Rare Name Gank Needs Rectification

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Rare Name Gank Needs Rectification

Post by chameleon_effect »

Someone took my name "Laugkh" on the wesnoth server after I played a bunch out of it. Who did that? Can someone undo this and give me back my user name?

It's an elaborate arrived at name that's unique and personal to me.

Originally, I'm Nicholas. But I pick the rap name "The O Lo G", or Lo G (it's logic). Since I go for gold, I let "o" = "au" (au means gold), and I write it times Lau G, or Laug. I add to the short form "Laug" the "kh" as an honorific respecting Takhisis, to get "Laugkh", pronounced similarly to the Final Fantasy Hero Locke's name, or simply, "lock". (Though I will also go by "Nick"...)

For the longer form of my arrived at name, I write an inspired version of "Nicholas", which we know comes from Greek Goddess of Victory Nike. So I write it as "Nikelaughz" (pronounced 'Nicholas' or 'Nike laughs'). Again, the "laug" of "laughz" of "Nikelaughz" is as explained above. The 'kh' Takhisis honorific is changed to a softer version, 'gh', still a Takhisis honorific, and adds a 'z' for Azrael affect/effect/respect. There is Special meaning from the "A...Z". "Au Gh Z" may read "Gold + <Takhisis-Honorific> + <Azrael-Honorific>" (with some respect to let "aug" also represent "augmented"). Unless one wants to draw out the "Giga Hurts" of "ghz" of "aughz", the 'gh' pronouces silently and the z pronounces similarly to an s, to overall yield a name "Nikelaughz" that pronounces as "Nicholas", that has added meaning. An even longer version of the name would be Nikelaughzyonhel, which could pronounce "Nike laughs yon hell" or "Nicholas-yael", with a very soft n.

A bit about Azrael readings:
I let the AZ stand for "A through Z" or 'the whole book'. I let 'r' represent 'art' as it pronounces similarly, or I let it represent boss beast 666 power, because r is the 18th letter of the alphabet and 18 = 6+6+6. 'ael' means "ya'al", or virtue, and is referenced as such in the wikipedia article on Belial. Alternately, "Rael" can mean "(ve)'ry ill" in the parlance of hip hop, where "ill" and "sick" are good qualities for a master to be. I humor a provocative mythos worldview where the boss beast apex power of 'level 666 power' in hell may be some Satan or perhaps Lucifer; I'd write imagined hell beast power as 666(x), where 'x' represents some quality or variable to represent a boss hell beast, and I'd write imagined Azrael power as 666(a through z), and of course Azrael is more powerful than hell's Satan, which I could let be written in equation form as "f(Azrael) > f(Satan)" or "f(666(A through Z)) > f(666(X))" //(Perhaps 'x' is physical strength?).

Anyway, the above writings + any witness reflections on Laugkh player skill in light of my claims should get you to agree that Laugkh is one my owned usernames that someone just thieved. Moderators: please give me control of the "Laugkh" wesnoth user account, created yesterday I think by a trolling name thief.

Thank you for reading.
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