A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

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A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by Aldarisvet »

Title image of the campaign, main hero (His portrait in chapter 2)
velendar-fighter-mage.png (224.27 KiB) Viewed 23797 times

This campaign tells a story of a young simple peasant who by the whim of fate was adopted in a secret magical order and further get involoved into global events in the world of Wesnoth. For now are ready two independent chapters of the campaign. In Chapter I main hero meets with the group of members of the secret order, and joins them in their task. There are 3 scenarios in first chapter. Events of Chapter II takes place 3 years later, when main hero became a full member of the order, he just barely touches an evil he would have to resist later. There are 5 scenarios in Chapter II. The storyline going to culminate in Chapter III which Velendar acts as a member of Silver Mages order.


1. Deep storyline, lot of dialogs, lot of text overally. Many heroes: 5 in Chapter I, 11 in Chapter II.
2. Original tactical situations. This campaign is not about "some race". You will never have to play such common scenario as "you play humans/elves versus 3 encampments of orcs/undead". Types of units you can recruit are very limited, recall ability is not always possible for units you fought with. Heroes and their special abilities plays great part in tactics, but there are no super-heroes, and you play with different set of heroes each level. It is not a campaign about creating great heroes. There are no such elements as artifacts to found or rpg-style upgrade system. Instead you have many heroes from different races.
3. Most of heroes are usual core wesnoth units, but some are custom units with original (frankestein-made) sprites. After each chapter main heroes obtain new types of units and new sprites and sometimes even portraits. The peak of my work with sprites was making full animated frankenstein saurian, 61 images to edit, including all bobs and run sprites.
4. For now full campaign can be downloaded in 1.12, 1.14 and 1.15 add-ons servers, though I am not updating 1.12 version anymore (it is complete and 100% playable still). A very old version with only Chapter I can be found in 1.10 server. If you ever played Chapter I, and do not want to replay it, you can skip it at first level and go stright to Chapter II.


The game is well tested by me so bugs possibly shoudnt be a reason for feedback. I would be glad to recieve any reviews or just comments about campaign. Replays are especially valuable, you can attach them right here with you post.

In-game screenshot. Different types of mages in scenario 5 of the campaign.
mages2.png (384.12 KiB) Viewed 22705 times
Last edited by Aldarisvet on September 19th, 2021, 6:40 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: A Whim of Fate

Post by dragon_99 »

I played Hard. Not bad decorated. But on the subject of the story will not say anything. Passed first and second scenario would be not bad to reduce the turns are too many. Third poorly balanced. Maybe I'm wrong.
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Re: A Whim of Fate

Post by Aldarisvet »

Thank you for your feedback! I would be happy to see your replays, if you saved it, you can attach it just to post. About turns are too many. Actually I myself played on Insane only. Finished first level on 51 turns and second at 40. So I put limit for Insane on 55 to Insane and 60 to Hard at first level, and 45 and 50 at second. But at Hard AI gets a bit less gold. At least, I don't want people to be angry cause they cant pass it. About third level. I myself finished it on 121 turn and really it was hard enough even for me, who knows, what is the idea of the level. So I removed time limit of the level, any case it is the last at chapter 1.
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Re: A Whim of Fate

Post by dragon_99 »

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Re: A Whim of Fate

Post by GbDorn »

Quick comments:

* textdomain should be something like 'wesnoth-AWOF' or 'wesnoth-A_Whim_of_Fate' for all your files with translatable strings (and should be defined in _main.cfg)
* user_team_name(s) contain some weird character

scenario 1:
* missing [modification] tags for Goblin leaders traits
* You may want to restrict recruited goblins traits to either WEAK or DIM for their respective tribe

Also I guess Velendar's mother will have some importance later so read this.
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Re: A Whim of Fate

Post by Aldarisvet »

2 GbDorn

Thank you, very concrete comments!
1. textdomain - i had another name for campaign first, and forget to change it after finding more appropriate name for campaign. Fixed.
2. user_team - the problems with character [ ' ] , single quote. For example, "Velendar's army". Same with in-game messages, I had to avoid single quote cause of it. Fixed it with just using "Velendars", but obviosly there is a way to write single quote with some code?
3. modification tags - and I wondered, why the leaders dont want to be dim and weak :) Fixed it.
4. Restricting all goblins. I had that idea, of course, it would be funny. But restricting all tribes to that trait would definetely unbalance them, one would be stronger than other, cause DIM is not so harmful trait as WEAK.
5. Pity that half-breeding is prohibited. In most fantasy books and games this is often thing. Good that you warned me in time before I started developing this theme.
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Re: A Whim of Fate

Post by GbDorn »

Aldarisvet wrote:there is a way to write single quote with some code?
"Velendar's army" works fine in my install (I use Ubuntu). Mainline campaigns use curved quotes though ("Velendar’s army"). Use this and save your files with UTF-8 encoding.
Aldarisvet wrote:restricting all tribes to that trait would definetely unbalance them
Sure. I suggested it because the leaders and other 3 starting goblins follow the pattern.
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Re: A Whim of Fate

Post by Aldarisvet »

2 dragon_99

About replays, thank you for them.
Really you was able to finish first level in 18 turns! One goblin leader suicided leaving his base. But for me AI played awful. Nothern goblins even dont bothered to take eastern village!
Anycase I am increasing additional gold per turn for both tribes at Hard level from 3 to 4 (its is 5 for INSANE). May be that helps AI not to play so stupid. Often when I played, nothern AI was more agressive and even often was taking village from southern AI.

About second level. This time you had more problems obviously, still I dont like the manner you played it :( cause you could lose your heroes many times, and surely you have used save/load many times, or you got incredible luck (the most indicative moment was when you moved Velendar on village to heal with 3 HP and then he was attacked with Goblin raider who missed 3 times stright!, so not killing him). Also I see that you dont use enough Velendars leadership ability over undead and Solaevin's ability to stop poison for 1 turn. Seemingly AI dont have enough money to punish player for such style of playing :D
So I made a decision to raise money for enemy per turn for HARD level from 13 to 15 (it is 17 for INSANE).

2 GbDorn

About elven blood at Velendars mother, first of all I wanted some foundation for his ambush-in-forest ability, however, I was definetely going to develop this theme. Now I changed the text, limiting myself with phrase "mother once dealt with elves and even was a friend to them".

About UTF-8. I was just using simple notepad for editing cfg files and even dont have idea which encoding it uses. Kinda it uses ANSI.
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Re: A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by Cadaver »

Hi, i passed your campain recently(on Inscane level ) and i like it very much). But i was suprised with number of moves for which you took this scenarios. The first scenario i passed for 37 turns, the 2nd - 25 t., the 3rd - 53. Maybe it is besause i am good player).No. To be honest, i used save/load but not often(only if i thought random was unfair). At all, it is interesting campain on which you first need to think and not rush headlong into battle. Will look for continue.
PS. If my replays canbe useful here they are
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Re: A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by Aldarisvet »

Thank you for feedback!
Well, I really played honestly, as I played in multiplayer.
You cannot save/load in multiplayer, you know?
So I was avoiding risk as possible.
Actually I could finish scenario3 in kinda 80 turns but I did not wanted to risk any of my level3 dwarves vs Troll Hero.

Well, here is my scenario3 replay. And thank you for replays, I will watch them.


I watched you replays, Cadaver.
I am sorry to say this, but possibly there is huge difference between AI intellect in 1.10 and 1.12. You obviously played 1.10 version.
And with such tactics you used, you would get no chance at 1.12 :(
There lot of wrong things you made. Beginning you finished secenario1 with just one level1 zomble, and finishing what level of heroes you got at secnario3. With Solaevin at level1 at start of scenario3 it would not be possible to win. Also you recruited wrong dwarves at 1 turn, and most important, you did not blocked eastern passage. The flow of trolls at 1.12 if astounding, not that you got.
Consider you finished not INSANE, but Medium difficulty.

Also I got that i should switch passive leaders tactics, AI leaders tend to suicide.
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Re: A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by Cadaver »

Hi again Aldarisvet. What the f*ck? I played on Inscane level in version 1.12.0, you can belive me in it. About only zombie at the and of first scenario. I played your campain 2 times on Hard and Inscane levels. At first time i played(on Hard), i did not use zombies active, so in second time i decided that i have not nessesety to collect the ones. Yea, i made mistake when did not apgreid Solaevin to white mage to beginning of the 3rd scenario. Dwarfs. Whom i should to recruit? And how can i block the eastern passage? I just could not find how to do it.
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Re: A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by Aldarisvet »

Cadaver wrote: I played on Inscane level in version 1.12.0, you can belive me in it.
Strange, there was a bug with Solaevin animations healing not working at 1.12, and I fixed it only on 1.10, as I remember.
Well, I understood, I fixed it on my PC on 1.12 without uploading it on server, so it works correctly on replays on my PC, despite it should not work for download version at 1.12. Sorry then.
Cadaver wrote:At first time(Hard) i played, i did not use zombie active, so in second time i decided that i have not nessesety to collect the ones.
Well thats quite strange, because 3-4 zombies at start ineeded supposed to be needed to play this level. Why for scenario called 'Useless poison'? Because poison useless vs zombies.
Cadaver wrote: Yea, i made mistake when did not apgreid Solaevin to white mage for 3rd scenario. Dwarfs. Whom i should to recruit? And how can I block the eastern passage? I just could not find how to do it.
You can find answers in the last replay I post. You did not split trolls and had to fight with both on crossroad. How did you survive, thats a question. Just 2 Trolls attacking one unit at 1 turn could kill any unit, if they got 3 successful attack from 4, 3*18=54. And you had just 4 healing from Solaevin.

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Re: A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by FaeLord »


I just finished the final version of the Amaranthine Stone and uploaded it, so I'll get to work on your campaign as we discussed. I should have everything done soon.

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Re: A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by Aldarisvet »

Finally campaign with chapter 2 uploaded to add-ons server.
5 more levels. The storyline greatly extended, but still going to culminate at chapter 3.
Also many changes in chapter 1.
Velendar have less magic attacks now with his nightmare-dread-horror staff, Zaryal begins as level 1 khalifate skirmisher with original image, there are 3 levels of difficulty. Still you can skip chapter I if you want and began stright with Chapter II.
Just you must play it :D
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Re: A Whim of Fate [SP Campaign]

Post by Aldarisvet »

I am happy to inform everyone that new units tree of the campain "A Whim of Fate" have appeared at the Wesnoth Unit Database. Thank to developers that such a useful instrument is functioning!

http://units.wesnoth.org/1.12/A_Whim_of ... _Fate.html

Of course looking on it would be as reading huge spoiler. But if someone want just to assess the quality of campaign in part of custom units sprites - there is no better way (except downloading it). I myself prefer looking on such units trees while choosing a campaign to play.

Some lines from that page are fully from core, put there by engine (khalifate and mage lines) cause engine displays all braches of line forks, I just added level 1 unit in these lines. Elvish Battlelord is the same core Elvish lord but with magic attack with blade instead of original non-magic. A Wose Shaman was fully taken from core unchanged. Will-o-Wisp sprite I took from Faelord's "Aramanthine stone" campaign. Other sprites are more or less complex frankenstains that made by me.
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