[interface] Smart UI for immersion

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[interface] Smart UI for immersion

Post by mentos987 »

I have an idea to improve immersion: Hide the healthbar/xpbar/dot of all units as any of them engages in combat or as you engage in dialogue. (I basically want to hide UI when not needed so that we call all better appreciate the art).

It could also add slightly to the excitement to not find out how much health you have left until after all the hits have been dished out.

My suggestion is to make functions ShowUnitsUI() and HideUnitsUI() and call them:
1) ShowUnitsUI() as any unit starts attacking another unit and HideUnitsUI() after the last hit has been done in that 1v1 engagement.
2) ShowUnitsUI() as any of the dialogue functions are called and HideUnitsUI() as they are closed.

Also, make the ShowUnitsUI() and HideUnitsUI() accessible for the modders.

Edit: Could also fade away health bar when on full hp and xp bar when on 0 xp.
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