The Rise of Wesnoth 20 - Return of the Fleet

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The Rise of Wesnoth 20 - Return of the Fleet

Post by Content Feedback »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: Return of the Fleet

Post by Zhukov »

8) Well well, first reply. I feel special.

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
Medium difficulty, version 1.1.7

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
7/10 - Mostly because of a few select factors. Will explain below.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Good as always. This campaign has the best dialog I have come across in Wesnoth so far (and I'm a great believer in good storyline).

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
The Chokobones. Pain in the arse.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
5/10 - If the chokobones weren't in there it would be 8/10.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Simply get rid of the Chokobones. For me they turned a cool level into something of a snafu. Because they are rather frail units they could always swarm my high level units in the same way WCs can, they even took down Paladins. I ended up having to saveload my way past a few points. The level already has plenty of events, what with the grumpy Saurians, articulate cuttlefish and Lord J's darkness thing (which was a cool idea by the way). So yeah, please drop the scuicidal undead on wacked-out emus.
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Post by Xandria »

I actually quit playing the campaign because of this level. Was too pissed, to be honest, to play on. Why?

I may sound grumpy, but having enemies appear where they were not before, charging out of the darkness by night, and killing units that, according to the knowledge you can possess, should be safe, is no fun.

Also, I triggered the appearance of the saurians with an Iron Mauler, who, according to the pre-fog situation, should be safe from anything the orcs have - those shamen taught him a lesson, but there was no reaction time, as the mauler sees across 1 swamp hex...

If there was more gold, one could purchase weak units to shield the valuable army members, and to trigger the random events. So? After my army, which was, without any real trouble, stomping the orcs into dust, was reduced to nothing but a bloody heap, along with my precious leader, within a single turn, all by threats one cannot respond to, I thought: LAME.

If the player was alerted that something is wrong, even by an unspecific message, such as: "There is great evil about, we should tread carefully!" he'd know that something is amiss.
Creating units within one turn's range of the players troops is always a bad idea. Give another choice except having to load the autosave 358x.
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Post by Zhukov »

I can sympathise with you Xandria, the level annoyed me somewhat, although obviously not as much as it did you.
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Post by Lord Jevyan »

(1) 1.0.2 medium level
(2) 10. Damnly hard... i losed half of my lv2 and 3 units in this damn but lovely level...
(3) Clear as always. Kill the invaders
(4) Nice talk with Jevyan. I like when he gets angry and sets up fog of war.
(5) To go through the river... it's hard with undeads in the left, two damned new sea monsters , lizards from the swamp and orcs from the other side of the river.
(6) 9. A nice battle. The orcs bases are big and very hard to conquer. This makes fun for me
(7) Nothing to change for me.

P.S. = in the italian version when the Sea monsters comes out Haldric says ' I don't know what it is, but it seems friendly '. I think it's wrong!
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Post by santi »

1) 1.1.11 hard
2) 9 (I'm reserving 10 for the next scenario)
4)Clear and excellent with the curse of darkness
5) holding the central front(the village near the bridge) when the saurians
joined the enemy, plus unchecked chokobones that could strike my silver
mages if left ZoC-unprotected. It was interesting that when the eastern front had to retreat to near the village, the enemy forces (in truth there were not so many of them left by then) concentrated on grabbing villages instead of suicidal attacks agains my southern front. That would have stretched the defense. On the other hand the western front was never really threatened with an Iron Mauler, 2 GK and a Paladin, backed by a mage of light and occasionally a silver mage beat wave after wave. The problem was stray sneaky chocobones.
6) about 9
7)cannot think of much; if you want to make it easier, get rid of chocobones or saurians. Maybe replace chocos by deathblades or something like that. To make it harder, increase the aggression of the enemy, but then give Haldric a bit more gold.
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Post by santi »

BTW, I am posting a replay on hard, maybe this will help others like
Xandria finish the campaign. It's a great campaign and you're so close. Don't give up!!! It's not on optimized campaign by any means, but may be useful as an outline of the general strategy.
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Post by Imp »

Wow, that's some awesome play, Santi! You totally blew through those forces. Unfortunately, I only saw the first 8 turns before File Corrupt errors made it unwatchable. :-(

Hey, do you still happen to have replays for The Dragon and for the drakes island? I'd love to see them!
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Post by santi »

Sure, I can post them in the thread for these scenaria. But first I need to figure out why you get corrupt errors. What version do you run?
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Post by Imp »

1.2.1 Windows, the downloadable compiled version.
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Post by santi »

Oops, you're right, I get corrupt errors on 1.1.11 too, the same version I used
-so something is wrong there, I will try to figure it out
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Post by joshudson »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Loosing valuable units to enemies I can't see.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Don't spawn so many chocobos. It is really no fun to lose valuable units to invisible threats.
I didn't have any trouble with the saurians because I didn't go into the swampy area where they spawned. They eventually came out near my villages and got clobbered by Lt Aethyr, Burin (who was healing up after fighting two of the chocobos), and a pair of silver mages.
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Post by Kowasu »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
normal and 1.2.4

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
pretty basic, kill the bosses and don't let the important npc's die
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
stupid chocobones...
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Maybe adding some peasants to save or usher outof the sea.[/i]
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: Return of the Fleet

Post by Carnildo »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
1.2.7, normal

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Quite clear: "Kill them all!"

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Reasonably clear and interesting.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
A near-complete lack of high-level units. On turn 4, I moved four paladins onto the island with the bridges, started occupying the villages near the swamp, and began to engage the enemy. At this point, two cuttlefish appeared out of the ocean and Jevyan blanked the map. I suspect this is when the chocobones and saurians appeared. On turn 5, two of my paladins were wiped out. I started moving every horseman I had in that direction to try to recover the situation, and continued occupying the swamp area with infantry. On turn 6, the remaining paladins and the high-level infantry near the swamp were wiped out. On turn 7, I gave up.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
0. I've got a strong dislike for finding myself in an unwinnable situation.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Fewer chocobones, and not throwing as much stuff at the player in short order.
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Post by Isen »

(1) 1.2.6, Hard

(2) 9. I would say 10, but after (poorly) emulating santi's approach I had less trouble than during my attempts to be original.

(3) Clear

(4) I certainly do hope Haldric knows what he's doing. The Ruby of FIre would have been very useful here.

(5) Chocobones/Cuttlefish/Saurians. I don't think this scenario is possible until you memorise where and when they spawn and react accordingly.

(6) 4. Another plunge into the negatives with gold, berserk chocobone charges out of the darkness taking out even full health paladins, semi-meancing time limit.

(7) Small: Get rid of the bats. This is a rather climatic battle, and having to defend your villages against these pests kills the mood, so to speak. Besides, having a horde of skeletons coming from the sea would be more impressive than flying critters,

Medium: Spawn threats further from the player.

Large: A river leading up to your keep. While seemingly a map where mermen could be very useful, the time it takes them to reach the shore makes them unviable.
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