War of the Master Element [fan fic] Chapter 1

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War of the Master Element [fan fic] Chapter 1

Post by Zamoon »


When reading this story, there might be a few things that you may need to be wary of. I’m putting these in bullet-points because I feel lazy today.
This story may not be that accurate to the main lore. Sorry if that makes some of you “uncomfortable”
I am not too great with grammar. Dont expect to see amazing english here.
Errors may be found here, such as spelling.
If someone makes this into a campaign, that would be AWESOME
Please note this story may contain offensive language.
That is pretty much all of the disclaimers. I hope you enjoy this story.

Chapter One: Peasants of the River

It was yet another sunny day at the great river. The great stream passed through the lands, as bees buzzed across. The shining sun glew like a gem, and the soil was dark and fresh. The compost was enough to grow food for a city. The day was a peasant's dream. Water ran through the river, making the sounds of a roaring beast, as the fish and the animals of the sea gracefully splashed.

Speaking of peasants, there were four peasants tending the fields. The eldest one was Grank, who has been living by the river farming for fifty years. The other two were twins, one was a man called Harry, and the other one was a woman called Charlotte. The youngest one, who was only seventeen years of age was little Stark. The four spent most of their lives tending the crops, and herding the animals. Grank and Stark looked after the crops, while Charlotte and Harry herded the cattle.

The peasants did not have to worry, because they lived near the southern fort of the great river. It was a massive fortress, guarded by heavy infantry, swordsmen and elite archers. Thier village also had a few spearmen guarding everyone (and collecting taxes). Along the other side of the river was the northern fort, unlike the southern one, had stronger walls, and more guards. The two forts by the river were more like a border patrol, making sure everyone keeps their paws off each others land..

Grank was good friends with his grandson, Stark. They would spend a lot of time farming and socializing with each other, but today was unusual. Stark looked at the sky, while resting over his pitchfork. The sky barely had any clouds, almost completely clear.

“Grandpa!” Stark shouted across the fields. “When was the last time it rained? The crops don't look so good!”

Grank marched up to Stark, and then looked at the sky, too. “Mmm… I see. The lack of rain is effecting the crops a bit. But whatever!” Grank handed a large bucket to Stark. “We may not have much rain for now, but we have the river! Go over there and fetch some water.”

Stark nodded, and ran to the river. The river was around ten minutes away by foot, and four by horse. Despite the poorness of the peasants, they did not have a horse yet. Every time Stark made his way to the river, he would always see the two forts as he passed. He gazed at the fortress, almost staring at it. He then snapped open, and realized he needed to collect some water.

Stark collected some water into the bucket, and managed to catch a fish from the river. He normally had trouble doing that, as he missed most of the time. He held the fish, as it wriggled in his hands. Unfortunately for Stark, a wasp stung his butt. With the painful reaction, he threw his hands in the air, and the fish jumped back into the river. Poor Stark then watched the wasp buzz off into the fields, and then Stark walked back to the farm with the bucket filled with water.

Stark came back to the farm with the bucket, looking glad to see his grandfather fine, tending the crops. Stark waddled to his grandfather, and gave him the bucket. Grank looked into it, and smiled. He thanked Harry, then got a small cup scooped up the water, and sprinkled it over the soil. As Grank went deeper into the crops, he then shouted across to Stark: “Tell Charlotte and Harry to come back! It is almost time for dinner!”

Stark replied: “Okay grandpa! I will come back in a moment!”

Grandpa then shouted back to Stark: Don't forget to bring the bow! There are a lot of outlaws and beasts out there!”
Stark waddled up to the grassy fields where Charlotte and Harry normally tend the cattle with his bow, a few arrows and his small, dent bronze helmet (which looked more like a cap). As he went over a small hill, he was then shocked. A pack of wolves were fighting Charlotte and Harry, who were struggling to defend the cattle with their pitchforks and wood hatchets. Stark then shouted at the wolves: “Hey! Over here!”

Surely enough, the wolf pack started charging at Stark. Stark began to violently string his bow, shooting three of the four wolves with arrows. Realizing Stark tricked his pack, the last wolf went right to the cattle herd. Luckily enough, Harry smashed its skull which his hatchet, successfully defending the cattle. Stark rushed down to Harry and Charlotte, then started to rabble out, panting a lot. “Are you guys *pant* okay? *pant*”

Harry softly replied, while smiling: “Yes, we are thankful that you saved us. We also can sell some wolf pelts for a good amount of gold!”

Stark, feeling more comfortable, then replied: “Good for you! Grandpa said that we need to go back home for supper! Is that fine with you?”

Harry and Charlotte then looked at each other, and then nodded. With the help of Stark, the herded the cattle back to their pens, and then returned to the small straw hut in which the live in. Everyone then ate dinner, a bundle of bread along with a small cut of meat. Everyone then started to talk to each other.

“So, kid.” Harry said to Stark. “made plans to join the Wesnoth army recently?”

“What?” Stark exclaimed. “I dont want to join the army! Why would I?”

Harry chuckled. “Well, kid, I always saw you look at the fortress every time you went to the river! Is it a mere coincidence? I dont think so!”

“That is enough!” Charlotte said to Harry. “There are more important matters to worry about! Have you heard? The Knalgan dwarves are now in a war with Wesnoth! Does that worry you guys a bit?”

“Oh, please!” Grank laughed at Charlotte. “When were the dwarves a threat? We live near one of the most powerful forts of Wesnoth!”

“You are underestimating the dwarves.” Harry said to Grank, with a more serious voice. “Have you heard of the dwarven thundersticks? Strange, fire breathing beast lies in those weapons, feeding on a bizarre black powder!”

Grank laughed more than he should have. “Thundersticks? Beasts? Black powder? Those are just tall tales, m’ boy! I have met dwarves many times, and none of them carry the strange device you talk of!”

Harry then sighed at Grank: “HOLY CRAP, Grandpa! You are [censored]! *sigh* Whelp, I am going to sleep!”

Charlotte and Stark went to sleep with Harry, also. Grank, not caring about them, ate the leftovers and went to sleep over the table.

*CHECK OUT THE PROLOGUE: http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=41042
Last edited by Zamoon on October 10th, 2014, 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: War of the Master Element [fan fic] Chapter 1

Post by Ravana »

Instead of having all chapters in separate topics you could place them in one.
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Re: War of the Master Element [fan fic] Chapter 1

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

Unfortunately for Stark, a wasp stung his butt. With the painful reaction, he threw his hands in the air, and the fish jumped back into the river.
Hahaha! :lol: I like this part.
He thanked Grank, then got a small cup scooped up the water, and sprinkled it over the soil.
Shouldn't Grank be thanking Stark and not himself?
Stark began to violently string his bow, shooting three of the four wolves with arrows.
That is quite accurate archery for a peasant. Is he gifted or are you just showing off the possible protagonist? :P
Luckily enough, harry smashed its skull which his hatchet, successfully defending the cattle.
Shouldn't the 'h' in 'harry' be an upper case letter?
Stark rushed down to Harry and Charlotte, then started to rabble out, painting a lot. “Are you guys *paint* okay? *paint*”
Painting? :lol: Shouldn't Stark be 'panting'?
returned to the small straw hut in which they lived in.
Corrected a few typos for you.
Instead of having all chapters on separate topics you could place them in one.
It would be better if you did that. However, then there will be the problem of continuously scrolling down comments to read the next chapter...

Lastly, I look forward to the next one. Keep up the good work.
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Re: War of the Master Element [fan fic] Chapter 1

Post by Zamoon »

Lord-Knightmare wrote:
Unfortunately for Stark, a wasp stung his butt. With the painful reaction, he threw his hands in the air, and the fish jumped back into the river.
Hahaha! :lol: I like this part.
He thanked Grank, then got a small cup scooped up the water, and sprinkled it over the soil.
Shouldn't Grank be thanking Stark and not himself?
Stark began to violently string his bow, shooting three of the four wolves with arrows.
That is quite accurate archery for a peasant. Is he gifted or are you just showing off the possible protagonist? :P
Luckily enough, harry smashed its skull which his hatchet, successfully defending the cattle.
Shouldn't the 'h' in 'harry' be an upper case letter?
Stark rushed down to Harry and Charlotte, then started to rabble out, painting a lot. “Are you guys *paint* okay? *paint*”
Painting? :lol: Shouldn't Stark be 'panting'?
returned to the small straw hut in which they lived in.
Corrected a few typos for you.
Instead of having all chapters on separate topics you could place them in one.
It would be better if you did that. However, then there will be the problem of continuously scrolling down comments to read the next chapter...

Lastly, I look forward to the next one. Keep up the good work.
I really need to thank you for helping me out. :) I am not great with proofreading.
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Re: War of the Master Element [fan fic] Chapter 1

Post by Zamoon »

Ravana wrote:Instead of having all chapters in separate topics you could place them in one.
I put the links to the next/previous chapter in the bottom of the chapter.
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