Problems with Unicode

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Problems with Unicode

Post by silvermane »

Forgive me if this is obvious. I'm new to the forum.

When I run BfW in languages other than English, I see UTF-8 strings being encoded as 8-bit, which of course is far from ideal. I'm using Windows XP, but do ported U**ix games somehow bypass the Windoze API? The same problem happens in Freeciv.

This is a minor issue that would only become irritating if in-game strings such as character names included diacritics - so far they don't, AFAICS.

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Re: Problems with Unicode

Post by Viliam »

silvermane wrote:When I run BfW in languages other than English, I see UTF-8 strings being encoded as 8-bit, which of course is far from ideal.
Could you please post a screenshot from game? (Not the whole screen, only the important part.)
silvermane wrote:This is a minor issue that would only become irritating if in-game strings such as character names included diacritics - so far they don't, AFAICS.
Some elven (elvish?) unit names use diacritics:

Elándil, Deléng, Unárion, Celóril, Háriand, Sénd, Eäryldur, Eärithrandil, Unálas, Lómorfindil, Lómariand, Hénduil, Róldur, Eärérion, Calónduil, Elvélith, Lómebrind, Isándir, Eowówyn, Cáldur, Belólad, Thrélad, Lómémbor, Urálith, Galálad, Delánd, Ról, Glómir, Unólith, Isól, Nél, Galálas, Sóriand, Elvóriand, Anán, Sólad, Fáwyn, Celér, Nóndel, Méng, Lómowyn, Elélas, Celáriand, Vóldur, Táriand, Eäradriendel, Rówyn, Elvémir, Delóldor, Tinóriand, Galémbor, Elánd, Deláril, Eäréldor, Glólas, Sóriand, Isóndel, Tówyn, Legémir, Delán, Lómarand, Celór, Elvorfimir, Amóldor, Eärorfiriand, Vólas, Isér, Urálas, Thréldur, Gán, Isóng, Pór, Vándel, Cówyn, Unóndel, Legówyn, Eäránduil, Eäradrier, Urér, Thrón, Cénduil, Ván, Lómebrilad, Lómadrieril, Eowémir, Belómir, Célad, Téwyn, Táriand, Géril, Eärebrindel, Deléng, Anénduil, Eowóldur, Vólas, Calándel, Lómariand, Elváwyn, Lómilmaril, Unál, Eäryriand, Elémbor, Anémbor, Uróldor, Thróng, Lómiriand, Legéril, Nán, Belén, Mérion, Tinén, Elólas, Mánduil, Móndir, Válad, Réndir, Elvónduil, Amáril, Elálith, Róldor, Eäraralad, Eäreng, Belán, Eäromir, Cándir, Eäránduil, Cálad;

Tináclya, Uniodë, Vódia, Lómeniel, Eärániel, Eärélia, Tinóng, Deléthien, Lómuthiel, Réviel, Isilindë, Lómilindë, Cádë, Eäradriedien, Lómythien, Hódia, Sáng, Celódith, Amodë, Thrália, Eäréwiel, Eäriolith, Celália, Glália, Mithradë, Celindë, Legádë, Elvánia, Violindë, Lómániel, Mithralindë, Lómulindë, Eärilmathien, Hódia, Tówiel, Vówien, Legil-Galindë, Fólindë, Pilindë, Gólia, Eärithrang, Eledë, Calóniel, Eladriedë, Lómebriniel, Calówien, Hiodë, Eärarawien, Héclya, Sálindë, Fódë, Urithralindë, Calándra, Delorfilindë, Elvádia, Elrilindë, Legadriedë, Módia, Lómithradë, Lómuniel, Milindë, Elóndra, Galándra, Fulindë, Gléndra, Calánia, Amebrilindë, Eärewen, Lómudia, Lómorfing, Eowil-Galindë, Tinálindë, Fáwien, Lómithrarith, Galéwiel, Lómebriclya, Lómolith, Anáthien, Módë, Fáthiel, Unénia, Celadë, Pádia, Lómóndra, Eärorfiwien, Náviel, Paralindë, Elránia, Unulindë, Lómiclya, Féthiel, Celália, Celéng, Lómudia, Thrérith, Amadrielindë, Lómódë, Anylindë, Celówien, Falindë, Lómorith, Galédë, Háwien, Celérith, Isóthien, Hóthiel, Golindë, Elréthiel, Mádia, Celárith, Sédith, Eärudë, Eärenia, Lómilmathiel, Eowilindë, Lómilmawiel, Gáviel, Belulindë, Legorfidë, Unáthien, Delóndra, Unóndra, Legéniel, Unebridë, Galolindë, Amedë, Póviel, Elródith, Lómedia, Urárith, Morfilindë, Améthien, Legithralindë, Isáwen, Vóng, Róng, Eärilmadë, Anówien, Lómynia, Celiodë, Isithradë, Celálindë, Cólindë, Deléthien, Iséng,Celorfilindë

Of course, these are not campaign heroes, but they are also important to win, and they are too many to be ignored! :twisted:
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Re: Problems with Unicode

Post by silene »

Viliam wrote:these are not campaign heroes
And here is a campaign hero: Grüü.
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Post by silvermane »

Hmm, now I can't effect the original display bug, all I do see are just boxes, which means that there is a font problem. Specifically, the font does not have any Polish diacritics except ó and ł (which are in Adobe standards). However, the fonts supplied with the game claim to possess a full Unicode Latin A range.

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Post by pstradomski »

After switching to the latest version, does the bug appear in all non-englich languages or only in polish?

If only in polish then please contact me personally (I've been changing the pl.po file lately - 0.8.7 )

Paweł Stradomski
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