Several of our mainline campaigns are in the works for upgrades at the moment, which includes adding characters and enhancing existing scenarios. We are looking for more artwork to supplement these upgrades, including the following:
We are happy to announce that Wesnoth is now able to accept donations on Liberapay . While Wesnoth does rely on the work of dedicated volunteers, no project can function completely cost-free. Revenue from the Apple App Store and from donations goes towards maintaining our servers,...
There have been numerous important forum posts and wiki articles written by users and developers. We reference these pages a lot, and decided to put them together in a convenient list.
Write clearly, be nice to others, and be very careful when posting anything related to politics or religion. When asking for help, remember that everyone here is a volunteer. Prefer editing your previous post over double posting. No animated avatars or graphical signatures. Don’t plagiarize other’s...
All WML and Lua code uploaded to the add-ons server must be licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). All Music, Sounds, and Art may instead be licensed under any Creative Commons (CC) license. Additional details can be found here on the wiki.
AI generated content of any kind is not...
This is the thread which will be used to provide the Multiplayer Activity Reports for 2025. These will be posted once per month, and currently contain the following information for games played over the previous month:
The count of unique users.
The count of unique users per day.
The count of...
From time to time people want advice on how to make fun balanced multiplayer maps. There is information scattered through the forums on this, but it's hard to find. This thread is intended to be a dedicated home for such information.
If anyone finds any good gobbets anywhere, perhaps you could...
What does SX mean:
Originally SX meant --Survival Extreme-- which became throughout the history of wesnoth-add-ons a synomyn
for maps that feature stand-alone-Heroes, that can be upgraded in...
Arcane isn't simply a Resistance to me is the backbone of this Fantasy. It represents a SUPERNATURAL (Elves or Trolls) and/or UNNATURAL Creature (Undeads), which implies having NATURAL Beings (Animals/Humans/Orcs), each of this can be...
On Wesnoth v1.18 server you can find in my addons called Chaos Maps. This addon contains 40 scenarios where you can fight in teams or in FFA option. There are also recruit bonuses that you can choose at the begining of the scenario. Everything is described in addon description:...
8 survival + ffa scenarios.
4 scenarios for 2-4 and 4 scenarios for 2-8 players where you have to survive waves of clones.
First player can set (min/max):
- Waves number (it's automatic counted and depends of stuff below)
- Last wave power (it's automatic counted and depends of stuff below)
- First...
Here is a Thread for Replays for SXRPG 6.0.0 (or higher)
Purpose is to find out Balance problems, but also showcase abilities or inabilities of the different Classes.
Games should be played on Expert or Grandmaster.
You can (as nobody can control it anyways) save/reload, since there will be...
Hi everyone! I've got a couple of requests to gather stats for Afterlife Rated 1.18 . As there are 5000+ games already, we can have a decent sample size to judge what's going on (although, as ratings were reset and it's just 5000 raw games, that wouldn't compare to Afterlife 1.16 year's stats)....
4.9.12a: port to 1.12 wesnoth. SXRPG now on 1.12.X server
1.0.0 SXRPG MUSIC ADD ON also on server
(only compatible with other 5.0.0+ versions)
SX RPG ADDON is a standalone multiplayer ADD ON for Battle for Wesnoth.
Featuring finest SX gameplay with RPG elements. Expierience the 6 classes of...
- To register to play the Ladder
- Please join our Ladder Discord if you are a Ladder player
Greetings! I am excited to announce that the Ladder Era is now available on the add-on server. All credit goes to sergey for taking the time to code it!
Map for 1-6 players. You start with 2500 gold (or more if less than 6 players), have shop near and a lot places to explore, enemies to kill, chests with gold to get and 46 diffrent types of items available at map. On this map you can find 300 bonus places where 70% are items (46 types of them) and...
Maps by ChaosRider with ai in center. Right now 10 awesome uber small maps (27 hexes size) ;]. Free for all, survival, brace your self because good game is coming.
Also you get new heroes under your command and you can pick from 1 to 15 bonus types (first player set amount of available bonuses)....
This mode creates for each new unit ultimate weapon which is with 1 strike but damage multiplied by strikes number and bonus to damage 5 for 0 and 1 lvls and for higher lvls higher damage amount. New ultimate weapons has hasty strike weapon special which decrease chance to hit by 10%.
This is the thread which will be used to provide the Multiplayer Activity Reports for 2024. These will be posted once per month, and currently contain the following information for games played over the previous month:
The count of unique users.
The count of unique users per day.
The count of...
Maps by ChaosRider with ai in center. Right now 10 awesome small maps (51 hexes size) ;]. Free for all, survival, brace your self because good game is coming.
Also you get new heroes under your command and you can pick from 1 to 15 bonus types (first player set amount of available bonuses). Those...
In dark times, a band of outlaws decided to move to the south and live a new life, so a new point appeared on the map of Kerlat province - the Lair of Thugs. Pass through a series of simple challenges and find out the fate of this place in our beginner's campaign!
(Novice level, 4 scenarios.)...
Life had been harsh for the Nagas since the Great Fall, but they could not imagine what they faced when forces far more powerful than marauding bands turned their gaze upon them.
You'll face the elves of Quenoth and the cultists of Uria, traverse the desert, fight mighty bosses, collect artefacts...
Maps by ChaosRider with ai in center. Right now 10 awesome medium maps (75 hexes size) ;]. Free for all, survival, brace your self because good game is coming.
Also you get new heroes under your command and you can pick from 1 to 15 bonus types (first player set amount of available bonuses). Those...
I decided to create new campaign from scratch since I couldnt handle errors in Modified World Conquest.
6 scenarios with randomly generated maps and ai opponents. All scenarios should be played by 3 human players/sides. Also in each scenario you can choose recruit bonuses. If it's not enough for...
So I ransacked some of the excellent artwork from Spacenoth and put together a space scenario.
Players must travel the galaxy, colonise planets, build a fleet and capture the enemy's homeworlds. It's kind of a cross between A New Land and High Seas, and partly inspired by Masters of Orion. When...
This is Gwledig, I had a break from Wesnoth multiplayer mods for a while but have updated my mods to work on the 1.14 server and hope to maintain them into the foreseeable future. Look for these on the Wesnoth 'add ons'. The updated mods include:
Maps by ChaosRider with ai in center. Right now 10 awesome big maps (99 hexes size) ;]. Free for all, survival, brace your self because good game is coming.
Also you get new heroes under your command and you can pick from 1 to 15 bonus types (first player set amount of available bonuses). Those...
This edition presents a fresh take on the legendary campaign:
- Wesfolk's own race, names, types and descriptions;
- 11 unique units - chariots, highlanders, shadow mages, undead - 9 of which are available to the player;
- a story character, Veresk, who will assist Haldric and Jessene from the...
A drop-in modification, that allows you to spend gold in keeps to buy items that will cure, heal, or upgrade units.
- All items, including potions, are used when purchased and cannot be saved for later use.
- Upgrades are permanent and carried over to next scenario.
- A unit can purchase some...
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