"Dominion of Darkness" - RPG/strategy simulator of evil overlord

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"Dominion of Darkness" - RPG/strategy simulator of evil overlord

Post by Adeptus »

"Dominion of Darkness” is a strategy/RPG text game in which the player takes on the role of a Sauron-style Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and deceptions, create secret spy networks and sectarian cults, recruit agents and commanders, corrupt representatives of Free Peoples and sow discord among them, collect magical artifacts and perform sinister plots.
Note – one game takes about 1 hour, but the premise is that the game can be approached several times, each time making different decisions, getting different results and discovering something new. Feedback is very much welcome. Very, very much. Altough game is playable and winnable now, I am still working on improving it, so all suggestions are appreciated.

Here is the game: https://adeptus7.itch.io/dominion
And here are reviews:
- Indie Sampler (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM6f4UCEgWU
- Dad's Game Review (podcast): https://www.dadsgamereview.com/blog/
- [BOKC] BlancoKix (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgNpSKToOSg
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Joined: November 17th, 2023, 7:33 pm

didnt knw this part of forum was just a place to promote any random games

Post by needmoreplayers »

didnt knw this part of forum was just a place to promote any random games

and you didnt even describe how game is or what kinda game it was or anything... but ok w/e
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Joined: June 3rd, 2004, 4:35 pm

Re: "Dominion of Darkness" - RPG/strategy simulator of evil overlord

Post by shevegen »

In response to y needmoreplayers:

The general overview actually mentions that:

> Discuss the development of other free/open-source games, as well as other games in general.

So people can discuss other things here. If some feel to do promo to other open source games
then this should be perfectly fine.

Personally I am actually more interested in what people played in the old days, say, 1995 to
2005 or even 2010. I am not that much into new games - my age is finally kicking in, and
interests change.
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Joined: June 10th, 2023, 1:33 pm

Re: didnt knw this part of forum was just a place to promote any random games

Post by Adeptus »

needmoreplayers wrote: January 5th, 2024, 10:39 am didnt knw this part of forum was just a place to promote any random games

and you didnt even describe how game is or what kinda game it was or anything... but ok w/e
Hello! I wrote about games theme and this is text-based game. But I guess I should wrote more. Sooo... Games is based on making decisions. Sometimes these are routine, repeatable decisions like "what do You want to do in this turn? Recruit soldiers of A, B, C type? Increase your influence in area A, B, C?" etc. Sometimes these are more unique story-shaping decisions. Your decisions and stats you achieved could have consequences in the further game.
Posts: 8
Joined: June 10th, 2023, 1:33 pm

Re: "Dominion of Darkness" - RPG/strategy simulator of evil overlord

Post by Adeptus »

Time for the update 2.70.

Some of the new things:
- extended endgame, especially for the Influence based characters - you conquered all kingdoms? Now secure your eternal rule by proving your divinity. Or, if you play as Destroyer of Live, carry out a world-scale euthanasia plan,
- new subplot - Rise of the Witchlands. Remember that fallen ancient civilization which ruins You could pillage? That is not dead which can eternal lie.

For the next update I am thinking among others, about extending the Chosen One subplot. What do You think about it now? Is it too easy to deal with? Too difficult? What elements would you want to see in it?
And do you have any other proposals for the next update? Do you think some other element should be extended? Or do you have idea for a totally new feature You want to see in the game?
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