Implement Orc Shaman for Mainline Campaigns

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Implement Orc Shaman for Mainline Campaigns

Post by Dark_Shan »

I've not developed Wesnoth myself so I understand it's a bit rich for me to make a suggestion.

That being said I've enjoyed Wesnoth since 1.14 and aware of Wesnoth's KISS design philosophy.

In the recent balance discussions there has been discussion of the arcane rework and the issue of arcane dominance vs orcs in campaigns specifically.

For this reason I'm suggesting an implementation of the Orc Shaman (from UMC?) available for mainline campaigns, specifically vs loyalists and rebels.

The basic idea would be a high HP melee focussed elemental mage with strong arcane resistance.

Note: level 1 and level 2 portraits and sprites exists in the mainline style, and the sprites are decent at least.

I've prepared some basic stat ideas to provide some specificity to what I'm suggesting.

Some of the attack options are "Orcish style" relying on heavy few strikes. A few are many very small strikes. They could be complementary to current Orcish units but also could thematically clash.

Orc Shaman:
16+ cost
28-32 hp
5 moves
30-40% arcane resistance
0-20% fire/impact/cold resistance
0% pierce/blade resistance

Attacks options:

option 1;
9-2 - melee - fire - Magical - Wild Blast or 12-2 - melee - fire - Wild Blast
2-3 - ranged - impact - marksman - Stone Snipe
2-5 - ranged - impact - Stone Storm

option 2:
(3 or 4)-4 - melee - impact - Brawl
9-2 - ranged - impact - magical - Undine Strike
7-2 - ranged - arcane - Magical - Raw Magic

option 3:
9-2 - melee - fire - Magical - Wild Blast or 12-2 - melee - fire - Wild Blast
7-2 - ranged - arcane - Magical - Raw Magic

Cold and arcane resistance could make it counter the ghost and dark adept lines :(

Especially with fire and/or arcane damage. So this mainly would be for loyalist/rebel/northerner campaigns.
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Re: Implement Orc Shaman for Mainline Campaigns

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

If we eventually consider the unit line for core, I suppose the versions seen in The Deceiver's Gambit will be considered.
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