Era of Magic (EoMa) 4.7.1 - now on Ko-fi!

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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by inferno8 »

Era of Magic 2.0.2 is out!
Highlights of this version:
-the area of effect weapons' bug has been finally fixed
-new animations made by Forest Dragon
-new descriptions also made by Forest Dragon
-some code improvements

Here is the full changelog:

Code: Select all

Version 2.0.2
- Units:
	* changed Air God's fire/cold resistances 10%
	* changed Rune Artist's lightning bolt to 36-1
	* changed Runemaster's lightning bolt to 50-1
	* changed goblin rouser's melee to 10-3
	* goblin warbanner's hp 50
	* the jinn line has 50% defense/1 mp cost on cave/fungus
	* changed the movement type of Sister of Light and Inspired so they could no longer fly
	* Child of Light has standard flying movetype (50% defense and 1 mp everywhere) and nullified all her non-arcane resistance
	* the Steam Copter is able to move in caves and fungus now
	* Troll Sorcerer has 10% arcane resistance, and 38 hp
	* changed Troll Fire Wizard's magic resistances: 20% arcane, 30% cold, and 40% fire
	* changed Troll Warlock's resistances: 30% arcane, 40% cold, and 50% fire
	* changed Troll Warbanner's resistances: 10% arcane, 30% fire/cold
	* buffed Troll Fire Wizard's ranged attack to 8-3
	* buffed Troll Warlock's ranged to 10-3
	* changed Great Warlock's fist damage to 6-3
	* changed Master of Darkness' fist damage to 7-4
	* Summons Master's hammer has the magical special
	* changed Grand Summoner experience points 242
	* Summons Master's scimitar 10-3, and hammer to 15-2, renamed hammer to 'magical hammer'
	* Constructor's saw 8-4, wrench 6-5, and screwdriver 5-6
	* changed Drone's physical resistances: 30% blade/pierce, and 20% impact (40% blade pierce, and 30% impact for Perfect Drone)
	* changed Master's of War explosion attack damage type to fire intead of impact
	* Bone Beast/Bone Golem have 10% impact resistance, Bone Giant/Moloch have 20% impact resistance
	* Technician's grenade to 22-1
	* Constructor's flamethrower to 9-4, area bomb to 33-1
	* all units from the Baloon line have 50% defense/3 mp cost on caves/fungus
	* Perfect Drone has 50% defense/1 mp cost on caves/fungus
	* Pirania Monstruosa's melee 6-4, and Titania's melee 10-5
	* Devourer requires 180 exp to advance
	* Dwarvish Heavy Warrior's ranged attack 17-1
	* Rune Warrior's ranged attack 24-1
	* Rune Lord's ranged attack 30-1

- Graphics:
	* improved Roc melee animation
	* improved dimensional vortex animation for Mystical Jinn
	* new hammer icon for Summons Master/Last Summoner 
	* fixed troll Fire Sorcerer/Troll Warlock TC issues
	* healing animation for Mechanic, Technician and Constructor
	* added Constructor's attack animations for saw/wrench/screwdriver
	* changed behavior of Mystical Jinn teleport animation
	* added banishment animations for lvl1s
	* improved Jinn/Efreet magic animations
	* Wonderful Jinn's arcane magic animation

- Abilities:
	* fixed area of effect experience bug
	* renamed Constructor's 'summon' ability to 'build drone'
	* changed Constructor's 'build drone' option cost to 9g
	* made the summoned drone advance after being created
	* improved the beam special to make use of weapon's type
	* fixed bug in beam special not harming the third unit in some cases

- Descriptions:
	* added Great Hunter's description
	* added Dark Commander's description
	* added Blade Dancer's description
	* added Sword Dancer's description
	* added description for Dark Wizard
	* added Great Warlock's description
	* added description for Master of Darkness
	* improved Summons Master description
	* added Saurian Shooter description
	* added Saurian Crossbowman description
	* improved Bone Beast's description

- Code:
	* made the drone's flying variant and rune aura variants of Runemaster not visible in the help menu
	* fixed old 'terror' ids in the 'awe' ability(ies)
	* changed Goblin Hunter's and Goblin Assassin's bolas animation sounds
	* made Summons Master/TLU The Last Summoner unit use the sword swish sound instead of the dagger sound for scimitar.
	* Neutral summoner's circle ability shows to the left of the ability list in help
	* replaced the 'thunderstick.ogg' sound in the Flying Fortress's ranged animation with 'dragonstick.ogg'
	* added custom event handlers for the summon ability (when a unit is summoned a 'post summon' event is fired when needed)
	* fixed hide help ids
	* made some strings translatable
	* changed terrain art placeholder string to avoid conflicts
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by inferno8 »

Era of Magic 2.0.3 is now available!

There are some balance improvements, bugfixes, new and improved animations. Enjoy! :)

Code: Select all

Version 2.0.3
- Units
	* lvl2/lvl3 fire elementals have 50% defense on fungus, and have 2 mp cost on caves/fungus
	* added the marksman special to Air Avatar's ranged attack
	* Inspired has a new 15-1 arcane magical attack
	* Striding Machine's melee to 9-2
	* Pacificator's melee to 15-2, fire ranged 21-2, and pierce ranged 7-6
	* Dwarvish Tank/Pacificator's explosive ammo has the marksman special
	* Runesmith has 20% fire/cold resistances, and 10% arcane resistances
	* Rune Artist has 30% fire/cold, and 20% arcane resistances

- Graphics
	* Heavy Summoner has a custom defense animation when defending against magic and has an animation when he's boosting resistances of adjacent units
	* improved Air Elemental/Avatar/God ranged animations
	* improved Rune Artist/Runemaster lightning bolt animations
	* improved rune attack animation
	* improved Sun Guardian's/Kirios's fusion animations
	* improved ranged animations for Adept of Light/Cleric/War Banner/Massive Kharos War Banner
	* added death animation for Sun Follower/Sun Guardian/Kirios
	* added death animation for Child of Light/Mistress of Light

- Abilities
	* fixed experience calculation in the beam weapon special
	* mechanic's repair heals 6 hp instead of 5

- Descriptions
	* improved description of the banish special

- Code
	* fixed wrong gender assignment in units advancing from Dimensional Gate
	* added custom event handlers for the banish and soul catcher abilities
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by IPS »

wowowow... I'm delaying a bit too much with the balance sugestions, also I noticed you have updated the era like a pair of times since my last post LOL. Well, I got stuck a pair of days at thinking about balancing some Summoners units that are actually really overpowered (mostly Jinns and Rhamis) while Summoners and their advancements looks underpowered kinda un-atractive.

Actually I'm at Kharos balance (balancing factions from top to bottom, in the order that appears in the faction selection).

Also, I was going to coment that some units might need a new description such like Hidden Faces which can deserve a much better description than their actual one, and if given a time I can even help at some of those descriptions.

Sugesting something like this:
--> Hidden faces: A misterous unit that Sky Kingdom hires from a nation that is allied with Sky Kingdom but that hasn't enough strength to be a playable faction itself. Also could be recomend to mention the Sky Kingdom as the union of some lesser nations that united into one explaining why the variety of units.
--> In which Hidden Faces, Golems, Magic Eyes, Mu's and Calvalry Archers can be somehow relationated (even if one of those are supporting Kharos instead of Sky Kingdom)

--> The reasson why I mention Calvary Archers is due something that justificates how those Elemental Archers have Fire and Cold arrows (apart that I'm planning to sugest a Lv3 unit that can be named "Mystical Archer") for Kharos Faction. I will even sugest its stats.
-> I will explain in my notes why Kharos really needs lv3 version of Elemental archer, but basically it's because Kharos lacks of ranged apart of pierce or arcane atackers and in balance it's a problem meaning that Calvary Archers are really important to Kharos faction because of balance reassons (apart that Kharos has only Blade and Pierce in mele at lv1-lv2 units but almost no impact or arcane in the overall mele)

Also my feedback would take some days to arrive, but is basically a balance performance sugestion.
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by Xargon »

This has become a really awesome era! So many cool units and animations...

Anyway, some very quick comments (mostly about balance). I don't have a good feeling for the general power level in this era, since it seems to differ quite a bit from standard, so these are just things that struck me as weird while playing.
- I agree with IPS: The Djinn line is seriously overpowered (fast flyer, strong magical attack, good hp, drains, regenerates, various damage types and slow from lvl3... they have it all)
- I am less sure about summoners. Their versatility is pretty handy, having a precision or always hits (single) ranged attack, but they might need a small buff
- About destroyer piraflys: I found them to be a bit too close in function (and price) to nightmares, who are significantly better in combat in almost all situations (exceptions include fighting fire elementals). As a consequence, I used them only for flavor. I think it would be nice if they differed some more (even faster maybe, to put them more clearly into the scout role?)
- Another destroyer unit I used only for flavor is the bone beast. Having a unit with skeletal resistances is nice, but for a pure melee unit, I found its damage to be too low. It does fill the role of a tank, but with low defense and enough enemy ranged units with arcane/impact/fire attacks, it is not very long-lasting. I think it would be nice to either increase the damage slightly or improve its special ability: It could gain some max hp and/or damage when killing a unit, for example (this would also fit the description)
- The XP calculation for "all around" attacks is rather confusing. I had an enemy unit level up mid-combat, and I assume it works like this: For every target which is not the main target, XP is awarded to attacker and defender as soon as the first strike hits this particular target. Are there technical reasons for not delaying the XP rewards until the end of combat? In most situations, this won't matter, of course, but sometimes it does.
- I was a bit confused by the plague description: "... creates a unit identical to and on the same side as the unit with plague". This sounds like the unit will be identical to the attacker. Not sure if this is EoMa-specific or general Wesnoth. But it is super awesome to have zombie versions of all units!
- I saw the Hydra's triple strike work on defense on one occasion, contrary to the description
- The difference in power between levels is very large for some units. Some that I remember would be steamcopter -> mechanical dragon, possibly the cyclops mage lvl2 -> lvl3, grand summoner -> summons master
- The dwarven drones are a lot of fun, but I had the feeling they would be too much effort/investment to use in a tight matchup. Also, while some of the upgrades seemed very good in general (better blades, rotor, berserk, better armor), I found others to be of rather limited use (ranged attacks, furnace - this only gives illuminates, right?). I might have more thoughts about them at some point...
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by inferno8 »

Era of Magic 2.0.4 is now available!

This time there are new leading animations for Dark Commander line, levelin animations for various lvl2 magical units, improved Ho'Rhami ranged animation (all these made by Forest Dragon), improved abilities, descriptions and many balancing changes


Code: Select all

Version 2.0.4
- Units
	* Neutral Summoner: hp 58
	* Grand Summoner: hp 62
	* Heavy Summoner: hp 66
	* Summons Master: hp 72
	* Dispeller: hp to 40
	* Banisher: hp to 51
	* Rhami'datu: ranged to 5-3
	* Dharma'rhami: renamed scimitar attack to 'swords', gave it multiple sounds in a row
	* Camel Master: decreased his melee to 11-3 and ranged to 15-2
	* Earth Elemental line: 3 mp cost and 30% defense on deep water
	* Piryfly line: added hit and run 2 ability
	* Drone: merged some amlas into one
	* Bone Beast: 16-1 head, and 9-2 tail
	* Bone Giant: 36-1 head, and 13-3 tail
	* Moloch: 50-1 head, and 17-3 tail
	* Jinn: experience to 56; cost to 20
	* Rhami: cost to 16
	* Great Jinn/Efreet: cost 40
	* Great Jinn: 6 mp
	* Steamcopter: 8 mp
	* Mechanical Dragon: 8 mp; melee to 10-2
	* Extinct Cyclops Mage: replaced the precision special with the magical special

- Graphics
	* leading animations for Dark Commander line
	* banishment animations for Dimensional Gates
	* banishment animations for lvl2 magical units
	* improved abyssal wind animation for Ho'rhami
	* custom levelin animations for lvl2 magical units

- Abilities
	* made the banish special work on both offence and defense and when killing a target
	* the banish special gives 3 experience points on success
	* increased summoning costs for Grand Summoner
	* decreased summoning costs for Summons Master
	* the sculpt special slows a target when the initial effect wears off
	* the dark aura ability no longer affects non-living units
	* fixed triple strike special draining health from non-living units
	* the bone collector grants +1 to max hp per each successful kill of a living unit
	* experience gained from area weapons is distributed after a fight

- Descritpions
	* improved Sun Follower's description
	* improved Sun Guardian's description
	* improved Kirios' description
	* improved Silver Warrior's description
	* improved Master of Sun's description
	* improved Shielder's description
	* improved Protector's description
	* improved Slicer's description
	* improved triple strike special's description
- Code
	* rewrote the banish special ability
	* Dharma'rhami uses fist.ogg sound instead of mace.ogg for her tackle attack
IPS wrote:Also could be recommend to mention the Sky Kingdom as the union of some lesser nations that united into one explaining why the variety of units.
The Sky Kingdom is not the union of lesser nations, it is something different. More details about this faction will be included in the remastered version TLU as well as in other campaigns.
IPS wrote: I'm planning to sugest a Lv3 unit that can be named "Mystical Archer") for Kharos Faction
I agree with the concept of lvl3 Elemental Archer for the Kharos faction. Looking forward for some stats ;)
Xargon wrote:- I agree with IPS: The Djinn line is seriously overpowered (fast flyer, strong magical attack, good hp, drains, regenerates, various damage types and slow from lvl3... they have it all)
- I am less sure about summoners. Their versatility is pretty handy, having a precision or always hits (single) ranged attack, but they might need a small buff
Thanks to your observations these units have been improved in 2.0.4
Xargon wrote:- About destroyer piraflys: I found them to be a bit too close in function (and price) to nightmares, who are significantly better in combat in almost all situations
Piraflies received hit and run ability granting them additional moves after attack. This addition can make them more useful tactically now. Hope this helps (units with the hit and run ability are able to bait front lines and withdraw to safe zones with ease).
Xargon wrote:- Another destroyer unit I used only for flavor is the bone beast.
This unit received damage buff. Moreover its bone collector ability has been improved and now grants +1 max hp per kill.
Xargon wrote:- The XP calculation for "all around" attacks is rather confusing. (...) Are there technical reasons for not delaying the XP rewards until the end of combat? In most situations, this won't matter, of course, but sometimes it does.
Good point. I have rewritten code of all area weapons to force experience calculation after a fight ;)
Xargon wrote: But it is super awesome to have zombie versions of all units!
That's the plan. ;)
Xargon wrote:- The dwarven drones are a lot of fun, but I had the feeling they would be too much effort/investment to use in a tight matchup
Some of drone amlas have been combined together, so this unit should be more pleasant to use now.
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by IPS »

Xargon wrote:This has become a really awesome era! So many cool units and animations...

Anyway, some very quick comments (mostly about balance). I don't have a good feeling for the general power level in this era, since it seems to differ quite a bit from standard, so these are just things that struck me as weird while playing.
- I agree with IPS: The Djinn line is seriously overpowered (fast flyer, strong magical attack, good hp, drains, regenerates, various damage types and slow from lvl3... they have it all)
- I am less sure about summoners. Their versatility is pretty handy, having a precision or always hits (single) ranged attack, but they might need a small buff
- About destroyer piraflys: I found them to be a bit too close in function (and price) to nightmares, who are significantly better in combat in almost all situations (exceptions include fighting fire elementals). As a consequence, I used them only for flavor. I think it would be nice if they differed some more (even faster maybe, to put them more clearly into the scout role?)
- Another destroyer unit I used only for flavor is the bone beast. Having a unit with skeletal resistances is nice, but for a pure melee unit, I found its damage to be too low. It does fill the role of a tank, but with low defense and enough enemy ranged units with arcane/impact/fire attacks, it is not very long-lasting. I think it would be nice to either increase the damage slightly or improve its special ability: It could gain some max hp and/or damage when killing a unit, for example (this would also fit the description)
- The XP calculation for "all around" attacks is rather confusing. I had an enemy unit level up mid-combat, and I assume it works like this: For every target which is not the main target, XP is awarded to attacker and defender as soon as the first strike hits this particular target. Are there technical reasons for not delaying the XP rewards until the end of combat? In most situations, this won't matter, of course, but sometimes it does.
- I was a bit confused by the plague description: "... creates a unit identical to and on the same side as the unit with plague". This sounds like the unit will be identical to the attacker. Not sure if this is EoMa-specific or general Wesnoth. But it is super awesome to have zombie versions of all units!
- I saw the Hydra's triple strike work on defense on one occasion, contrary to the description
- The difference in power between levels is very large for some units. Some that I remember would be steamcopter -> mechanical dragon, possibly the cyclops mage lvl2 -> lvl3, grand summoner -> summons master
- The dwarven drones are a lot of fun, but I had the feeling they would be too much effort/investment to use in a tight matchup. Also, while some of the upgrades seemed very good in general (better blades, rotor, berserk, better armor), I found others to be of rather limited use (ranged attacks, furnace - this only gives illuminates, right?). I might have more thoughts about them at some point...
Well, those were all blatant facts. Isn't a surprise that both of us coinsided at most of things even if did not have talked each other.

Btw, a bit late but here is my feedback sugestion (also, some previous values were outdated, because if I'm right it was from Era of Magic 2.0.1 values. Still, the intention was to adjust it to newer values. There are a lot of considerations, new atacks, balance notes, coments, even new advancement for existing units, etc.

Some stuff needs to be reviewed with care and dedication, considering some are outdated stats values. But there are a lot of resistances reworks remplaced with regenerates (making regenerates a more common ability), etc.

Strong points of this:
- Reprices fairly all lv2, lv3 (and tries to for lv4 units)
- Includes ALL factions and each unit in the era.

Quick edit 1 (forgot to add this in the notes!):
---> Add to kamikaze gobling a 12-1 impact kamikaze +always hit atack as well, in order to not completely be useless againist too fire resistant units.
Era of Magic feedback.txt
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by inferno8 »

@IPS: the amount of feedback you have presented is outstanding :shock: Well, I guess implementing all of this will result in "2.1" release number. What I can tell right now is that I need time to make these changes, but from what I have seen in the file, about 80%-95% of things shall be implemented. Thank you for writing this! :D

There will be no updates this weekend, but expect some fireworks next week ;)

ForestDragon has made these wonderful EoMa jokes. Enjoy (the last one is my favorite)!
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by The_Gnat »

Another good set of jokes! :lol: Very funny forest dragon! Also i look forward to IPS's balance changes he always does a great job with them. :D
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by ForestDragon »

The_Gnat wrote:Another good set of jokes! :lol: Very funny forest dragon!
Thanks! :)
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by chol »

I have used and edited some of your code and got <lua errors> on version 1.13.7, saying:

Code: Select all

<Lua error> lua/wml-tags.lua:1126: bad argument #1 to 'tonumber' (value expected)
   stack traceback:
      [C]: in function '.tonumber'
      lua/wml-tags.lua:1126 in local 'cmd'
      lua/wml-utils.lua:137: in field 'handle_event_commands'
      lua/wml-flow.lua:38: in local 'cmd'
      lua/wml-utils.lua:137: in field 'handle_event_commands'
      lua/wml-flow.lua:20: in local 'cmd'
      lua/wml-utils.lua:137: in field 'handle_event_commands'
      lua/wml-flow.lua:6: in fuction <lua/wml-flow.lua:5>
I try to summon units next hex by in-game menu items.
I have edited and modified from source: Ageless_Era/data/EoMa_data/abilities-summon.cfg

Did you had this issue? Any ideas, hints?
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by Ravana »

Notice that
1) ageless is not supported on 1.13;
2) ageless version does not have 2.0+ changes.
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by ForestDragon »

and besides, 1.13.7 is known to have certain lua bugs, if i am not mistaken.
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by inferno8 »

Era of Magic 2.1 (aka IPS release) is now available!
This time it it is a huge update with many balancing changes proposed by IPS (with some modifications made by ForestDragon). More than 220 files have been modified so you can get the idea of how many things have changed in comparison to the previous 2.0.4 release.

I would like to thank IPS for his outstanding job of writing all these wonderful notes about almost all units from the era. It took some time to read them and implement these changes. But it is finally ready and all of you can check these ideas out.

Here is the complete changelog:

Code: Select all

Version 2.1

- Units
	* added a new unit: the Mystical Archer for Kharos faction as an advancement for Elemental Archers
	> Barbarians:
		* Cyclops: cost to 20 (+2); damage to 6-3 (+1)
		* Cyclops Breaker: cost to 40 (+10); damage to 7-4 (+2), removed double attack special; added new melee unit with a split fire ability and a lesser variant of growing fury; added +10% impact resistance
		* Cyclops Fire: cost to 32 (+2); melee damage to 7-3 (+1), reduced growing fury bonus to 3 (-1)
		* Cyclops Ancient: cost to 60 (+10); changed arcane and cold resistance to 15%; melee damage to 9-3 (+1), reduced growing fury bonus to 3 (-1); ranged damage to 23-1 (+1), added the drain special
		* Cyclops Mighty: cost to 32 (+2); experience to 92 (+8); damage to 17-2 (-1)
		* Cyclops Raging: cost to 55 (+5); hitpoints to 84 (+6); replaced the cleave special with cleave 50%
		* Goblin Archer: cost to 15 (-1); change movement type from smallfoot to orcishfoot; added 10% arcane resistance
		* Goblin Assassin: cost to 31 (+1); added 10% arcane resistance; changed frozen defense to 30%; changed hit and run value to 2 (-1); melee damage to 6-4 (-1); ranged damage to 6-3 (from 5-4)
		* Goblin Hunter: added 10% arcane resistance; changed frozen defense to 30%
		* Goblin Kamikaze: cost to 12 (-1); hitpoints to 14 (+2); changed movement type to smallfoot; changed resistances to these values: arcane 0%, blade -10%, pierce -10%, impact -10%, fire -30%; changed frozen defense to 30%; changed damage to 20 (-5); added new kamikaze impact attack
		* Goblin Raider: cost to 42 (+19); changed movemetn type from smallfoot to orcishfoot; added 10% arcane resistance; changed frozen defense to 30%; added the first strike special for the ranged attack; added new ranged attack with the split fire special
		* Goblin Rouser: cost to 27 (+1); hitpoints to 42 (-3); melee damage to 9-3 (-1); range damage to 12-1 (-4)
		* Goblin Runt: changed movement type from small foot to orcishfoot; added 10% arcane resistance; changed frozen defense to 30%; changed damage to 6-1 (-2)
		* Goblin Sniper: cost to 25 (+2); changed movement type from small foot to orcishfoot; added 10% arcane resistance; changed frozen defense to 30%; changed melee damage to 4-3 (from 5-2)
		* Goblin Warbanner: hitpoints to 46 (-4); changed ranged damage to 7-2 (from 14-1)
		* Goblin Warrior: changed hitpoints to 31 (-3); changed hit and run value to 2 (-1); removed skirmisher; changed melee damage to 7-3 (-1); changed ranged damage to 9-3 (-2)
		* Orc Berserker: hitpoints to 35 (+2); changed resistance to these values: blade, pierce, impact -10%; changed damage to 5-3 (-1)
		* Blood Warrior: cost to 33 (+3); hitpoints to 48 (+4); changed resistance to changed resistance to these values: blade, pierce, impact -10%; changed claws attack icon to dagger-human icon
		* Orc Warbanner: cost to 32 (+4); hitpoints to 49 (-9)
		* Barbarian Lord: cost to 52 (+2); changed damage to 9-3 (-4), added the split fire special; added two new melee attacks
		* Barbarian King: cost to 82 (-18); changed melee attack to 13-3, added the split fire special; added new sword attack
		* Roc Master: cost to 36 (-2); removed the skirmisher ability; added 10% cold and pierce resistance
		* Troll Sorcerer: changed resistance to these values: pierce 20%, fire 10%, cold 10%, arcane 0%; changed ranged damage to 5-3 (-1)
		* Troll Fire Wizard: cost to 36 (+1); changed resistance to these values: pierce 20%, fire 10%, cold 10%, arcane 0%; changed melee damage to 11-2 (+1)
		* Troll Warlock: cost to 52 (+17); changed resistance to these values: pierce 20%, fire 10%, cold 15%, arcane 0%;
		* Shielder: cost to 16 (-1); hitpoints to 36 (+3); changed arcane, blade, pierce and impact resistance to 15%, changed cold and fire resistance to -5%; changed shield damage to 10-1 (+1)
		* Protector: cost to 34 (+6); changed fire and cold resistance to -5%; changed shield damage to 17-1 (+2)
		* Avenger: cost to 30 (+2); hitpoints to 56 (+6); changed blade, pierce and impact resistance to 15%
		* Brown Warrior: changed impact resistance to 10%; changed damage to 8-4 (from 10-3)
		* PLatinum Warrior: cost to 52 (+2); changed sword damage to 11-4 (from 15-3); changed spear damage to 15-3 (from 11-4)
		* Cavalry Archer: cost to 19 (+1); hitpoints to 36 (+4); changed blade resistance to 10% and impact resistance to 20%
		* Elemental Archer: hitpoints to 46 (+3); changed fire and cold resistance to 15%, changed blade resistance to 10%, pierce to -20%, impact to 20%
		* Heavy Cavalry Archer: cost to 34 (-2); hitpoints to 58 (-7); movement to 7 (-1); changed resistance to these values: blade 10%, pierce 5%, impact 20%, fire -5%, cold -5%; changed melee damage to 11-2 (+2)
		* White Warrior: hitpoints to 36 (+4); experience to 44 (+8)
		* Silver Warrior: cost to 33 (-3); hitpoints to 50 (+5); changed blade attack damage to 11-3 (+1)
		* Golden Warrior: cost to 53 (+3)
		* Master of Sun: cost to 90 (-10)
		* Slicer: changed defense values to these: flat 50%, hills 60%, forest 60%, fungus 60%; changed number of strikes to 5 (-1)
		* Fanatic: cost to 36 (+6); changed impact resistance to -10%; changed defense values to these: flat 50%, hills 60%, forest 60%, fungus 60%; changed number of strikes to 5 (-1)
		* Sun Follower: cost to 28 (+2)
		* Sun Guardian: cost to 56 (+8)
		* Kirios: cost to 85 (-15)
		* Kharos Warbanner: cost to 32 (+5); reduced awe level to 1; changed blade, pierce and impact resistance to 5%; added melee attack
		* Massive Kharos Warbanner: cost to 64 (+14); hitpoints to 90 (+10); reduced awe level to 2; changed resistance to these values: blade 10%, pierce 10%, arcane 50%, fire and cold 30%; changed ranged attack damage to 9-3 (+1)
		* Sister of Light: changed defense values to these: water 30%; changed movement costs to these: deep water 2, shallow water, swamp and reef to 1
		* Inspired: cost to 36 (+4); changed defense values to these: water 30%; changed movement costs to these: deep water 2, shallow water, swamp and reef to 1; changed melee damage to 10-2 (+1)
		* Cleric: cost to 40 (+2)
		* Prophet of Light: hitpoints to 50 (+4)
		* Mistress of Light: cost to 68 (+18)
	> Runemasters:
		* Baloon: experience to 40 (+5); changed defense in monuntains to 60%
		* Heavy Baloon: cost to 31 (+2); experience to 88 (+8); changed defense in monuntains to 60%; added defense-only melee attack
		* Flying Fortress: cost to 56 (+6); changed defense in monuntains to 60%; added defense-only ranged attack
		* Steamcopter: cost to 31 (+4); changed defense in monuntains to 60%; added melee attack
		* Mechanical Dragon: changed resistance to these values: blade 10%, pierce 20%, impact -10%, fire -10%; changed melee damage to 12-2 (+2)
		* Technician: cost to 29 (+4); changed fire resistance to 20%
		* Constructor: changed cost to 52 (+27)
		* Drone: experience vaule is game mode dependent now: 12 in multiplayer, 16 in singleplayer
		* Dwarvish Warrior: experience to 46 (+8); movement points to 4 (-1)
		* Dwarvish Heavy Warrior: cost to 33 (+4); hitpoints to 59 (+4); movement points to 4 (-1)
		* Dwarvish Rune Warrior: cost to 55 (+5); hitpoints to 74 (+9); movement points to 4 (-1); changed resistance to these values: blade 30%, fire 15%, cold 15%, arcane 10%; changed melee damage to 14-3 (+1); changed ranged attack to 18-1 (-6)
		* Dwarvish Rune Lord: cost to 85 (-15); hitpoints to 86 (+11); movement points to 4 (-1); changed fire and cold resistance to 30%, changed arcane resistance to 20%; added regenerates +4 ability; changed ranged damage to 26 (-4)
		* Striding Machine: changed impact and fire resistance to -10%; changed defense in mountains to 50% (+10)
		* Dwarvish Tank: cost to 46 (+3); movement points to 5 (-1); experience to 120 (+20); changed impact and fire resistance to 10%, changed arcane resistance to 20%; changed defense in mountains to 50% (+10)
		* Pacificator: cost to 62 (+12); hitpoints to 88 (+7); changed pierce resistance to 30%, fire and arcane to 20%; changed defense in mountains to 50% (+10)
		* Parachutist: movement points to 4 (-1)
		* Runeadept: cost to 18 (+1); movement points to 4 (-1); experience to 44 (+1); changed resistance to these values: arcane 5%, fire and cold 15%; changed runes damage to 6-3 (from 8-2)
		* Runesmith: cost to 40 (-4); movement points to 4 (-1); changed runes damage to 9-3 (from 12-2)
		* Rune Artist: cost to 54 (+4); movement points to 4 (-1); changed lightning damage to 32-1 (-4)
		* Runemaster: cost to 83 (-17); movement points to 4 (-1); added the precision special to the runes attack, changed damage to 16-3 (from 14-4); changed lightning damage to 43-1 (-7)
		* Steam Ulfserker: changed defense on flat to 30% and in mountains to 40%
		* Steam Berserker: changed defense on flat to 30% and in mountains to 40%
		* Steam Turboserker: cost to 55 (+17); changed defense on flat to 30% and in mountains to 40%
	> Sky Kingdom:
		* Battle Mage: cost to 19 (+1)
		* Black Mage: cost to 38 (+8); experience to 86 (+16); changed blade, pierce, impact resistance to -10%; changed melee damage to 7-2 (-1)
		* Elementalist: changed cost to 16 (-1); replaced the magical special in ranged attack with the skilled special, changed damage to 6-3 (-1)
		* Magical Eye: experience to 24 (+4)
		* Battle Eye: cost to 21 (+2); experience to 60 (+10); changed melee damage to 4-3
		* Cosmic Eye: cost to 44 (+6); changed melee damage to 6-3 (-2); changed ranged damage to 23-1 (-1)
		* Golem Boss: cost to 37 (-3)
		* Guru: added 10% secret resistance
		* Master of Elements: cost to 88 (-12); added the regenerates +4 ability; changed icecles damage to 5-10 (from 4-12); changed eye of the storm attack damage to 45-1 (-3); added new attack called 'anti-shield missile';
		* Hidden Face: cost to 16 (+1); movement to 5 (-1); experience to 46 (-6)
		* Mystic Warrior: cost to 30 (+7); experience to 110 (+10); changed blades attack damage to 4-6 (-1); changed impact attack number of strikes to 5 (-1)
		* Sky Guardian: cost to 54 (+8); changed impact damage to 8-5 (from 7-6)
		* Mage of Air: cost to 34 (+6)
		* Mage of Fire: cost to 36 (+8)
		* Mage of Water: cost to 32 (+4); changed melee damage to 5-2
		* Master of Air: cost to 55 (+7)
		* Master of Water: cost to 55 (+7); changed melee damage to 7-2 (-2)
		* Mastermage: cost to 64 (+9); changed icecles damage to 4-9 (from 3-12); changed fireball damage to 11-4 (-1); changed lightning damage to 34-1 (-2)
		* Shadowmage: cost to 50 (+6)
		* Sorcerer: cost to 42 (+7)
		* Subversive Mage: changed blade, pierce, impact resistance to -10%
		* Um: changed ranged attack damage to 3-15 (from 2-22)
		* Void Mage: cost to 56 (+16); changed defense to these values: unwalkable 30%, deep and shallow water 30%, swamp 40%, sand and frozen 40%; changed movement costs to these values: unwalkable, deep and shallow water, swamp, mountains 2, sand, forest, frozen 1; changed melee damage to 7-3 (-1)
		* War Mage: cost to 36 (+4)
	> Summoners:
		* Air Elemental: cost to 17 (+1); replaced the regenerates +8 ability with the regenrates +6 variant; changed resistance to these values: pierce 55%, fire and cold -10%, arcane 70%; changed ranged damage to 6-3 (-1)
		* Air Avatar: cost to 36 (+6); replaced the regenerates +8 ability with the regenrates +6 variant; hitpoints to 32 (-4); changed pierce resistance to 65%, arcane to 70%
		* Air God: cost to 58 (+8); hitpoints to 44 (-4); changed pierce resistance to 75%, arcane to 30%; changed melee damage to 11-3 (-1); changed lightning attack to 11-3 (-1)
		* Dispeller: cost to 32 (+2); changed fire and cold resitance to 30% (+10)
		* Banisher: cost to 55 (+5); hitpoints to 52 (+1); changed fire and cold resistance to 40% (+10%)
		* Heavy Camel Rider: cost to 32 (+8)
		* Carpet Master: cost to 35 (+3)
		* Rhami: hitpoints to 35 (-2); changed impact resitance to 10% and fire to 0%
		* Rhami Datu: changed impact and fire resistance to 10%
		* Dharma Rhami: cost to 57 (+7); hitpoints to 63 (+3); changed fire resistance to 20%
		* Rhami'kai: cost to 38 (+6); changed impact resistance to 10%, fire and cold to 0%; changed pierce attack damage to 8-2 (-2); changed gaze attack damage to 7-2 (-1)
		* Ho'rhami: cost to 60 (+10); changed impact resistance to 10%, fire and cold to 0%; changed pierce attack damage to 12-2 (-2); changed gaze attack damage to 7-3 (-1)
		* Earth Elemental: hitpoints to 39 (-3); experience to 42 (+7); changed arcane resistance to 5%; changed hills defense to 50%, cave to 50%, unwalkable and impassable to 0%; change damage to 7-3 (-1)
		* Earth Avatar: hitpoints to 55 (-5); changed arcane resistance to 5%, fire and cold to 15%; changed hills defense to 50%, cave to 50%, unwalkable and impassable to 0%; change damage to 7-3 (-1)
		* Earth Avatar: cost to 55 (+5); changed arcane and impact resistance to 5%, blade and pierce to 23%; changed hills defense to 50%, cave to 50%, unwalkable and impassable to 0%; change damage to 7-3 (-1)
		* Efreet: cost to 44 (+4); hitpoints to 47 (-3), movement to 6 (-1); replaced the regenerates +8 ability with the regenerates +6 variant; changed fire resistance to 50%
		* Great Efreeti: cost to 66 (+16); changed fire resistance to 50%; changed the destruction damage to 33-1 (from 20-2); added a new meteor shower attack
		* Fire Elemental: cost to 17 (+1); changed movement cost on unwalkable to 3; changed defense on unwakable to 20%, reef to 30%, shallow water to 40%, cave to 40%, frozen to 30%
		* Fire Avatar: cost to 35 (+7); changed cave defense to 40%
		* Fire God: cost to 60 (+10); changed cave defense to 40%
		* Jinn: cost to 19 (-1); hitpoints to 32 (-3); movement points to 5 (-1); experience to 50 (-6); changed arcane resistance to -10%
		* Great Jinn: cost to 44 (+4); replaced the regenerates +6 ability with the regenrates +4 variant; changed fire and cold resistance to 0%
		* Jinn Wonderful: cost to 62 (+12); hitpoints to 55 (-5); movement points to 6 (-1); changed fire and cold resistance to 10%; changed melee damage to 16-1 (-2); changed circle attack damage to 21-1 (-7)
		* Jinn Mystical: cost to 92 (-8); hitpoints to 67 (-5); changed fire and cold restitance to 20%; changed melee damage to 21-1 (-3); changed circle attack damage to 23-1 (-7)
		* Summoner: cost to 32 (+2); changed melee attack damage to 6-4 (from 7-3); changed hammer damage to 11-2 (+1); changed magic arrow damage to 10-2 (+1); changed scroll damage to 17-1 (+1)
		* Heavy Summoner: cost to 58 (+8); changed scimitar damage to 8-4 (from 9-3); changed hammer damage to 15-2 (+2); changed magic arrow damage to 13-2 (+2); changed scroll damage to 23-1 (+2)
		* Neutral Summoner: cost to 55 (+5); changed scimitar damage to 6-4 (from 7-3); changed hammer damage to 11-2 (+1); changed circle damage to 12-1 (-2)
		* Summons Master: cost to 85 (-15); changed scimitar damage to 8-4 (from 10-3); changed hammer damage to 16-2 (+1); changed circle of destruction damage to 26-1 (+1)
		* Water Elemental: changed cold resistance to 30% (+20); changed frozen fist damage to 5-2 (-1)
		* Water Avatar: cost to 32 (+4); changed cold resistance to 30% (+20); changed frozen fist damage to 7-2 (-1)
		* Water God: cost to 52 (+2); changed cold resistance to 40% (+30), arcane to -10% (+10); changed frozen fist damage to 7-3 (-2)
	> Tharis:
		* Bladedancer: hitpoints to 35 (-3); changed ranged attack damage to 4-2 (-3)
		* Blademaster: cost to 54 (+38); changed attack damage to 8-5 (+1), added the marksman special
		* Cold Matriarch: cost to 60 (+42); changed pierce and impact resistance to 10%; changed melee damage to 13-2 (-1)
		* Commander: cost to 35 (+3)
		* Dark Assassin: changed hit and run value to 2 (-1); changed melee damage to 6-2 (-2); added new melee attack without backstab; changed ranged attack to 6-3 (-1)
		* Dark Executioner: cost to 55 (+11)
		* Dark Hunter: cost to 19 (+1)
		* Dark Warrior: hitpoints to 36 (+3)
		* Disciple: changed resistance to these values: blade 0%, pierce 0%, impact 10%
		* Dark Wizard: changed resistance to these values: blade 0%, pierce 0%, impact 15%
		* Great Warlock: cost to 58 (+40); changed resistance to these values: pierce 10%, impact 15%
		* Master of Darkness: cost to 82 (+64); changed imposion damage to 19-3 (+1)
		* General: cost to 56 (+23)
		* Great Hunter: melee damage to 6-3 (-1)
		* Hydra: changed defense in shallow water to 50% and in reef to 60%
		* Raging Hydra: cost to 36 (+2); hitpoints to 62 (+8); changed defense in shallow water to 50% and in reef to 60%
		* Raging Hydra: cost to 54 (+36); hitpoints to 78 (+8); changed defense in shallow water to 50% and in reef to 60%
		* Master of War: cost to 85 (+53)
		* Matriarch of Darkness: cost to 55 (+37); changed resistance to these values: arcane -10%, cold 10%, pierce, impact, blade to 0%; changed melee damage to 9-3 (-1); changed blood gate damage to 18-1 (-2)
		* Matriarch of Emptiness: cost to 60 (+42); changed resistance to these values: arcane 99%, pierce 10%, impact 10%
		* Sword Dancer: changed ranged damage to 7-2 (-3)
		* Witch: changed arcane, fire, pierce and impact resistance to 10%
		* Great Witch: cost to 40 (-5); hitpoints to 38 (-2); changed arcane, fire, pierce and impact resistance to 10%; changed melee damage to 9-2 (-1)
	> Darkblood:
		* Chosen of Forest: cost to 85 (-15); changed melee damage to 11-2 (+1); changed the 'entangle' attack to freezing spell', added the skilled special, changed type to cold
		* Clan Leader: cost to 34 (+4); changed cold resistance to 10%
		* Mystic: cost to 55 (+5)l ; changed the 'entangle' attack to freezing spell', added the skilled special, changed type to cold
		* Shamanistic Adept: cost to 18 (+1); changed cold resistance to 10%
		* Jungle Guardian: changed resistance to these values: blade 10%, impact 10%, fire and cold -10%
		* Salamander: hitpoints to 34 (-3); changed defense on flat to 40%
		* Black Salamander: changed movement cost on reef to 2, on sand to 1, changed defense on flat to 50%; changed blade resistance to -10%
		* Blue Saurian: hitpoints to 46 (-4); changed movement cost on reef to 1; changed defense on shallow water and swamp to 60%; on flat to 40%
		* Green Salamander: changed movement cost on reef to 2; changed defense on swamp to 60%, on flat to 40%, in forest to 60%; chsnged impact resistance to 10%
		* Saurian Assassin: cost to 44 (+22); changed melee damage to 9-2 (-1)
		* Saurian Champion: cost to 44 (+4); changed resistance to these values: blade and impact to 15%, pierce to 30%, fire and cold to -10%
		* Saurian Crossbowman: cost to 28 (+6); changed impact damage to 6-2 (-1)
		* Saurian Pikeman: changed blade, impact, fire and cold resistance to -10%
		* Toad: hitpoints to 52 (+5); experience to 46 (+6); changed tongue damage to 9-1 (from 6-2), added the marksman special
		* Double Ranged Toad: hitpoints to 75 (+5); cost to 54 (+4); changed impact resistance to 10%; changed paw attack damage to 8-4 (+1); changed tongue damage to 8-3 (from 10-2)
		* Heavy Toad: cost 37 (+5); changed pierce resistance to -10%, impact to 20%; changed tongue damage to 13-1 (from 8-2), added the marksman special; changed charge attack damage to 22-1 (+2); changed spear throw damage to 7-2 (from 12-1)
		* Mystical Toad: cost to 64 (+14); changed impact resistance to 10%, cold and arcane to 25%; changed magic missile damage to 7-5 (from 9-4)
		* Dreadnaught: cost to 60 (+10); changed pierce resistance to 0%, impact to 30%; changed tongue damage to 11-2 (from 10-2), added the marksman special; changed charge damage to 33-1 (from 20-2); changed spear throw damage to 11-2 (from 18-1)
		* Ranged Toad: cost to 36 (+3); changed impact resistance to 10%; changed paw damage to 7-3 (+1); changed tongue damage to 9-2 (+1), added the skilled special;
		* Shamanistic Toad: changed resistance to these values: impact 10%, cold 70%, fire and arcane 10%; changed paw damage to 7-3 (+1); changed magic missile damage to 6-4 (-1)
		* Wyvern: cost to 21 (+1); experience to 55 (+5)
		* Great Wyvern: cost to 44 (+8); experience to 110 (+20); changed fangs damage to 11-3 (-1); changed tackle damage to 15-2 (-2); changed scream damage to 7-2 (-1)
		* Chaos Wyvern: cost to 64 (+14); hitpoints to 85 (+5); changed fangs damage to 15-3 (-1); changed tackle damage to 21-2 (-2); changed sceam damage to 11-2 (-1)
		* Wyvern Rider: cost to 24 (+2); experience to 58 (+2)
		* Wyvern Tamer: cost to 42 (+8); removed the drain special from fangs attack
		* Chaos Rider: renamed to Chaos Wyvern Rider, cost to 62 (+12)
	> Destroyers:
		* Nightmare: cost to 19 (+1); removed the skirmisher ability; changed resistance to these values: impact, blade, pierce 35%, arcane to 15%
		* Mara: cost to 34 (+1); hitpoints to 32 (+1); removed the skirmisher ability; changed ranged attack damage to 7-2 (-1)
		* Apocalypse: cost to 52 (+18); hitpoints to 38 (+2); changed cold resistance to 5%; removed the skirmisher ability; added new melee damage with devour characteristics; changed ranged attack damage to 11-2 (-2)
		* Dark Apostle: cost to 80 (+46; hitpoints to 45 (+1); removed the skirmisher ability; added leadership ability working on undead units only; changed arcane resistance to 30%, fire to 60% and cold to 15%; renamed the 'thouch of darkness' attack to 'touch of armageddon'; changed devour attack damage to 38-1 (-2); changed chaotic blast attack to 16-2 (-1)
		* Atokpi: changed spear damage to 8-1 (-2)
		* Atokpi Samurai: cost to 34 (-6); changed spear attack damage to 8-2 (from 17-1), added the marksman special
		* Atokpi General: cost to 50 (+50); changed staff damage to 19-2 (-2); changed spear damage to 13-2 (-2), replaced the skilled special with the marksman special
		* Atokpi Master: cost to 82 (+37); changed staff damage to 23-2 (-2), added the first strike speciall changed spear damage to 16-2 (-3)
		* Dark Atokpi: reduced awe level to 3l; added the nocturnal regeneration + 5; changed staff damage to 23-2 (-2), added the first strike special; added new spear attack with the magical special; replaced the precision special with the magical special for the anti-magic attack
		* Bone Beast: experience to 45 (+2); changed pierce resistance to 60%; set the bone collector value to 5
		* Bone Golem: cost to 30 (-4); changed pierce resistance to 60%; set the bone collector value to 5; changed head damage to 22-1 (-2)
		* Bone Giant: changed pierce resistance to 70%; set the bone collector value to 4; changed head attack damage to 33-1 (-3)
		* Moloch: cost to 72 (+38); changed blade resistance to 65%, pierce to 75%; set the bone collector value to 3; changed head damage to 44-1 (-6)
		* Legendary Cyclops: cost to 33 (-3); changed fungal regeneration value to 5
		* Extinct Cyclops Mage: cost to 55 (+19); changed resistance to these values: impact -10%, blade 10%, pierce 20%, fire and cold 40%
		* Omen: movement points to 5 (-1); changed fire resistance to 0%
		* Pirafly: experience to 37 (+6); no upkeep
		* Piranha Monstruosa: low upkeep (-1 to ukpeep costs); changed the swallow ability value to 3 (+1)
		* Devourer: hitpoints to 47 (+3); low upkeep (-1 to ukpeep costs); changed fangs damage to 8-4 (-1); changed the swallow ability value to 6 (+2)
		* Titania: hitpoints to 58 (+4); low upkeep (-1 to ukpeep costs); changed cold resistance to 20%; changed fangs damage to 9-5 (-1); changed the swallow ability value to 8 (+2)

- Graphics
	* added movement anim for the Void Mage
	* added a meteor shower animation for Great Efreeti
	* added area animation for the Neutral Summoner
	* added new healing animations for Saurians
	* added a new animation for Chosen of Forest's freezing spell
	* new lightning animation for Air Elementals and other air-related units
	* added devour animation for Apocalypse and Dark Apostle
	* added leading animation for Dark Apostle
	* added meteor shower icon
- Abilities
	* fixed aoe-related bug resulting in reviving some of the units as well as not giving experience to the attacker
	* added 66% damage variant of the cleave ability
	* changed the inspire ability values across different levels
	* renamed the 'fungus lord' ability to 'fungal regeneration'
	* the bone collector ability can have different values now
	* added new leadership ability for Destroyers - the Voice of Destroyers - which works on undead units only.
	* reduced the growing fury bonus for cyclops

- Code
	* the Kamikaze ablility fires events now
	* added NAME attribute to the 'split fire' ability macro
	* the ADD attribute in growing fury special is displayed in the special's description
	* moved the bloodlust ability to Blood Warrior's unit file
@IPS (and all interested): this one below is a summary of all modifications done to your ideas by ForestDragon. This will help you to understand which ideas were modified, why and how. These are for discussion if necessary.

And now it's "Nominations Time"! :D
Some of you might notice that recently I have been heavily cooperating with a user ForestDragon. Thanks to his diligence, extreme attention to details, creativity and unbelievable gameplay-oriented analytic capabilities the Era of Magic has been risen to a much higher level than ever before. That is why I appoint him a new era maintainer! There were 2 other maintainers in the past - Espreon (a wonderful programmer who ported the era to the wesnoth-umc dev platform and run many maintenance tasks) and Alarantalara (lua wizard and code specials who did marvels to TLU's terrain code and animations). These two are one of the most professional people I have met here and now you are a part of this team, so congrats! ^_^

Nominations are over so it time for fun. Be ready for a new portion of EoMa jokes (by ForestDragon - more in spoilers) :lol:
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by Ravana »

* Air Elemental: cost to 17 (+1); replaced the regenerates +8 ability with the regenrates +6 variant; changed resistance to these values: pierce 55%, fire and cold -10%, arcane 70%; changed ranged damage to 6-3 (-1)
* Air Avatar: cost to 36 (+6); replaced the regenerates +8 ability with the regenrates +6 variant; hitpoints to 32 (-4); changed pierce resistance to 65%, arcane to 70%
* Air God: cost to 58 (+8); hitpoints to 44 (-4); changed pierce resistance to 75%, arcane to 30%; changed melee damage to 11-3 (-1); changed lightning attack to 11-3 (-1)
Perhaps not 30.
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Re: Era of Magic (EoMa) 2.0 out now! Tons of new stuff!

Post by inferno8 »

Whoops, there is a mistake in the changelog. It should be 70 of course.
Creator of Era of Magic
Creator of To Lands Unknown

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