added that link to this link to this thread's first post too.
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by bobirobi20 »

Lonely Snowfall&Returning In Time.zip
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With some more corrections, and help from Inky here are the files. Just know, that I'm still learning MuseScore, and a few solutions I used are something we would describe where I come from as "januszerka", meaning something that technically works but seriously.
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by mntcalm »

Hello everyone
either I searched poorly, or it really isn't published
"The dangerous symphony"

Who can, please, post the notes here.
Very strong melody and very beautiful
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by Inky »

mntcalm wrote: December 29th, 2024, 9:10 am Hello everyone
either I searched poorly, or it really isn't published
"The dangerous symphony"

Who can, please, post the notes here.
Very strong melody and very beautiful
Hey, glad to see there's still interest in these!
I gave it a try, it probably isn't quite right though some parts sound a bit funny :whistle:
Also it's only the beginning so far, I might add the rest later but the rest is very similar.
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music xml file
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by Brittar »

Transcribing by ear is tough, even with software, it's a lot of work. I have a friend with perfect hearing or professional hearig idk how it's called. But he recognizes sounds so maybe he can help.
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Re: Wesnoth sheet music

Post by mntcalm »

Inky! Thanks a lot :)
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