Felinians - Come back

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Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

Hello !

I work since some days (2-3 weeks) on a feline race.
A few of people have starting this idea and have made a good job (Felinians). I use their work for do some sprites but i'm not an artist and not an programmer. (and I have a very bad english, but an excellent french !).
I just use PAINT for do my sprites. Paint, yes i know but it's like that. It's sure it's not perfect but, may be, some real artiste of the sprite can work on what I do and do better (I hope, go on it, it's free !!!).
Well, I will post all sprites in the "Art contribution forum" or in this post (it will be more pratical).
And i have written some descriptions of each types of character i have imagine, I will post that here to.
I hope what a new faction will be born !!!

(excuse me for my bad English).

S'il y a des français prêts à se lancer dans l'aventure qu'ils n'hésitent pas. Je vous amène mes sprites pas géniaux et mes textes en français à traduire, il y a pour ainsi dire tout à faire.
Cette faction élitiste est originale et me semble intéressante.

This is what i have imagine on the Felinian faction :

Felinians (I call them "félinés" in french), are very rares, it's for that what they have 6 unit expensives on a total of 8 unit types.
They have 2 units who use magie (healer and warrior-wizard or spi-killer) and only one unit who use distance weapon (light warrior).

Alignment :
Dawn + Dusk : +10%
Other : 0
(Possible ? If not, neutral)

Random traits : All
Racial traits : None

Limitations : All the water area are forbidden them except the watches.

Cheetah -> Light warrior with distance weapon (Javelin)
(sprite niv 1 + 2 to make)

Light warrior :
Traits : /
Specialities : /
Abilities : /
Weapons : javelin (CC and distance weapon)
Hit Point : Low
Protection : Very light
CC : Medium - Light
MP : 7
Résistance : Medium
Expérience requirement : Medium
Cost : Low – Medium

Panther -> Medium warrior
(sprite niv 1 + 2 : to make)
Medium warrior
Traits : /
Specialities : /
Abilities : /
Weapons : Sword
Hit Point : Low-Medium
Protection : Light
CC : Medium - Light
MP : 6
Résistance : Medium - Good
Expérience requirement : Medium
Cost : Low

Black Panther -> Healer + warrior-wizard
(sprite niv 1 + 2 : done) + (sprite niv 1 + 2 : done)
Traits : /
Specialities : /
Abilities : Niv 1 : Heal +4 Niv 2 : Heal +4 + Unpoison Niv 3 : Heal + 8 + Unpoison
Weapons : Stick
Hit Point : Low
Protection : Very light
CC : Weak
MP : 6
Résistance : Medium - Good
Expérience requirement : Medium
Cost : Expensive

Warrior-Wizard / Spi-Killer :
Traits : /
Specialities : Niv 3 : Magical (offensive spell)
Abilities : Niv 2 : Nightstalk
Weapons : Heavys claws
Hit Point : Low
Protection : None
CC : Medium - Good
MP : 6
Résistance : Medium - Good
Expérience requirement : Hight
Cost : Expensive

Lion -> Leader warrior
(sprite niv 1 + 2 : done)

Leader warrior :
Traits : /
Specialities : Niv 3 : Petrify (Howling)
Abilities : Niv 2 : Leadership
Weapons : Sword
Hit Point : Medium - Hight
Protection : Medium - Hight
CC : Good
MP : 6
Résistance : Light - Medium
Expérience requirement : Hight
Cost : Expensive

Tiger -> Heavy warrior + Cavalry
(sprite niv 1 + 2 : Under construction) + (sprite niv 1 + 2 : Under construction)

Heavy Warrior :
Traits : /
Specialities : Niv 2 : Berserk
Abilities : /
Weapons : Heavy sword
Hit Point : Medium - Hight
Protection : Light - Medium
CC : Excellent
MP : 6
Résistance : Medium
Expérience requirement : Hight
Cost : Expensive

Cavalry :
Traits : /
Specialities : Niv 2 : Charge
Abilities : /
Weapons : Heavy sword ? + Claws & bits
Hit Point : Medium - Hight
Protection : Light - Medium
CC : Excellent
MP : 9
Résistance : Light - Medium
Expérience requirement : Hight
Cost : Very expensive

Geant Tiger -> Monster
(sprite niv 1 + 2 : Under construction)

Monster :
Traits : /
Specialities : /
Abilities : Niv 2 : Feeding
Weapons : Claws & bits
Hit Point : Hight
Protection : Medium
CC : Excellent
MP : 10
Résistance : Light
Expérience requirement : Hight
Cost : Expensive
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

This is what i do actually.
I finish the tiger niv 2 for the moment.


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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Shield »

Sounds pretty neat! It's always nice to see animated custom units...
Will they have unit descriptions, or is it too early in development for that right now?
Creator of Lonely Era.
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

In the first post, you found a short description for each unit.
What can i precise for some more informations ?

This is the backround (in french :D ) i have writen :

Le peuple féliné regroupe plusieurs espèces de félins humanoïdes. Par félins humanoïdes, il faut bien entendre des félins bipèdes. On peut les comparer à des humains, bien que les félinés soient plus grands et plus épais qu’eux dans leur majorité. Les félinés maîtrisent la marche, surpassent bon nombre d’autres races dans la course, utilisent un langage articulé même s’ils en font un usage parcimonieux, font preuve d’une redoutable intelligence et ont une spiritualité animiste encadrant tous les aspects de leur vie.

Ils sont issus des grandes plaines de l'est au rude climat continental. L’espérance de vie des félinés varie très faiblement selon les espèces. Elle oscille entre 40 à 50 ans et rares sont les félinés qui dépassent la soixantaine. Un féliné est adulte à 10 ans, vieux à 40 ans, vénérable à 50 ans. On compte 5 espèces de félinés qui sont par ordre de corpulence les tigres, les lions, les panthères et les panthères noires et enfin les guépards.

L’organisation de vie de base des félinés est le clan, regroupant des membres d’une même espèce et de la même lignée généralement n’excédant que très rarement la centaine de membres. La plupart des clans sont sédentaires et défendent farouchement leur territoire.
Beaucoup plus rares, les regroupements comprenant plusieurs espèces de félinés sont nommés des meutes et peuvent compter jusqu’à quelques milliers de membres. Toutes les meutes sont itinérantes sur un territoire précis qu’elles défendront jusqu’à la mort. En effet, restant des carnivores et s'interdisant de blesser la terre par l'agriculture et méprisant l'élevage qui les rabaisserait à des non chasseurs, il est impératif pour eux de disposer de grandes étendues pour le gibier. Ce territoire comme le gibier qui y vie leurs sont vitaux.

Dans un clan, toutes les fonctions ne sont pas occupées par ses membres (prêtre par exemple), ce qui en fait des clans très spécialisés et assez interdépendants des autres clans.
Dans une meute, les fonctions sont réparties selon les espèces. Ainsi la fonction de prêtre ou de guérisseur est occupée par les panthères noires, la fonction de chasseur par les guépards, la fonction de guerrier de choc par les tigres et celle de chef par les lions. Cette fonction étant régulièrement discutée, ralliée, moquée, réclamée, refusée, etc… entre lions et tigres. Ces deux dernières espèces n’ayant jusqu’à présent jamais clairement réussi à s’entendre à ce sujet cela en est devenu un sujet de discorde traditionnel. Les mauvaises langues avanceront que les lions n’étant pas aussi bons guerriers que les tigres, il ne leurs reste plus que l’encadrement à assumer, jusqu’à ce qu’un tigre n’ai plus aucun ennemi à déchirer rajouteront les encore plus mauvaises langues...

Tactiquement, les félinés se caractérisent par un mépris des armures et reconnaissent plutôt les valeurs du courage et de la furie au combat. Seuls les lions n'hésitent pas à porter des armures lourdes. Les tigres se veulent incarner l'idéal guerrier féliné et ne portent que quelques pièces d'armures tandis que les mystiques panthères noirs guerrières vont au combat sans aucune protection. La majorité des félinés préfèrent garder leur liberté de mouvement, ce qui leurs permet de préserver leur agilité, principale source de défense au combat. (trait racial : Esquive – à créer ???). Leur deuxième et principal tabou concerne leur animalité. En effet, bien que la fureur au combat soit une de leur principale valeur guerrière, ils voient le déshonneur dans des comportements qu'ils qualifient de bestiaux. Hors, la maîtrise de leurs griffes rétractiles est l'une des leçons élémentaires la plus fondamentale de leur éducation tout comme la marche, bien plus délicate que la marche puisqu'il s'agit d'apprendre à gérer un réflexe. Le tigre et les panthères noires eux, admettent la possibilité de mobiliser leur animalité tout en la maîtrisant et sans font un honneur même si le jeu est dangereux en cas de débordement. C'est pourquoi, aucun féliné n'utilisera ses griffes au combat en dehors des panthères noires. Les panthères noires voient dans le combat à mort la célébration de la vie, ils le considèrent comme un rite mystique et la démonstration de leur maîtrise de leur animalité.
En bataille rangée, leur stratégie est basée sur la mobilité et le guet apens. Généralement une petite partie de leur armée est camouflée tandis que le gros de la troupe fait front face à l'ennemi. Les Guépards s'éparpillent en tirailleurs dans les hautes herbes, derrière, les panthères en rangs plus serrés sont encadrées par les lions, la cavalerie tigre se range sur les flancs ou en réserve, les guerriers tigres sont disséminés en première ligne et tous sont soutenus par les prêtres panthères noires, forment le bloc visible. En embuscade, les panthères noires guerrières sont redoutables sur les arrières et les tigres montés ou non se font un défis de les rejoindre les premiers, en contournant les rangs ennemis ou non...

Félinés : Type (Puissance offensive / Armure / Défense agilité / Mobilité, de -3 à +3)

Tigres + Tigres géants : Guerrier lourd (+++ / + / ++ / +) / Cavalier ( +++ / + / + / ++)
Lions : Guerrier moyen-lourd (++ / ++ / 0 / 0) / Chef (++ / +++ / 0 / 0)
Panthères : Guerrier (+ / + / ++ / +)
Panthères noires : Soigneur (0 / 0 / + / +) / Espion (++ / 0 / +++ / +)
Guépards : Chasseur (+ / + / ++ / ++)

Evolution :
Tigres :
Guerrier niv 1 → Guerrier niv 2 (Berserk) → Guerrier niv 3

Cavalier niv 1 → Cavalier niv 2 (Charge) → Cavalier niv 3

Lions :
Guerrier niv 1 → Guerrier niv 2 (Leadership) → Guerrier niv 3 (Petrify -> Howling)

Panthères :
Guerrier niv 1 → Guerrier niv 2 → Guerrier niv 3

Panthères noires :
Guerrier niv 1 → Guerrier niv 2 (Nightstalk ) → Guerrier niv 3 (Offensive spell -> Rain of claws)

Prêtre niv 1 (Heal +4 ) → Prêtre niv 2 (Heal +4 + Unpoison) → Prêtre niv 3 (Heal + 8 + Unpoison)

Guépards :
Guerrier niv 1 → Guerrier niv 2 → Guerrier niv 3

Tigres géants :
Tigre géant niv 1 → Tigre géant niv 2 (Feeding) → Tigre géant niv 3
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »


Level 1 : Felenian Scout
Cost: 16
HP: 27
MP: 7
XP: 40
7 - 2 melee (pierce) (firststrike)
7 - 1 ranged (pierce)

Level 2 : Felenian Runner
Cost: 32
HP: 34
MP: 7
XP: 80
7 - 3 melee (pierce) (firststrike)
7 - 2 ranged (pierce)

Blade : -10% Pierce : 0% Impact : 0% Fire : +10% Cold : -10% Arcane : 0%

Casttle : 1-60 Cave : 1-60 Coastal Reef : / Deep water : / Flat : 1-60 Forest : 1-70
Frozen : 2-40 Hills : 1-60 Mountains : 2-60 Mushroom Grove : 2-70 Sand : 2-50
Shallow Water : / Swamps :3-20 Unwalkable : 0 Village : 1-70

Level 1 : Felenian Panther Fighter
Cost: 15
HP: 30
MP: 6
XP: 50
7 - 2 melee (blade)

Level 2 : Felenian Panther Warrior
Cost: 30
HP: 40
MP :6
XP: 80
8 - 3 melee (blade)

Blade : -10% Pierce : 0% Impact : 0% Fire : +10% Cold : -10% Arcane : 0%

Casttle : 1-60 Cave : 1-60 Coastal Reef : / Deep water : / Flat : 1-60 Forest : 1-70
Frozen : 2-40 Hills : 1-60 Mountains : 2-60 Mushroom Grove : 2-70 Sand : 2-50
Shallow Water : / Swamps :3-20 Unwalkable : 0 Village : 1-70

Level 1 : Felenian Shaman
Cost: 17
HP: 28
MP: 6
XP: 40
heals +4
4 - 2 melee (impact)
4 – 3 ranged (arcane) (magical)

Level 2 : Felenian Priest
Cost: 35
HP: 35
MP: 6
XP: 80
cures, heals +8
6 - 2 melee (impact)
7 – 3 ranged (arcane) (magical)

Blade : -10% Pierce : 0% Impact : 0% Fire : +10% Cold : -10% Arcane : -30%

Casttle : 1-60 Cave : 1-60 Coastal Reef : / Deep water : / Flat : 1-60 Forest : 1-70
Frozen : 2-40 Hills : 1-60 Mountains : 2-60 Mushroom Grove : 2-70 Sand : 2-50
Shallow Water : / Swamps :3-20 Unwalkable : 0 Village : 1-70

Level 1 : Felenian Shadow
Cost: 17
HP: 30
MP: 6
XP: 50
5 - 3 melee (blade) (firststrike)
4 – 2 ranged (blade) (magical)

Level 2 : Felenian Killer
Cost: 36
HP: 40
MP: 6
XP: 100
7 - 3 melee (blade) (firststrike)
8 – 2 ranged (blade) (magical)

Blade : -10% Pierce : 0% Impact : 0% Fire : -10% Cold : -10% Arcane : -30%

Casttle : 1-60 Cave : 1-60 Coastal Reef : / Deep water : / Flat : 1-60 Forest : 1-70
Frozen : 2-40 Hills : 1-60 Mountains : 2-60 Mushroom Grove : 2-70 Sand : 2-50
Shallow Water : / Swamps :3-20 Unwalkable : 0 Village : 1-70

Level 1 : Felenian Lion Fighter
Cost: 18
HP: 36
MP: 5
XP: 50
8 - 2 melee (blade)
5 – 1 ranged (impact) (slows)

Level 2 : Felenian Leader
Cost: 34
HP: 50
MP :5
XP: 90
10 - 2 melee (blade)
8 – 1 ranged (impact) (slows)

Blade : -20% Pierce : 0% Impact : 0% Fire : +10% Cold : -10% Arcane : 0%

Casttle : 1-60 Cave : 1-60 Coastal Reef : / Deep water : / Flat : 1-50 Forest : 2-60
Frozen : 2-40 Hills : 1-60 Mountains : 2-60 Mushroom Grove : 2-60 Sand : 2-50
Shallow Water : / Swamps :3-20 Unwalkable : 0 Village : 1-70

Level 1 : Felenian Tiger Fighter
Cost: 18
HP: 38
MP: 6
XP: 60
8 - 3 melee (blade)

Level 2 : Felenian Tiger Fury
Cost: 38
HP: 55
MP :6
XP: 100
10 - 3 melee (blade) (Berserk)

Blade : -10% Pierce : 0% Impact : 0% Fire : +10% Cold : -10% Arcane : 0%

Casttle : 1-60 Cave : 1-60 Coastal Reef : 3-0 Deep water : / Flat : 1-60 Forest : 1-70
Frozen : 2-40 Hills : 1-60 Mountains : 2-60 Mushroom Grove : 2-70 Sand : 2-50
Shallow Water : 4-0 Swamps :3-20 Unwalkable : 0 Village : 1-70

Level 1 : Felenian Tiger Rider
Cost: 22
HP: 42
MP: 8
XP: 50
9 – 3 melee (blade) (charge)
8 - 3 melee (blade)
6 – 4 melee (blade)

Level 2 : Felenian Tiger Out Rider
Cost: 45
HP: 65
MP : 8
XP: 100
12 – 3 melee (blade) (charge)
10 - 3 melee (blade)
6 – 5 melee (blade)

Blade : -10% Pierce : 0% Impact : 0% Fire : +10% Cold : -10% Arcane : 0%

Casttle : 1-60 Cave : 1-60 Coastal Reef : 3- 0 Deep water : / Flat : 1-60 Forest : 1-70
Frozen : 2-40 Hills : 1-50 Mountains : 2-60 Mushroom Grove : 2-70 Sand : 2-50
Shallow Water : 4-0 Swamps :3-20 Unwalkable : 0 Village : 1-70
Last edited by Vincentus on August 27th, 2015, 9:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Dugi »

Your sprites are decent, big bonus for having them animated. The description is quite interesting, though I am not sure how many people were capable to read it. Do you want me to translate it?

The units are a bit confusing because it's in French in the post above and in English in the post below, it's not obvious what is what. I am not an expert on balance, but I think that petrify is overpowered. A side note, I have never seen the word Felenian (neither has my spell checker software), you ought better name them Feline (which is an adjective) or don't give the race name at the start of unit names, lions and tigers are obviously feline (Feline Shaman is okay, of course).
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

Thank a lot for yours advices.
I will work on it.
(the tiger head base is on the work of another player, like other head and body found on this forum since one or two month, you can found it by Google pictures. I prefere the term of Feline, it's more class, in french again more : Féliné).
And yes you can translate all you want !
And every one who want to work on this faction to !
(I am on the top of my capacities with the pixel work. I prefere write).

I have done some modifications. The last version in date is the good (here in english).
This is the new version of sprites with the level 2 of Tiger (i wish found a new corpse) and the cheetah niv 1 and some modifications. For the last version of units description, last post, i have give more number, and i think is more balanced. In the beginning of this topic, it was just an orientation. I haven't think about cost or resistance for exemple, but now it's done.
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

Notes :
All feline have bonus of resistance against blade and cold, through their fur and leather.
All feline have malus of resistance against fire, through their fur and their fear of fire.
All feline have bonus of resistance against arcane with the proximity with magie they have, lion have less and black panther have more.
All feline can't go in the water except swamp, and except Tigers who can go in Coastal Reef and Shallow water.
All feline have 6 MP except lion who have 5 MP (armor).
All Feline have bonus in forest and other terrain because it's the feline, agile and quick players hunters.
All Feline don't wear medium or heavy armor except lion.

They don't have a lot of attack but they hit a good average. They have a good average in HP.
They move quickly and i think they are weak in resistance.
They are moderately strong and should soon wear into battle.

Now, in the 7 (with Geant Tiger solo, 8 ), there is only 1 unit whitout ranged attack (in my surprise !), and only one unit whitout special trait... Hmmm, may be less ?
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Dugi »

The translation (it might need a few corrections because in some cases, I could not understand what you meant):

The feline people are a group of various species of bipedal humanoid cats. If we compared them to humans, they would be taller and more muscular. They are good at marching, can run faster than most races, speak an articulated language and possess a suspicious intelligence and an animistic spirituality that defines most aspects of their life.

They come from vast eastern planes that are reputable for their severe continental climate. The life expectancy of felines does not depend much on species. It is somewhere between 40 and 50 years and only rarely they live to their sixties. A feline is adult at 10 years, old at 40 years and a respected elder at 50 years of age. There are 5 species of felines that can be ordered by size to tigers, lions, black panthers and cheetahs.

The basic society of felines depends on clan, grouping members of the same species and bloodline. A clan has usually slightly less than a hundred members. Most of the clans stay at the same place and fiercely defend their territory.
Much less often, the groups contain more species and can have several thousands of members. In that case, they are called packs. All packs are bound to one territory that they will defend until they die. Because they are all carnivores, they have a sacred wow never to hurt the soil with agriculture and scorn anyone who disturbs it. These violators are often hunted as ceremonial prey.

In a clan, not all functions are taken by members (like priest), that makes the clans specialised and dependent on other clans.
In a pack, the professions are divided to fit the species. The positions of healers and priests are occupied by black panthers, the function of hunters by cheetahs, the fanctions of shock troopers by tigers and lions are chieftains. The position of chieftains is often argued, contested and challenged between lions and tigers. These two species have never found an agreement on this and it has already become a tradition. Bad tongues tell that lions are not as good warriors as tigers and they don't have a better role to take, others tell that tigers like strife.

Tactically, the felines are characterised by a dislike for armour and value courage and fury. Only lions don't mind wearing heavy armour. Tigers want to be the ideal of feline warrior and wear just several pieces of armour and black panthers fight without any protection. Most of prefer to keep their freedom of movement so that they could preserve their dexterity, their main method of defence in combat. Their second and main taboo pertains their animality. As they highly revere their martial fury, they do not want to give up what makes them beastly. The mastery of retractile claws is the most basic skill of their education just like walking, they develop it until it's driven purely by reflexes. In the case tigers and black panthers, it is even a sport, but it often becomes dangerous. That's why they don't make duels in claw fighting. However, for black panthers, fight to death is a celebration of life, they consider it a mystical rite and demonstration of their animality.
In ranged combat, their strategy is based on their mobility and keen sense. Usually a small party of their army is hidden so that the main part of their warband faces the enemy. The cheetahs stalk the archers through tall grass, black panthers are hidden among the lions, the tiger cavalry protects the flanks and the lion warriors are in the front line, supported by black panther priests that form a visible line. In the case of ambushes, the black panthers are hidden behind the tigers catch up when the combat starts or encircle the enemy.

A tip: Don't use MS Paint, it sucks and does not support transparency. Use something that does support transparency, like GIMP.
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

Whaou ! Good job !
I have found some sentences with some little errors, but everything is there. Excellent !
I will look over it Sunday just for 2-3 things no more.
I'lll never do better.
Merci beaucoup pour ce bon travail de traduction cher ami.
GIMP, yes, GIMP...
There is few year i have try it, but i haven't understand all, how really use it.
I will try another time soon but i'm not a digital engineering...
Thank's a lot again !
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Yomar »

Cool race, I liked a canine race add-on that I found time ago, but missed a decent feline one, so good job. oh and thanks Dugi for the translation, because my French knowledge is far from perfection.
And one of the best thing, is that they are even animated !
Beheld the origins of BFW.
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

I try to do the translate with Google and your version :
In french, feline = "félin", i name the race of humanoïd feline in french : "féliné" for have a différence in the name (félin / féliné). We should find a version in English (feline / felin- ers ? -noïd ? Other ?).

The "feline" (or other name) people are a group of various species of bipedal humanoid feline. If we compared them to humans, they are taller and more muscular. "Feline" mastered walking, surpass many other races in the race, use a spoken language even if they are used sparingly, show a formidable intellect and an animistic spirituality governing all aspects of their lives.

They come from the Great Plains is the harsh continental climate. Life expectancy "feline" varies very slightly between species. It oscillates between 40-50 years and few “felines” that exceed sixty. A “felines” is an adult at 10 years old to 40 years old, a venerable 50 years. There are 5 species of “felines” that are in order of corpulence tigers, lions, leopards and black panthers and finally the cheetahs.

The basic organization of feline life is the clan, grouping members of the same species and the same lineage usually not exceeding rarely a hundred members. Most clans are sedentary and fiercely defend their territory.

Much rarer, clusters with several species of "feline" are appointed packs and can be up to a few thousand members. All packs are traveling in a specific territory that they will defend to the death. Indeed, remaining carnivores and refraining from hurting the earth by agriculture and breeding contempt which would lower the non hunters, it is imperative for them to have large areas for game. This territory like game their lives who are vital.

In a clan, all functions can not be occupied by all its members (eg priest), making it very specialized and interdependent clans enough of the other clans.

In a pack, the functions are divided between species. Thus the priest or healer function is occupied by the Black Panthers, the chaser function by cheetahs, shock warrior function by tigers and the lions by the chief. This function is discussed regularly, rallied, mocked, claimed, rejected, etc ... between lions and tigers. The latter two species that have so far never clearly managed to agree about that this has become a traditional divisive subject. Cynics argue that the lions are not as good warriors as tigers, there remains only their coaching to assume, until a tiger was no longer any enemies to tear add even more gossips ...

Tactically, the "feline" are characterized by a dislike for armour and instead recognize the values of courage and fury in combat. Only lions do not hesitate to wear heavy armor. The tigers are meant to embody the ideal "feline" warrior wear just several pieces of armour while the black panthers mystical warriors go into battle without any protection. Most of (them ?) prefer to keep their freedom of movement, which allows them to maintain their agility, their main method of defence in combat. (racial trait: Dodge - create ???).

Their second and main taboo regarding their animality. Indeed, although the combat rage is one of their main military valor, they see the dishonor in behaviors they describe as cattle. Off, control their retractable claws is one of the most basic elementary lessons of their education as walking, much more difficult than walking because it is learning how to manage a reflex. The tiger and the black panthers them, admit the possibility of mobilizing their animal while the mastering and make it an honor (here, spelling mistake in the French version, sorry) even if the game is dangerous in case of overflow. Therefore, no "feline" will use its claws to fight outside black panthers. The Black Panthers saw battle to the death in the celebration of life, they consider him a mystic ritual and demonstrate their mastery of their animality.

In battle, their strategy is based on mobility and ambush watch. Usually a small part of their army is hidden while the main body made front against the enemy. The Cheetahs are scattered in skirmishing in the tall grass behind panthers increasingly tight rows are framed by lions, tiger ranks of cavalry on the flanks or in reserve, tigers are scattered warriors on the front lines and all are supported by priests black panthers, form the visible block. In ambush, the warrior black panthers are formidable on the rear and mounted tigers or not make it a challenge to reach the top, bypassing enemy ranks or not ...
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Dugi »

I think that felinoid could be a suitable name. It's a portmanteau[acronym=Yes, this in the English word for the French 'mot-valise']?[/acronym] between feline and humanoid and other suggestions are worse.

I suggest you not to use Google Translate when human-made translation fails. I could not understand a few sentences in French, but Google Translate did not do any better. It gave a literal translation of the words which is of no use here, I could look up what these words mean, but I could not understand their combination. If something that was hard to understand in French is written in (possibly unfit) English words, it's even worse.

These parts:
1. there remains only their [acronym=training?]coaching[/acronym] to assume, until a tiger was no longer any enemies to tear add even more gossips ...
2. while the mastering and make it an honor even if the [acronym=game means hunt or play?]game[/acronym] is dangerous in case of [acronym=over abundance? fury gone too far?]overflow[/acronym].
3. In ambush, the warrior black panthers are formidable on the rear and mounted tigers or not make it a challenge to reach the top, bypassing enemy ranks or not ...
Are syntactically incorrect to the level where they are not understandable. There are more errors, but the meaning can be understood. If you could explain me what do these sentences mean, we might work out a proper translation out of it.
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Vincentus »

I'm understand. I'll make more short sentences.
These are style phrases. They are expected to bring a little humor. They are not important in the end.
Is it better ?

"Cynics argue that the lions are not as good warriors as tigers, there remains only their coaching to assume, until a tiger was no longer any enemies to tear add even more gossips ..."
Cynics argue that the lions are not as good warriors as tigers. It remains that their coaching to be helpful. Until there is no more enemies to kill as to occupy the tigers, add even more gossips.

"The tiger and the black panthers them, admit the possibility of mobilizing their animal while the mastering and make it an honor (here, spelling mistake in the French version, sorry) even if the game is dangerous in case of overflow."
The tiger and the black panthers them, admit the possibility of mobilizing their animality in the control.They even make an honor even if the exercise is dangerous in case of animal frenzy out of control.

"In ambush, the warrior black panthers are formidable on the rear and mounted tigers or not make it a challenge to reach the top, bypassing enemy ranks or not ..."
In ambush, panthers are formidable warriors on the rear of the enemy troops. Tigers mounted warriors such as tigers walk call themselves challenges to join the black panther warriors, bypassing enemy ranks or not...
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Re: Felinians - Come back

Post by Dugi »

I still can't understand it. Some meaning seems to be list in the translation, there are some unreadable syntactic errors and nonsensical sentences. Can you please write these shortened sentences in French?

Please stay off Google Translate, it's good only if there are no other options or you just want to skim it to get a rough meaning. Despite all the nowadays technology, automated translation is not sufficient if the sentences are not very simple. A lot of research is done regarding algorithms to parse the text into relations between words and reconstructing the sentences back in a different language, but it's a hard task.
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