Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Valenwood »

On second thought.. maybe the Auxiliary is fine as it is, as most units in this Era has quite a lot of damage and HP :hmm: Maybe just lower the MP to 5?
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by AI »

'Auxiliary' troops are generally lighter infantry, so I'd say reduce their HP some.
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Valenwood »

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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by turin »


IE Version 0.17.2 released

Now that all the art is basically done and up to a decent quality (though still improving), we're starting to take a much more serious look at era balancing. As such, this is the first of what will be several balancing releases made in somewhat rapid succession - probably every two to three weeks for the next few months.

This release has modified - one might say even completely rewritten - base stats for the Issaelfr and Orcei Gladiatores. It's a first step towards making those factions balanced and fun to play with.

Versions have been released for 1.4 and 1.5; they should be identical, but I might have accidentally made some changes in one not reflected in the other... if so, report them!
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Mica »

In a release, the seal only costs 1 gold. Though I'm not sure if it's been fixed or not.
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Peter the Great »

To steal it from Ken Oh (I think he was the original), <_<
forumnecromancer.png (47.36 KiB) Viewed 4911 times
Imperial Era returneth. I decided to ask Turin if I could update it and when he gave me permission I ran it through wmllint. It came through nicely but the images are broken so I'm going to wait until I fix that to upload it to the server.

EDIT: maybe people will care now that it's up on the server?
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Chefu »

Imperial Era 0.18.1 released for Wesnoth 1.8 and 1.9

The main changes are:

Code: Select all

    * Gameplay
        * Added an RPG era
        * Added descriptions to all units that still needed them (some descriptions came from the folks who made the Ageless Era, thanks!)
    * Bug fixes
        * Fixed missing traits and names
        * Fixed the race problem
        * Fixed Lavinian Light Infantry incorrect movetype
        * Fixed faction images in Multiplayer
        * Fixed a few incorrect/deprecated macros
        * Fixed the amla problem (some units were still using {AMLA_TOUGH 3} instead of {AMLA_DEFAULT} )
        * Added a "reef" value to all movetypes. Before this, no IE units could move onto hexes of type "Coastal reef". All defense and movement values were made the same as for shallow water.
        * Fixed the dissapearing images for the Sidhe wanderer and the Marauder woodsman
        * Added a the missing Dark Thunderblade unit (campaign only) that was missing. It currently has the same stats a regular thunderblade.
For a complete changelog that mentiones every unit changed, check out ... 6&start=20
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Gwynnedrion »

I downloaded the era and like it! Played imperial back with 1.6 and I hope the project will one day be back, how about the campaigns? Are they going to be revived as wel?
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Chefu »

Glad you like it! Yes, the campaigns have been revived. You can download them from the 1.8 addons server (sorry, no 1.9 at the moment). Although not completely bug-free, they should be playable. If you find bugs, please report them on the appropriate thread. I am working through them in my (limited) free time. :D
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by shadowblack »

After upgrading to version 1.9.7 when I try to join the Multiplayer server I get an error with this era (and three other add-ons). Screenshot attached.

Possibly related to the fact that the AMLA_TOUGH macro was deprecated in 1.9.3.
wesnoth 1.9.7.JPG
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by UnwiseOwl »

There are some problems with the 1.9 version of the Imperial Era that has been uploaded to the add-ons. Nothing huge, but enough to stop you from being able to play the era or campaigns. I have a fixed version on my computer, and if anyone can tell me who uploaded it I can arrange to get this fixed up. Chefu seems to be out of contact, so does anyone have any ideas?
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Temuchin Khan »

UnwiseOwl wrote:There are some problems with the 1.9 version of the Imperial Era that has been uploaded to the add-ons. Nothing huge, but enough to stop you from being able to play the era or campaigns. I have a fixed version on my computer, and if anyone can tell me who uploaded it I can arrange to get this fixed up. Chefu seems to be out of contact, so does anyone have any ideas?
I've noticed those problems too. However, I'm not sure who would have authority if Turin, Peter the Great, and Chefu are unavailable. Why don't you just go ahead and upload it?

EDIT: Also, the Imperial Era forums have been conquered by spam. Ignore them and keep posting here.
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by UnwiseOwl »

Unfortunately there's a version already up and I don't have the password for it.
I could call it "Imperial Era II" or "Saecula Imperium", but it'll just get confusing.
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by Temuchin Khan »

UnwiseOwl wrote:Unfortunately there's a version already up and I don't have the password for it.
I could call it "Imperial Era II" or "Saecula Imperium", but it'll just get confusing.
Yes, but if none of the previous maintainers is around, what choice do we have?

Call it "Fixed Imperial Era" for now, I guess. And thanks for doing this!
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Re: Imperial Multiplayer Era - version 0.17 released

Post by UnwiseOwl »

Alrighty then, it's up on the 1.9 server as "Imperial_Era_Fixed" under that old familiar campfire image. Go get it and play.
Also up are the Fall Of Silvium and Up From Slavery campaigns, which will work for fixed, I hope. The others will follow as I play through them and remove as any of the bugs as my non-existant wml knowledge will allow.
Welcome back to the Imperial Era, folks. Please, direct any suggested changes to me, I guess, first priority is making the campaigns available, but after that...who knows.
Maintainer of the Imperial Era and the campaigns Dreams of Urduk, Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise and Gali's Contract.
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