Several of our mainline campaigns are in the works for upgrades at the moment, which includes adding characters and enhancing existing scenarios. We are looking for more artwork to supplement these upgrades, including the following:
We are happy to announce that Wesnoth is now able to accept donations on Liberapay . While Wesnoth does rely on the work of dedicated volunteers, no project can function completely cost-free. Revenue from the Apple App Store and from donations goes towards maintaining our servers,...
There have been numerous important forum posts and wiki articles written by users and developers. We reference these pages a lot, and decided to put them together in a convenient list.
Write clearly, be nice to others, and be very careful when posting anything related to politics or religion. When asking for help, remember that everyone here is a volunteer. Prefer editing your previous post over double posting. No animated avatars or graphical signatures. Don’t plagiarize other’s...
I'd like to experiment with writing a Lua stage that would completely replace the RCA AI recruiting routing (AI_CA_RECRUITMENT). Are there any examples out there of completely or partially overriding AI_CA_RECRUITMENT with Lua? I think I just need a template and then I'd be ready to go.
The scenario editor currently has a feature called Item Tool which allows you to easily place images on the ground, which is great for scenery. The problem is that these images currently can't be removed from within the editor.
Greetings everyone! (My first post in the official forum. :D)
In the good ol' days - when trolls were green, and Konrad were a cute child book character instead of a badass crusader - the game had some huge, unbalanced, but also somehow interesting maps.
Today I'm in a nostalgic mood so I'm decide...
I'm looking for samples of WML where the preprocessor or parser does something a bit unusual that you might not expect, or where you need to do something a little unusual to make it work correctly. Does anyone have any examples of such things?
The core is a lightweight mechanism for isolating an add-on from the game configuration. In this way we can see it as sandboxing.
The two limits to the independence to the game engine are:
in the top layer, you still need to meet the requirements that...
At version BFW1.14, wesnoth doesn't offer any support for loading old saves to replay.
If you are interested in replaying old saves, additional support must be added to BFW1.14 code.
Here is an attempt to implement this support from version 1.12 to...
A variety of Micro AIs were introduced in Wesnoth 1.11.2 as an easy method to introduce specialized and configurable AI behavior to a scenario.
This thread is set up to collect MAI feedback and development discussions. If you find a bug, 1 don't think that the AI is behaving as it should, have a...
I'm makeing a CTK calculator
the calculator work:
input:can attack units
input:can attack units damage and attacks
input:defencer's hp,defence
input:can attack defencer hexs
output:attacker High CTK for defencer
code in attachment
I'm stuck while writing calculation code,need help.
I wrote a code that make monsters spawns if certain conditions are met (it is inspired by many other coders) but in order to make it more adequate, I want to make the spawned units have special attributes.
First, I wanted to make certain units unable to walk outside certain type of terrain...
When writing a spoken message delivered by a unit, if a unit type that may or may not exist any more is referenced in the message, a coder has to write code to cover the two possible situations: is the unit type there or not there? But a third possibility also needs to be considered: singular...
So with the help of Vultraz i've been working on constructing a compatibility layer for the current rendering system, which should allow everything to be slowly migrated towards three general goals:
support for scaling on high resolution displays
smooth/high-dpi fonts, images, backgrounds and...
My scenario starts off by generating 2700 hexes. This takes less than a minute.
Every turn, I move 2700 hexes and generate 180. This takes a few seconds.
But when I try to individually move 2700 tiles worth of shroud, it takes more than a minute. Why???
wouldn't it be more convenient to call current (1.16.x) or next (1.18.x) release series version 2.0 (2.0.x)?
compared to Wesnoth 1.14.x, Wesnoth 1.16.x has plenty of changes which are not backward-compatible:
1) switches from 32-bit binaries to 64-bit ones
2) drops support for windows XP (I guess...
I had a game on bot created Afterlife today, where AI just behaved crazy -
Enemy leader was an Elvish Ranger
There was once, she has 10hp, on flat with 40% def, with 3 sides open to attack. AI had 6 units that could have attacked the leader but instead all went for other units, ignoring the...
I'm working AI project for school that involves reinforcement learning. I use wesnoth as a test environment. The project interfaces to wesnoth using Lua. I tried the Lua interface from another repository and it all works fine except for the most basic CA that supposed to just pass the turn:
This post is outdated. See here for who to contact for information about different areas of code and here for more information about how to get started.
-- Pentarctagon
You’ve come here either after reading our latest news post or because you saw this thread crop up in the forum index under the...
Hello everyone! I wasn't sure if the WML workshop or technical support forum was more appropriate for this topic, although to be sure, this question might span the AI's implementation of either the WML, lua, or C++ (or my own usage of WML, WFL, and lua), so I posted this here.
How to search the irc log?
Downloading every *.log file in takes a long time.
Downloading only the log of developer chats in 2020 takes less time.
$ wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=3 -R index.html -A '#wesnoth-dev*.log' -e robots=off
$ grep -rnw . -e continuous-integration
The question has come up a few times whether it is possible to have an external mechanism (such as a machine learning framework) interact with Wesnoth without having to change the C++ code. In other words, is it possible to receive the game state from Wesnoth and pass a move back to it, which is...
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